June 7th 2017

This meeting was held at the Recovery Sports Grill in Verona, NY. The meeting commenced at 7:15 pm. Attending members of the executive committee included Jonathan Small (Director), Brittany Simpson (Co-Chair), Maureen Mancuso (Co-Chair), Amy DeBlois (Vice Chair), David Hawley (Corresponding Secretary), Jen Collis (Recording Secretary), Ken Stack (Treasurer), Kevin Neville (outgoing Nominating Committee member), Shelly Nunno-Evans (Nominating Committee), Staci Dudden (nominating committee), and Michelle Cooney (incoming Nominating Committee member).

·  New/outgoing officers

o  Kevin Neville – finishes term in nominating committee

o  Michelle Cooney – new nominating committee officer

·  Updates

o  Spring Board Meeting updates from Jon

§  Working on changing current direct access laws

·  Would like to change 10 visit/30 day limit

·  Reduce 3 year clinician experience policy to 1 year

§  Changes in format of lobby day

·  Not to have a specific designated day but to get in front of legislators all year round

·  Also trying to “profile” legislators to see what their ties to PT are.

§  Re-established Student Special Interest Group (SIG)

·  Unknown that there was a Facebook group with the NYPTA logo on it.

·  Facebook group made invite only

o  District Chairs’ Meeting

§  Membership

·  Idea of student liaison to the district

·  Have a student who is a liaison for 3 years, be able to communicate with all students but then would ideally stay in the area upon graduation

·  Last one known was Alison Poetzch, not sure if there is one now

·  Maybe use SIG as vehicle to go through to identify a student

§  CEU Approval process problems

·  CEU approvals have been quicker

·  Many districts are paying speakers

·  Presenters who present earn more CEU’s than those given out to attendees, as there is lots of work involved in being a presenter as they have to submit course learning objectives.

o  This would be a good way to market the perks of being a speaker

·  All in agreement to keep our speakers on a volunteer basis

§  Release of liability for lab courses

·  NYPTA looking into developing release of liability forms for hands on labs

·  This came up because of a vestibular course in a different district

§  Join Me versus other free options

·  Chapter has free options, but may need to coordinate with Gloria or Kelly

·  May be easier to keep JoinMe.

·  Ken suggested coordinating with other districts and sharing cost of JoinMe ($250) with other districts and to network.

o  Maureen will ask if others are interested

o  2017 Delegate Assembly

§  Jim Smith elected to NYPTA Nominating Committee

§  Adam Rufa, Mike Tisbe selected for 2018 HOD

·  Jim Smith alternate

·  Need another alternate, Dave will send out another e-mail

·  Bylaws and Policies/Procedures

o  Amendments – is there someone in the chapter who could be looking at them to edit?

o  Filling positions in the middle of a term

§  This should be updated, as it has been 6 years since they have been updated.

§  Maureen will update and send it out to all district members for a period of comments, also look into what needs to be done on a chapter level here

§  Kevin suggests going to the chapter bylaws to check

o  Paying for courses

§  Dave suggests looking into getting a Square, people at home could input their information versus sending in checks.

§  Should ask NYPTA if there are better ways to collect money, as they are willing to help with registration

o  Elections/transition of new officers

§  Many districts change over at the end of delegate assembly (May 1st)

§  Need to change what we do as it is very antiquated

·  2018 HOD Designated Delegate

o  Due June 30th, with 2 alternates

·  Yoga Course

o  Ken’s update: Cross Country education does not exist anymore, BYNE education took the company over.

§  Ken has checked out other vendors but need to go through NYPTA list of approved vendors

·  Approved vendors on the office of the professions website

§  Upstate is one of these approved vendors and was willing to host Yoga course

§  Course likely not a reality for September, but we should still move forward with it as the district members have mentioned wanting a Yoga course

§  Ken/Jon suggest making a subcommittee for Yoga course

·  Ken, Jon and Brittany will work on the yoga course as a subcommittee

·  2 week deadline for this (end of June)

·  Next year schedule

o  Topics and Possible Presenters

§  Pediatrics

·  Reach out to Melissa Murphy for pediatrics and acute care

·  Kevin’s wife involved in Adaptive Design Association

o  involves family in completing low cost equipment for children who need it

·  Erin Wentz, new Upstate pediatrics professor willing to speak on tummy time

§  Women’s health/refugee women’s health

§  Spinal Cord Injury

§  Concussion

§  Jon – Spine? In 2018

§  Feldenkrais – Jan Coy?

§  Kevin - new CPG (developed by PT’s and published in PTJ) for DVT and PE (potential for March 2018)

§  Kyle Adams – wanted to do pain, but maybe something else as pain was recently a topic

§  Dave send out another e-mail asking for volunteers to present or topics

§  Ken brought up having a membership meeting regarding direct access

o  Locations

§  Ask presenters where they would like to present

·  Membership Liaison

o  Staci has been keeping up with new members, wondering if she should be forwarding e-mails on

o  Maureen reports contact info is automatically added on to district e-mail list.

·  Date for next meeting

o  Look into presenters, and communicate via e-mail

Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Jennifer Collis, PT, DPT

NYPTA Central District Recording Secretary