New York - New Jersey Trail Conference10/14/2018






The [LAND OWNER/MANAGER] is [what kind of entity]

The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference (Trail Conference) is a not-for-profit membership association engaged in the protection and maintenance of publicly accessible and authorized trails in the New York-New Jersey area.


The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to further the planning, development, maintenance and protection of the trails within the lands owned and/or managed by the [LAND OWNER/MANAGER] with assistance from volunteers organized by the Trail Conference.

This Memorandum of Understanding applies to [specify the parks, lands and/or the trails or trail systems.]


Since its founding in 1920, Trail Conference volunteers have built, and currently maintain, over 1,700 miles of publicly accessible and authorized trails in the New York-New Jersey area.

The Trail Conference has developed a Trail Management Guide and a Trail Maintenance Manual, which contains its standards and procedures for building and maintaining hiking trails. Upon request, the Trail Conference will provide a copy of these documents to the [LAND OWNER/MANAGER].

The Trail Conference recruits, trains and deploys volunteers to plan, build and maintain hiking trails. In addition to basic training in trail maintenance, safety, use of hand tools and reporting procedures, the Trail Conference offers advanced training in trail design and construction, chainsaw safety and use, mapping and environmental monitoring.

Upon request, the Trail Conference will provide a list of individual and organizational Maintainers and their assignments.

Trail Conference volunteers primarily maintain trails that are open to foot travel only. Mountain bikes, equestrians and motorized (non-official) vehicles are prohibited on the trails that are covered by this Memorandum of Understanding unless specifically authorized as follows: […]

Trail Conference volunteers provide the tools they need for routine trail maintenance. Regular volunteers do not use power tools, such as chain saws or drills. However, certain Trail Conference volunteers, who are trained in the safe use of chain saws and other power tools, may use them when they are required and approved by the [LAND OWNER/MANAGER].

The Trail Conference has general liability insurance coverage for volunteers who may be sued in the course of performing their assigned tasks on behalf of the [LAND OWNER/MANAGER] and can procure supplemental accident coverage for volunteers who are not otherwise covered for injuries.

Ordinary Trail Maintenance:

Maintainers visit and report on their assigned trail segment at least twice a year (Spring and Fall) and more frequently when conditions require. At these times the Maintainers:

  1. Blaze the trails and rebuild cairns.
  2. Clip and trim brush to keep the trail open and passable
  3. Clean water bars and their outflow channels to control erosion
  4. Remove fallen trees and limbs, except when too large to handle with hand tools.
  5. Remove litter and graffiti (if possible).

All Maintainers submit biannual reports to their Supervisor within the Trail Conference. Maintainers normally work independently and schedule their work trips at their own convenience. However, upon request, Maintainers can provide notice to the [LAND OWNER/MANAGER] of their planned work trips.

Trail Maintainers report trail conditions and problems to their Trail Conference Supervisors who regularly communicate with their regional trail committee Chair. The committee Chair or Supervisor reports to the [LAND OWNER/MANAGER] on conditions and problems that have been reported.

In accordance with the Trail Management Guide and unless otherwise specified by the LANDOWNER/MANAGER, Trail Conference Maintainers, Supervisors, and Chairs may handle trail relocations and improvements with or without prior approval of the [LAND OWNER/MANAGER] depending on the magnitude and urgency of the relocation. Regardless of the need for prior consultation, all trail relocations and improvements are included in biannual reports.

Major Projects or Constructions:

Poor design, environmental impacts, severe weather, overuse, motorized vehicles, and other factors sometimes produce conditions that require major projects to restore or relocate trails. Such major projects require the advance approval of the [LAND OWNER/MANAGER] and are performed and scheduled by the Trail Conference Trail Chair subject to availability of materials and labor.

Responsibilities of the [LAND OWNER/MANAGER]

It is the responsibility of the [LAND OWNER/MANAGER] to obtain any licenses, permits and approvals for the construction of any improvements to the land, such as trails, bridges, lean-tos, privies, retaining walls, buildings of any kind, kiosks or signs. Where engineering plans, designs or surveys are required; the [landowner/manager] shall obtain the required plans and permits.

The [LAND OWNER/MANAGER] is responsible for the conduct of environmental impact surveys and the filings of any applications, forms or reports that may be required by any level of government or by a granting or regulatory agency.

The [LAND OWNER/MANAGER] is responsible for providing materials for the construction of bridges or other structures along the trails and arranging transportation of such materials to the site.

The [LAND OWNER/MANAGER] is responsible for the stewardship of the land and its trails including the enforcement of rules that govern the use of the trails by the public.

Modification or Termination

The parties may modify this Memorandum of Understanding in a writing signed by both parties. Either party may withdraw from the relationship described above upon 90 days written notice to the other party.


Approved by


[TITLE]Executive director

[LAND OWNER/MANAGER]New York-New Jersey Trail Conference

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