NEW Student Enrollment Application
2012 – 2013 School Year
Campus II
Grades K – 12
202 Horizon Drive
Forest, VA 24551
Fax: 434-239-3319
Mr. Charles Williams
Interim Administrator/Secondary Principal
Mr. Brian D. Johnson
International Student Coordinator
Mrs. Rebecca S. Bowman
K-8 Principal
A Solid Foundation – Academically and Spiritually
1. We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritativeWord of God. (II Peter 1:19-21 and II Timothy 3:16)
2. We believe there is only one God who is eternally existent in three persons. Those three persons are: God the Father, God the Son, and God the HolySpirit. (Genesis 1:1, John 9:35, 10:30, and 14:16-26)
3. We believe in the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, He is God the Son. We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious andatoning death through His shed blood; and His personal, bodily return inpower and great glory. (Matthew 1:18, John 1:4, Acts 1:11, and I Thessalonians 4:16-17)
4. We believe that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential for the salvation of lost and sinful men. (John 4:14 and II Thessalonians 2:13-14)
5. We believe in the resurrection of the saved unto life and the resurrection of the lost unto damnation. (Mark 16:16 and John 5:29)
6. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 12:16, 15:6, II Corinthians 13:11, and Ephesians 4:3)
7. We believe the indwelling of the Holy Spirit enables the Christian to live a godly life. (John 6:37-40, 10:27-30, I Corinthians 1:4-8, and I Peter 1:5)
Timberlake Christian Schools admits students of any race, color, or national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of the Schools. The Schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of their educational, personnel, hiring, or admissions policies, or their scholarship, loan, or other school-administered programs.
As a Bible-believing institution, this policy of non-discrimination does not extend to areas of religious conviction, beliefs, or moral life style contrary to Scripture (Romans 1:21-27 and I Corinthians 6:9-20).
Enrollment Process for NEW K-12 Students
1. Submit completed application forms, including signed Statement of Cooperation and Financial Agreement, along with the non-refundable Application and Registration Fee. Applications cannot be processed without these fees. Please complete both sides of the application sheets.
2. Submit the accompanying items as soon as possible, but no later than July 1, 2012 to reserve a place for your child:
· Certified copy of birth certificate as recorded in the State’s Bureau of Vital Statistics.
· Students entering Kindergarten through 5th grade must submit a completed medical form (signed by physician) showing that the student has had a physical within the last 12months.
· All students must submit documentary proof of immunizations.
Please note that all rising Kindergarten and 6th grade students are due for booster dose.
· Latest report card (grades 1-12) from previous school(s).
· Applicant evaluation (grades K-8 only – may NOT be completed by a relative).
· Signed Parent-Student Handbook Agreement
· Completed Emergency Contact Form
· Completed Pastoral Recommendation Form (grades 6-12 only)
3. Set up interview date after submitting the completed application. Please contact the school office to secure a date and time. This interview involves the parents and student in order to discuss enrollment and answer questions. Final decision for acceptance is made following the interview and testing. A student may be placed on academic probation until transcripts are received. If applying for Kindergarten, student must be age five by September 30th.
4. Set up testing date, if necessary. A nationwide standardized achievement test may be given to all new students in grades K-12 to determine how each student is performing academically in comparison with the grade level he or she is to enter. This testing may be waived if the student has completed a similar test during the past school year.
5. Students for whom English is not their first language must interview with the principal, before their application can be processed, to ensure that they have the necessary skills to succeed in our program. International students should use the International Student Enrollment packet.
Students who have been away from TCS for a semester or more must reapply.
Tuition and Fees 2012-13
New Student Application Fee K-12th $30.00
Registration Fee for K-12th $100.00 if paid on or before April 16, 2012
$150.00 if paid after April 16, 2012
Application & Registration fees are paid at the time of enrollment and are non-refundable.
Tuition Schedule
Grade / 9 monthly payments*(Aug. 15th – April 15th) / 11 monthly payments*
(June 15th – April 15th)
Half-day Kindergarten / $358 / $292.90
Full-day Kindergarten / $478 / $391.09
1st – 5th / $478 / $391.09
6th – 8th / $540 / $441.81
9th – 12th / $596 / $487.63
AM or PM care / $100 / $81.81
AM and PM care / $148 / $121.09
*All monthly tuition payments must be paid using FACTS (automatic payment plan).
· ONE PAYMENT – Families who choose to pay their grade K-12 tuition in full by August 15, 2012 will receive a 5% discount off their total tuition. Preschool tuition is not eligible for this discount.
· MULTI-STUDENT – Families with more than one full day student are eligible to receive a $306 discount off the total tuition for their second and subsequent children. The oldest child pays full price.
· TBC MEMBER - TCS offers a discount to TBC Members. Please visit the school website,, for more details.
Extended Care Information:
· The fee for extended care includes all 180 regularly scheduled school days (including half-days).
· Some school holidays are not included in the yearly rate (e.g. Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Thanksgiving Friday, etc.). Care will be available on specified days for students already enrolled in the extended care program at the rate of $5.00/hour/family. TCS will provide a list of dates at the beginning of the school year showing days when no extended care will be provided.
· If Campus II is closed due to inclement weather, there will be no extended care offered due to dangerous road conditions around the school.
Parents: please initial beside each item and sign at the bottom.
___ I pledge my loyalty to the aims and ideals of the school and following Biblical principles
I will bring any questions and criticisms directly to the proper school authority.
___ Understanding that fees do not cover the actual cost of educating my children, I recognize that my participation is needed in prayer and support.
___ In case of accident or serious illness I request the schools to contact me and I agree to pick up my child within a reasonable amount of time. If unable to reach me, I hereby authorize the school to call my physician and to follow his instructions. If it is impossible to contact the physician, the school may make whatever arrangements necessary for the benefit of my child.
___ I understand that my child will be expected to participate in field trips and other school-sponsored activities.
___ I understand that if I pick up my child after 5:45 pm, I will incur a $10.00 fee for every half hour, or portion of a half hour, that I am late. This service is for emergency use only.
___ I understand that the School reserves the right to dismiss my child if he or she does not cooperate with the educational process. If my child is dismissed for any reason, I will be responsible for the tuition through the final month of attendance.
___ Since tuition is a yearly fee broken into monthly payments, I understand that if I withdraw my child from school during the school year, I am liable for the remainder of the tuition due and payable during the school year. I understand that all money owed to the school must be paid before diplomas, report cards, medical information, or transcrips can be released.
___ I understand that there is no refund for days not attended, due to the fact that there are still costs that are incurred regardless of whether or not my child is here.
Statement must be signed by BOTH parents (if child resides with both) or legal guardian.
Father’s Signature: Date
Mother’s Signature: Date
Legal Guardian: Date
Student History and Previous School Experiences:
Has student ever failed a grade? No q Yes q Which Grade(s) ______
List previous schools or child care providers attended
Has child been suspended, dismissed or involuntarily withdrawn at any school?
No q Yes q If answer is “Yes”, please explain.
Does student have any chronic physical, emotional or learning problems which might affect his/her activities and progress in the school program? No q Yes q If “Yes”, please explain:
FAMILY Financial Agreement for 2012 – 2013
Student’s Name(s) ______Grade(s) ______Date______
We, the parents or guardian, agree to enroll the above named student for the school year 2012 – 2013, agree to pay to Timberlake Christian Schools the following tuition/extended care fee of:
$______(pay in full) OR $______(per month)
We understand that all tuition/fees must be paid by one of the following options (check one):
□ Pay 100% of tuition/fees by check to TCS or via FACTS by 8/15/12
□ Make 9 monthly installments (starting 8/15/12) via FACTS
□ Make 11 monthly installments (starting 6/15/12) via FACTS
□ Make 18 BI-MONTHLY installments on 15th AND the last business day of the month (starting August 2012) via FACTS
FACTS is an automated payment system that will be processing all monthly tuition payments for TCS for the 2012-2013 school year, via an automatic draft from a checking, savings or credit card. We understand that there is a 2.5% convenience fee associated with the credit card option only.
· I / We promise to pay the above selected payment amount in its entirety to Timberlake Christian Schools.
· TCS is a non-profit ministry and your payment is used to help us continue to do our Lord’s work. These payments must be paid by the due date to keep the account in good standing.
· Any payments that cannot be processed by FACTS on the 15th of the month will be accessed a $25.00 late fee by TCS, in addition to the fees charged by FACTS and our bank.
· We understand that our student will be unable to start school unless we have paid our tuition in full or we have set up a monthly payment agreement with FACTS.
· We understand that TCS will no longer be accepting CASH payments for tuition and will no longer be processing credit cards for any payments in the school office.
· The student listed on the account that becomes past due by 30 days is subject to dismissal from Timberlake Christian Schools until the account is made current.
· All signed contracts with Timberlake Christian Schools are legal and binding through the dated period assigned to each.
· In the event contracted parties request early withdrawal of a student from the schools the full amount of the contract is due before we can release any student records.
· Early Contract Termination will be considered by the Executive Committee only by written request (stating detailed circumstances) before its monthly meeting. All payments or prepaid payments are due through the date of the Executive committee’s release of the contract.
· The Executive Committee has full authority over all contracts and withdrawal requests, and may or may not grant a request. In the event a request is granted a $50 fee will be assessed for each student contract, payable before the release of any student records. Should the Executive committee vote not to release the contract, the full amount of the contract must be paid per the contract agreement.
¾ *We understand that diplomas, report cards, medical information, or transcripts cannot be released if our account is past due.
· I have read and agree to the above financial agreement dated above.
· Signed by both parents (if child resides with both) or legal guardian.
Father’s Signature:______
Mother’s Signature:______
Legal Guardian______
*Parent/Guardian must initial next to this line
2012-2013 Parent – Student Handbook and
Acceptable Computer Use Agreement
We ask that all TCS parents sign and submit this agreement at the time of enrollment or re-enrollment.
Parental Agreement
I agree with and pledge to support the policies and procedures of Timberlake Christian Schools as outlined in the Parent - Student Handbook, including the TCS Acceptable Computer System Use Policy, as long as my child is enrolled at TCS. I understand that access to the computer system is intended for educational purposes and that Timberlake Christian Schools have taken precautions to eliminate inappropriate material. I also recognize, however, that it is impossible for the school to restrict access to all inappropriate material and I will not hold Timberlake Christian Schools responsible for information acquired on the computer system. I grant permission for my child to use the computer system and for Timberlake Christian Schools to monitor his/her use of the computer system.