Sunday Staff Orientation

All staff present


Introductions – Start with cooks and kitchen staff since they will need to leave by 11:15. Hand out packets during intros (or have them handed out before the meeting starts)

Program overview for the week

Speaker’s overview of chapel sessions (have speaker give a 2-3 minute overview)

Synchronize watches – have the staff set their watches to yours

Parking lot – all cars should be moved to the parking lot before lunch starts

Staff Manuals – make sure all new staff have one (make note of who you issue them to)

Snack Shack - how much ($10.00) and what for (consumable items only – no shirts, stamps, etc.)

Phone booth - key location (hanging up inside kitchen)

and times available (when campers are not around, e.g. rest hour or after camper lights out)

Laundry (Guys - odd. Girls - even.) be courteous

Schedules for everyone (especially out-of-cabin staff)

Nugget vs Boulder (2-3 minutes, guys sign up today)

Sunday responsibilities for out-of-cabin staff (tell them where you posted the list)

Dismiss out-of cabin staff

Counselors Only

Go over packets (overheads in this folder should be explained to the counselors)

Blockhead award (have them keep track of the camper in their cabin that says the most blocks during the week. The boy and girl camper that says the most will each be given the award (found in the computer under c:\Msoffice\Winword\Camp\Summer) at the banquet. Usually only done at Junior and sometimes Youth camp.)

Sunday responsibilities – one counselor should be in the library, and the other in the cabin, to greet campers and parents as they arrive. Send campers needing to take the swim test to the lake once they are settled in their cabins. Junior campers should wait for a runner to come and get them to walk them down to the test. Once all their campers are present the counselors can go to the gym with them (do not leave any in the cabin unattended).

Chain of command – Camper or program related problems go through the weekly director. Staff problems go through the AD.

Discipline (what is and isn’t allowed)

Nights out – One counselor per cabin may leave the cabin after camper lights out to fellowship with other staff members M-TH (maximum of 2 nights each per counselor). None on Sunday or Friday.

Never leave them unattended – At Junior camp, at least one counselor must be with the campers at all times. At Youth & Varsity one counselor per building will be assigned to be present & watch the cabins during Leader’s Prep, both Snack shacks, and Free time.

HRS reporting – The State of Florida requires even volunteers working with children to report cases of child abuse to HRS. Counselors should report all such cases to the AD (or WD if AD is absent).

Front line soldiers – Emphasize the importance of the role each counselor will play in seeing the Lord work in the lives of the campers this week. The rest of the staff is here to support them.

Questions – Answer any questions they may have before closing in prayer.

Prayer – Lunch / Brunch follows your meeting.