Mackey Park Tempe 11 – 13th September 2015

Three days have been set aside for this year’s NSW School Croquet Championship but this will be determined by the number of entries. The event has been brought forward to September because the inaugural Australian School Championships will be held at the end of November. During Term 4 coaching sessions will be available for those interested.

The Championships are open to any student attending school this year and I would urge all students to have a go. It is always a most enjoyable day for competitors and spectators alike. This competition is not limited to the schools whose students have lessons at various clubs but also to those club members whose children or grandchildren enjoy the occasional game. These children should not be left out so I urge you to enter them, so that they may also enjoy the camaraderie of the championships.

The Championships will be Golf Croquet and a round robin format used. Competition will be held for Primary and Secondary division if possible (once again depending on numbers).

The rules of Golf Croquet are on the ACA website and will be used for the Championships. . Referees will be present at each game.

Children will NOT be permitted to leave the venue during the day and will be supervised at all times. The children may be photographed and these photographs used for croquet reports. Parents, grandparents, friends and teachers will be most welcome.


Students will be expected to wear neat & appropriate sporting attire and MUST wear a hat and sunscreen for protection.


Tempe Station is on the Illawarra Line line and the croquet courts are just over the road


Players are advised to bring their own lunch and drink bottle. Tea and coffee are available for spectators. Orders can be taken for lunches. .

Entries should be sent to the address provided by Friday 14th August or emailed to me at

Croquet NSW Inc

Attention: Mrs J. McDonald

PO Box 5096

Marrickville NSW 1475

No Entry Fee Required.

Schools or individual students wanting coaching prior to the Championship should contact their local club or myself on 49300733 or ,au

Jacky McDonald

Director of Schools Croquet

Mackey Park Tempe 11 – 13th September 2015



______POST CODE: ______

PHONE: ______EMAIL: ______

Please enter me in the following division(s)

1.  Primary GC

2. Secondary GC

I hereby give my consent to my son/daughter ______

(Full Name)

to represent ______school in the Croquet School Championships

at the Tempe Lawns – CNSW Headquarters on 11th - 13th September 2015

Special needs of my child which you should be aware (eg. allergies, medication, etc)


To the best of my knowledge, he/she has no medical condition, disability or injury which puts him/her at risk in participating in the sport activity.

In the event of illness or injury, I authorise the seeking of such medical assistance on my behalf that my child may require.

Medicare No. ______(for use at medical centres, surgeries).

Contact Number: Work: ______Home: ______Other: ______

Signature of Parent/Caregiver: ______Date ______

SCHOOL: ______

ADDRESS: ______

______POST CODE: ______

______of Year _____ has permission to compete in

the NSW School Croquet Championships on 11th – 13TH September 2015

Signature: ______Print name: ______

Position: ______

School Stamp