Vision: Where the industry speaks with one voice for a single purpose – Companies adequately staffed with a diverse workforce with the right skills to safely keep the energy flowing

Mission: Build the alliances, processes and tools to develop tomorrow’s energy workforce.

Career AwarenessBuild awareness of the need for a diverse, skilled energy workforce

·  Arizona Sun Corridor Grant: Evaluate impact of Get Into Energy Career Pathways model on student persistence and completion of energy courses.

·  Implement national career awareness campaign for FIRST.

·  Develop web based diversity toolkit and templates for company implementation and expand alliances with organizations focused on desired demographics.

·  Implement Get Into Energy Registration site for all key demographics.

·  Complete pilot of Work Ready Bootcamp for Veterans and communicate results.

·  Build national awareness of the need for skilled energy technicians and engineers.

Workforce Development / EducationImplement short and long term education solutions to build a pipeline of skilled workers

·  Arizona Sun Corridor Grant: Document curriculum available for use by other institutions and make available through CEWD Curriculum website.

·  Increase use of Get Into Energy Math Workshop and resources.

·  Develop framework and curriculum for high school energy career academies and middle school curriculum.

·  Increase use of Energy Industry Fundamentals curriculum and credential, support approved providers and expand EIF Educator community of practice.

·  Increase Get Into Energy Career Pathways credentials commitment from member companies.

·  Document proven practices from National Energy Education Network and identify institutions and consortia for scaling practices.

Workforce PlanningIdentify critical workforce needs and measure the success of workforce development initiatives

·  Arizona Sun Corridor Grant: Document consortia process for balancing supply and demand and roll out system and tools to all CEWD members.

·  Implement 2015 Gaps in the Energy Workforce Survey and demand reports by state.

·  Implement tools for companies to assess and measure ROI and value of workforce development efforts.

·  Provide support for member implementation of Strategic Workforce Planning.

Member Value and Support – Support the needs of CEWD members

·  Arizona Sun Corridor Grant: Manage Learning Community for grant deliverables and best practices; create toolkits / templates for replication.

·  Implement Executive communication plan to include Business case, talking points and increasing executive sponsorship for state consortia

·  Support Implementation of New York Troops to Energy Jobs

·  Manage Troops to Energy Jobs Community of Practice

·  Implement regional support structure for State Energy Workforce Consortia.

·  Conduct Implementation workshops / webinars

·  Provide communication to members on best practices, trends and tools to support workforce development implementation efforts.

·  Conduct the 2014 Annual Summit, National Energy Education Network, sponsor regional forums and support state consortium implementation.

·  Create mutually beneficial alliances with organizations that support and advance Center initiatives.