Equality and Diversity Policy (Ratified - 27/09/09) ARR Allotments
Mission Statement
Armley Ridge Road Allotments Association is a community allotment site. We promote the benefits of Community gardening on an inclusive site.
Policy Statement
Armley Ridge Road Allotment site is committed to the principles of Equality and Diversity for everyone. We are opposed to any form of discrimination and will not discriminate on grounds of gender, marital status, ethnic origin, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, religious belief, social circumstances or age. Our aim is that we will be truly representative of all sections of society and each plot holder feels respected and able to give of their best. All plot holders will be expected to adhere to the principles of our policy as a condition of being a plot holder
Allotments Committee
Membership of the committee is open to anyone prepared to take on any designated task involving running the site. Support will be given to enable people with disabilities to be involved and take an active part in the committee. Members must adhere to set procedures regarding budgets and ethics. Officers of the committee are nominated and elected by vote of the committee at the AGM.
All committee members must support the principle of equality and diversity otherwise they will not be eligible to serve on the committee.
Accessibility of Services
We will hold meetings in venues that have optimum accessibility for all participants. We aim to ensure accessibility to the site for all.
Our Commitment
- To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all are recognised and valued
- Every plot holder is entitled to an environment that promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated
- Equality is good management practice in all settings.
- Breaches of our equality policy will be recorded and brought to the attention of the committee who will take action as appropriate.
- This policy is fully supported by the Armley Ridge Road Allotments Association Committee.
- The policy will be monitored and reviewed annually.
Responsibilities for implementing this policy
- It is the responsibility of everyone to promote Equality and Diversity throughout the site.
- It is the responsibility of all to address appropriately, any breaches of this policy.
- All plot holders will be issued with a copy of the policy and there will be opportunity for plot holder to review the policy.
Putting the policy into action
A policy by itself is not enough. It needs to be put into practice in a variety of ways, which can evolve as the needs of the group and its members change. For example such things as sensory impairment and access, physical barriers and solutions and discriminatory attitudes may need to be addressed. It should be stressed though that these are not the only examples.
We try to demonstrate our commitment to engage, wherever possible, with local community groups, for example we have links with local schools to promote gardening and healthy living to people who have various disabilities and helps them be part of their community.