Degree level - Master of Science
Training - day- time/internal
Language- Russian
Duration - 2 years full-time
Start date- august 29 (2011/2012 academic year)
Department Head Welcome
XXI century is the century of new materials development. Master’s degree programme is aimed at training specialists in the field of new materials design/construction for structural, instrumental, functional purposes as well as materials for electronics and medicine.
Choosing our programme you will get necessary knowledge and skills in developing surface strengthening and coatings technologies. You will master construction principles of new generation materials (nanostructural, intellectual, composite materials on ceramic, metal and polymer basis, thin films,etc.). The programme is intended for cooperation with leading Russian universities. There are opportunities of probationary periods for perspective students in leading universities of Europe, America, South Korea, China and others.
Specific characteristic of the programme is that it enables university graduates to work at enterprises of small business and medium-seized companies as well for big international companies. The programme implements science practical activity in the field of modern material science concerning definite branches of industrial material production and technologies, research methods, developments, application and diagnostics of new materials. Programme realization helps solve problems of economy real sector: training specialists in material science, development of nanomaterials and coatings of new generations, joint work with enterprises to introducenovel materials and technologies into industrial production.
According to“ The Programme of nanoindustry development in Russian Federation up to 2015” and “Activity strategy of State Corporation ROSSNANO” annual sales volume of Russian nanoindustry production must be 900bln.roubles by 2015. To achieve this goal The Conception of Academic Activity of State Corporation ROSSNANOTECH has been developed. Thus, Russian nanoindustry will demand about 100000 skilled specialists.
Prof. V. Panin
Head of Material Science in Mechanical Engineering Department
The programme is implemented by
–Material Science and Materials Technologies Department (founded in 1956) inthe Institute of High-Technology Physics (founded in 2010)
–Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies Department (founded in 2007) in theInstitute of High-Technology Physics (founded in 2010)
–Theoretical and Experimental PhysicsDepartment (founded in 1961) in Physical- TechnicalInstitute(founded in2010).
Unique Peculiarities:
Material Science has always been and still remains one of the most important branches of science development. Practically all fields of industry require fast progress of material science development. So specialists in this field are always demanded both at Russian and international labour markets. Bachelor training programme is aimed at meeting the requirements of Russian research and industrial organizations and companies as well as enterprises and plants in skilled employees to develop modern advanced science technologies and to put to practice new materials and coatings. The programme implies interaction and cooperation with leading universities of Europe to receive double education diploma.
For students training, laboratories and science database of the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science (Siberian Department of RussianAcademy of Sciences), where a TPU branch is organized, as well as science-education centre “Nanocentre” are widely used. Students, who choose the programme are enabled to handle up-to-date equipment which is installed in laboratories and enterprises in Russia and abroad.
Magistrate students take practice and carry out research work in the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Physics and Technological Institute, at industrial enterprises of Tomsk and other cities of Siberian region and abroad (Germany, Denmark, Czeck Republic, France, South Korea and others), thus training highly skilled specialists in the field of up-to date material science in accordance with XXI century requirements.
Department staff:
- Material Science and Materials Technologies Department: 1 academician (RussianAcademy of Sciences), 3 professors, 6 assistant professors, 2 assistants.
- Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies Department: 2 professors, 7 assistant professors.
- Theoretical and Experimental PhysicsDepartment: 3 professors, 2 assistant professors.
The programme fulfills four profiles of training:
1. Computer modelling of material production, reprocessing and treatment;
2. Material science, technologies of nanomaterials and coatings;
3. Articles production made from nanostructural materials;
4. New materials and technologies in medicine, medical equipment and dentistry.
Research Fields:
Material Science and Materials Technologies Department:
-Physical mesomechanics of surface strengthened materials;
-Development of physical and chemical bases for the formation of composite and functional materials made of superhighmolecular polythene modified with nanopowders and nanofibers;
-Modern technologies of surface strengthening and various coatings application, including nanostructural coatings.
-Nanocomposites on metal, polymer, ceramic base.
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies Department:
-Development of articles and goods made of functional and composite nanoceramics;
-Development of optically transparent nanoceramics for laser technology, scintillators and other applications;
-Technology development of bulk nanomaterial production using the technique of nanopowders dry compactness;
-Physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials in biological media;
-Technique development for nanomaterials diagnostics.
Theoretical and Experimental Physics Department:
- Multicomponent biocomposite medical materials and articles for regenerative medicine;
- Scientific bases development and creation of blood clot-resistant and antiproliferative stent coatings used in cardiology surgery;
- Research of electromagnetic processes when high energy particles interact with a substance.
Strategic partners of the departments in Russia and abroad:
- Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science (Siberian Department of RussianAcademy of Sciences) (Tomsk);
- Russian material science centre;
- BangkokTechnicalUniversity(Thailand);
- Holding Company” Novosibirsk Electrovacuum plant” (Novosibirsk);
- Fraugofer Ceramics Institute (Germany);
- KasselUniversity (Germany);
- FourierUniversity (France);
- OrleanUniversity (France);
- SiberianState medical university (Tomsk);
- NovokuznetskState institute of medical proficiency improvement, department of jaw-face surgery (Novokuznetsk);
- Siberian Medical Equipment Research and TestCenter (Novosibirsk);
- Siberian Petrochemical Complex, metal science laboratory (Seversk, Tomsk region);
- Laboratory of semiconductors and structures ellipsometry (Novosibirsk);
- Company “Angioline” (Novosibirsk);
- Inorganic chemistry institute of Duisburg-Essen university (Essen, Germany).
The program is aimed at acquiring competences in the following spheres:
1.Research and innovative activity in the field of research, production of up-to-date materials with preset technological and functional properties including composites, nanomaterials and materials for medical purposes;
2.Production and design technology activity in the field of high technological processes of producing up-to-date materials including composites, nanomaterials and materials for medical purposes;
3.Organization and management activity, concerning development of new generation materials and their production technology.
Graduates perspectives
The programme is aimed at training specialists providing innovative development and modernization of perspective fields.
Activity spheres and organizations types:
-machine-building companies;
-project and design organizations;
-nuclear centers;
-aerospace complex enterprises;
-science and science-production organizations;
-institutes ofRussianAcademy of Sciences;
-higher schools.
Jobs and positions:
-researcher in the field of new materials development;
- technologist/process engineer in producing articles from preset properties materials;
-specialist in soft-ware development of new materials and their production technology;
-specialist in diagnostics of loaded constructions, equipment and machine details;
-researcher in the field of new materials development.
- specialist in the development of new materials and technologies in medicine, medical equipment and dentistry;
- research supervisor, production manager.
Russian and foreign companies to work for:
- Tomsk special economic zone of implemented technology type(Tomsk);
- Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science (Siberian Department of RussianAcademy of Sciences) (Tomsk);
- Sibelectromotor Plant (Tomsk);
- Tomsk Electromechanical Plant (Tomsk);
- Saratov Federal Nuclear Center (Saratov);
- Snezhensk Federal Nuclear Center (Snezhensk);
- “ZiO-Podolsk” Company (Podolsk);
- “MiG” Company (Lukhovitsy, Moscow Region);
- “Informational Satellite Systems named after academician M. F. Reshetnev” Company(Zheleznogorsk);
- Schlumberger Companies;
- Holding Company Novosibirsk Electrovacuum plant (Novosibirsk);
- Siberian Petrochemical Complex, material science laboratory (Seversk, Tomsk region);
- Company “Angioline” (Novosibirsk)
Further education perspectives:
-Post-graduate course, pre-doctoral studentship.
Entry Requirements
Admission Notification and Date: according to the Admission rules of TomskPolytechnicUniversity.
Previous education(documents, field):according to the Admission rules of TomskPolytechnicUniversity.
Entrance exams:according to the Admission rules of TomskPolytechnicUniversity.
Tuition fee(per academic year):---- roubles.
Contact information:
Address for correspondence:
634050, Tomsk, Lenin avenue,30, off. 128 CSK TPU
Address of the Department:
Material Science in Mechanical Engineering:
Usov st.7, building 8,off.143
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies Department:
Lenin av. 2a, building 15, off. 207/210
Theoretical and Experimental Physics Department
Lenin av. 43, building 3, off. 115
Programme coordinator: Ovechkin Boris Borisovich, PhD,assistant professor
TEL/FAX: 8(3822)564-114