Stratton Playgroup

New Road, Stratton, Bude, Cornwall EX23 9AP

Telephone: 01288 356135 E-mail:

Website: Ofsted No.: 102959 Registered Charity No.: 1038250

Newsletter – November 2017


We hope that you have had a super half term break.

This term we will be learning about ‘Space’, ‘Science’ and ‘Christmas’. To begin the half term we will be creating firework pictures, by using a range of different media and materials. The children will then be taking part in a range of different science experiments, learning about why things happen and how things work. In the second half of the half term we will offering a range of festive Christmas crafts, activities and cooking.

We had a very thorough Ofsted inspection on Monday 16th October. We received an outcome of ‘GOOD’.
Key findings
- Staff teach children to have a VERY good understanding in taking turns and sharing.
- They monitor children’s progress with RIGOUR and take effective steps to identify and close gaps in children’s learning.
- The committee, manager and staff work VERY well together to provide a successful playgroup.
- Staff are enthusiastic and add interest to activities to inspire children’s learning.
- Staff use their visual prompts, such as spot timers, to VERY good effect.
- Staff equip all areas well to encourage continuous learning.
- Children benefit GREATLY from physical play and exercise.
If you would like to see the full report, it will be displayed on the parents’ notice board in the entrance, and on our website, when it becomes available online.


Unfortunately, we do not have enough pegs to allocate each child an individual peg; therefore, please choose a peg for your child to use each session, and we ask that you take their belongings home at the end of the session. We do encourage children’s independence from an early age; therefore, after outdoor play children may not always put their coats back on the same pegs. We ask that children do not bring items in carrier bags.

Children’s Drawers

Each child has a labelled drawer in the playroom. We encourage the children to use their drawers throughout their sessions; to put things in such as their jumpers, when they get warm, and their art work. We will also put letters, newsletters and other forms of written communication in their drawers. We ask the children to check their drawers at the end of each session.

Sessions times

Please can we ask that parents do not arrive too early to start their child’s session? We have set session times and we cannot open the doors before, due to staff ratios and preparation for sessions. In addition, children waiting out in the entrance for long periods of time can be disruptive to children who are in sessions, particularly when they are eating their lunch.


Last month we had a lot of colds and coughs at playgroup. It is really important, if you child is unwell, that you do not send them to playgroup, to prevent viruses from spreading.

Gate security

It is important for children’s safety, that the gates are always shut securely; please can parents or carers always ensure they shut the main gate on both sides when they enter or leave playgroup.


We had our AGM on October 4th, we said good bye to Becki Price and thanked her for all of her work over the years. We would like to welcome Caroline Hutchinson to our playgroup committee, all the other committee members have stayed the same. All the committee photos are displayed in the entrance.

Children wearing shoes at playgroup

We encourage children to wear their shoes at playgroup, this is particularly important, if we need to do an emergency evacuation at any point.

Chilrens self-registration

We understand that the morning sessions can be very busy, but please can we ask that parents encourage their children to find their own names, on arrival. This is a good learning opportunity for children to recognise their names.

Cutting grapes and a reasonable amount in lunch boxes

It is out policy at Stratton playgroup, that grapes or similar foods, in lunches box are cut in halve sideways. This is part of our food policy; therefore, if children bring whole grapes to playgroup, we will have to cut the grapes in half for them. Others foods that need to be cut in half are large blueberries and cherry tomatos.

NO NUTS – We have a no nuts policy at playgroup, therefore no foods contianining nuts can be bought into playgroup.


Please can we remind parents to settle up last half-terms balances, as new bills are being sent out now.

Library visits to the school

We will offer the children the choice to visit Stratton School library on a Wednesday morning, throughout this half term.

Table fair craft fair

A craft table event be held at playgroup On Thursday 30th November 7:00-9.00pm. We have lots of exciting tables selling different products, which include Youniqe make up, Body Shop, Avon, Sea Glass Jewellery, Lush Pop (homemade bath bombs, sugar scrubs and soaps), Pasties, Partyline candles, Forever living and christmas stockings and cards. We will also be selling christmas decorations made by our children at Stratton Playgroup. In addtion, we will be selling raffle tickets to win a christmas hamper, and Bude Brewery voucher, aswell as selling mulled wine and mince pies to enjoy on the evening.

Individual photos

Jane Poole photography will be coming into playgroup on Friday 10th November, from 8:30am, to take individual photos of children. If your child does not attend a Friday session, but you would like your child to come in to have a photo taken, please see Kelly or Anna and we will arrange a time slot.

Key Person meetings

We will be offering key person meetings. This is an opportunity for you to come in and meet your child’s key person, and look through your child’s learning journey. Your child’s key person will be offering a slot on the dates and times below. Please see your child’s key person to arrange a time slot.

Anna, Sam and Roxy will be offering time slots on - Tuesday 21st Nov from 6pm – 7.30pm

Kelly, Kerrianne, Emma and Kerry will be offering time slots on - Wednesday 22nd Nov from 6pm – 7.30pm

School applications

To all parents of children who will be starting school in September 2018. You can apply at, the application deadline is 15th January. Any questions please speak to a member of staff.

Children’s Christmas party

We will be inviting all our playgroup children and their parents to come and join our Christmas party at Budehaven Sports Hall on Wednesday 20th December 9:30 – 12:00pm.

We will be arranging a visit from Father Christmas, please bring a wrapped labelled present in at the end of one of your child’s sessions, before Monday 11th December (approx £5). Please pass the present to a member of staff.

Children in Need

On Friday 17th November we will be joining in with Children in Need by dressing in our PJS, wearing SPOTS.

If you would like to bring in a donation for Children in Need, it would be much appreciated.

Keeping up to date

We are very proud of our website, where we display all our information; this will also be updated regularly with events and dates. This is available at:

We also have a Facebook page - please find us at “Stratton Playgroup Bude”.

Monthly newsletters will also be put in your child’s drawer and displayed on the parent’s notice board in the lobby.

At the end of each session a small description of the session will be written on the easel in the lobby.

Dates to remember

Individual photos Friday 10th November

Children in need (DRESS IN PJS) Friday 17th November

Key person meetings

Anna, Sam and Roxy Tuesday 21st Nov from 6pm – 7.30 pm

Kelly, Kerrianne, Emma and Kerry Wednesday 22nd Nov from 6pm – 7.30 pm

Table top craft fair at playgroup Thursday 30th November 7:00-9.00pm

A wrapped labelled Christmas present

for your child bought into playgroup by Monday 11th December

Last playgroup session of the year Tuesday 19th December

Children’s Christmas party at Budehaven Wednesday 20th December 9:30-12:00

Return to playgroup in the New Year Monday 8th January 2018

School Applications by 15th January 2015

Thank you for your time in reading this lengthy newsletter, if you have any questions please speak to a member of staff

Kelly and all the staff J