Reading Log Expectations:


•You are to choose an age appropriate book that you haven’t

already read.

•You can choose books from the school library or the public town library.

•You must always have a book in your possession which you are reading. If you don’t like the book, abandon it and choose another. (Three strikes you’re out).


•Read for 20 minutes each school night. (5 nights a week) You will not be expected to read during weekends or school holidays.

•This is a standing homework assignment meaning it’s ongoing throughout the year.

•You must read a minimum of one book per month but you are encouraged to read more. If you have just started a new book when it comes time for your book talk, you either have to do your book talk on the book you just finished or read enough of your new book to be able to give a proper book talk. You cannot do a book talk on the same book twice.

•Remember there will be a prize awarded to the person that reads the most books each month!

Book Talk

•Each student will do a book talk presentation once per month. Once you finish one book, you must start a new one. Please see the class list to see which Day 4 of every month you are expected to present. It is your responsibility to come prepared on the day of your presentation. The rubric which includes Book Talk Expectations is located on my school website.

Reading Log

•You will pass your reading log into me for evaluation one time per month. This will occur immediately after you do your book talk so have your reading log questions in your reading log and ready to pass in on the day that you have been assigned to present every month.

Reading Log Questions

All Questions are to be written or typed neatly in paragraph form. This monthly reading log assignment counts for a big part of your reading mark for each term and it prepares you for the questions on CASI, EQAO, and OSSLT. The questions are taken directly from these tests. You must answer all questions using the burger answers format – see cover of reading log for burger answers reminder. Please see Better Answers Rubric for how you will be graded.

Questions to be answered for OCTOBER-FEBRUARY

  1. Summarize what’s happening in your book. Remember, a good summary tells only the relevant (important) details, no more, no less. (outline the 5 W’s – who, what, when, where, why, and how) Don’t forget to tell how the book ends.
  1. What is the main idea of the story? (The moral or the lesson) You must explain using burger answers – see cover of reading log for burger answers reminder.
  1. What type of writing is this ex: narrative (narrative is another word for story), non-fiction, newspaper, etc. Give 3 characteristics that tell what kind of writing it is with examples for each.
  1. Find a comma (,), a semi colon (;), a dash (-), or a colon (:). Rewrite the sentence where it is used and tell why it was used there. Use these websites to help you:
  1. Choose a main character in the story and write three characteristics of their personality. Don’t forget to give examples of how you know they possess each quality. Ex: Harry Potter is clever because he found a way to sneak out of the school without being seen.

Questions to be answered for MARCH-JUNE

  1. What did you think of the introduction of the book (the first few pages)? Was it effective? Remember, an effective introduction introduces the main characters, setting, and what the conflict or problem in the story will be. Does your book do this?
  1. From what point-of view (perspective) is the story told from. Third person point-of-view or first person point-of-view? Third person point-of-view is when the narrator is not a character in the story and uses the pronouns “he”, “she”, and “they”. First person point-of-view is when the narrator is a character in the story and the pronoun “I” is used.
  1. If you haven’t finished the book yet, predict what you think will happen and tell why you think that. If you have finished, write your reactions to what you read. What did you like and dislike? Why?
  1. Find 3 new words in your book and write what they mean in your own words with examples.
  1. What does this story remind you of? (Think about the main idea and relate it to that Ex: if the main idea is to always follow your dreams…than think of a time when you had to work hard to achieve one of your dreams.)