From Fr. Jim …

The Ascension of Our Lord, which occurred 40 days after Jesus Christ rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, is the final act of our redemption that Christ began on Good Friday. On this day, the Risen Christ, in the sight of His apostles, ascended bodily into Heaven (Luke 24:51; Mark 16:19; Acts 1:9-11). The reality of the Ascension is so important that the creeds (the basic statements of belief) of Christianity all affirm, in the words of the Apostles’ Creed that "He ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead."

Christ's bodily Ascension foreshadows our own entrance into Heaven not simply as souls, after our death, but as glorified bodies, after the resurrection of the dead at the Final Judgment. In redeeming humanity, Christ not only offered salvation to our souls but began the restoration of the material world itself to the glory that God intended before Adam's fall.

We have a Co-Chair for the Bazaar!!

Mrs. Terry Gustafson has volunteered to co-chair our Christmas Bazaar. Mrs. Janice White, our previous chairperson has agreed to act as a consultant. We are in need of someone with organizing and people skills to work as a co-chair for this for this fun-filled, holiday event. The Christmas Bazaar is a critical part of our parish fund-raising and community building. For more information or to volunteer please call Paula Amberg at 419-398-1100.

Thank you from Fr. Paul

My dear parish family,

I am overwhelmed by the expressions of love and gratitude that you have shared with me on the occasion of my 25th Anniversary of Ordination to the priesthood. It will take a little while for personal "Thank You's" to be written, but they will be coming. Until then, I want to take this opportunity to thank you via our Parish Bulletin.

My family and friends who gathered with us on Saturday night were so impressed by your hospitality, singing, participation in the Liturgy and the ways in which you helped them to feel welcome and the ways in which you have helped me to feel welcomed. God is good, all the time, as the saying goes.

I thank all of those who prepared the reception, decorated the gym and the Church, led the music for the Liturgy, served as Ushers, Proclaimer, Deacon Mike, and to the Knights of Columbus and the Daughters of St. Francis de Sales for their presence. To Fr. Jim and Fr. Frank for their work and support at the Rectory and in the Liturgy. The Dominican Mystic, Meister Eckhardt, said,

"If the only prayer we pray is 'Thanks,' that would be enough." St. Francis de Sales tells us that "The measure of our love is to love without measure." There is no way to measure the love that you have shared and continue to share. So I will simply say, "Thank you" and say "Yes" to our continued life and ministry together.

With love and gratitude,Fr. Paul

Offertory May 10, 2015Fiscal Budget

Immaculate Conception$ 7,558.41 $12,033.20

St. Jude’s$ 2,206.05 $ 2,092.80

Online$ 1,884.50-

$11,648.96 $14,126.00

2014-2015 Fiscal YTD(Offertory Deficit ) -(2,585.59)

Building Maintenance Fund:

Collected $237,148.58

Expenses $225,656.49

Balance $ 11,492.09

Second Collection: Diocesan Priest’s Retirement Fund

Today, we will hold a special collection for the Diocesan Priests’ Retirement Fund. Your donation will be used to support the many fine priests who have dedicated their lives to service of the faithful of Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore. You can meet four of our retired priests; Fr. Raymond Forester, Msgr. Daniel McGlynn, Fr. Leonard Kempski and Fr. Edward Stork, and learn about their ministry on a short video posted on the diocesan website, Please be as generous as possible

Parish Community News

Congratulations to those who have recently been baptized in our parish:

Richard Christopher Mort, Jr.

We extend our condolences and prayers to the families of those who have recently died:

Michael Knox

Joanna Esry

Summer Parish Office Hours will begin Monday, May 18: The Parish Office hours will be 8 AM – 4 PM. There will be no evening hours. Have a great summer!

May 18, 2015

8:30 AMMothers of the Parish

May 19, 2015

8:30 AMMothers of the Parish

May 20, 2015

8:30 AMRuth Boulden

May 21, 2015

8:30 AMMarianne & Lyle Utt

May 22, 2015

8:30 AMHelen Reynolds

May 23, 2015

8:30 AMMike Whitlock

5:00 PMMargaret Schuller

May 24, 2015 –Pentecost Sunday

7:00 AMMothers of the Parish

8:30 AMMary Aiello

9:00 AM SJSylvia Narcisi

10:15 AMFernando Angeletti

12:00 PMFernando Angeletti


Readings for Next Week:


First Reading: Acts 2:1-11 - During the Feast of Pentecost, tongues of fire came to rest on the heads of the disciples and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Each disciple began speaking in a different language, and were understood by people from many different regions who were amazed at what they had witnessed.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 - Paul explains that we are all members of one body. We have all been baptized in one Spirit and although numerous, we are one through Christ.

Gospel: John 20:19-23 - John describes Jesus’ first visit to the disciples after his resurrection. He gave them the Holy Spirit and the power to forgive other people or hold them responsible for their actions.

Are you unbaptized and have a desire to be baptized?

Are you a baptized Christian interested in becoming a Catholic?

Are you a baptized Catholic who never received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation?

If you answer yes to any of these questions then RCIA is for you!!

A new RCIA program will be starting in mid-September. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process by which baptized Christians and those who are unbaptized become members of the Catholic Church. It is also the process by which baptized Catholics who never received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation receive those sacraments. Do you feel God calling you to have a deeper relationship with Him? If so, please call the Parish Office at 410-398-1100 to learn more about this process and to set up an interview with Mrs. Pat Kosman, the RCIA Coordinator. The RCIA process is a wonderful way to have a greater understanding of the Catholic faith and become closer to God in the process.

Rite of Blessing for A Child in the Womb

The Church offers us many blessings that can be used at various times in life. One of these blessings is for A Child in the Womb. It offers a prayer for your unborn child, for the mother carrying this child and for the father of children awaiting birth. If you are interested in receiving this blessing, please see one of the parish priests or Deacon Mike and we can arrange for you to enjoy this special blessing.

Come, Holy Spirit

Next weekend, May 23/24, we celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost. The name of this feast comes from the Greek word Pentekoste, which means fiftieth (in case you play Greek Trivial Pursuit to celebrate). In the early Church it reflects the fact that the Easter Season consists of fifty days. For our Jewish ancestors in Faith, Pentecost celebrate the Jewish festival or Weeks, a fifty-two day celebration following Passover. For us as Catholic Christians, we celebrate the birth of the Church today with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the Apostles. So, Happy Birthday, Church! Red is the color of the Spirit. We invite you to wear something red to celebrate next weekend and to express our faith in the Holy Spirit. Each day this week pray with the Church: "Come, Holy Spirit. Fill the hearts of your faithful. And kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you will renew the face of the earth.

With hope and gratitude,

Fr. Paul

Vocations–Forty days after His resurrection, Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father, strengthening our hope of being with God for eternity. Priests and religious bear witness to that hope through vows and promises of consecration. Is God calling you to live your life that way? If you think so, call or write Father David Kelley, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113; ). Be sure to visit our website:

Adoration for Vocations is usually held the first Sunday of each month in the Immaculate Conception Chapel. The next Adoration for Vocations will be held Sunday, June 7thfrom 1:30– 6:00 PM. Take this opportunity to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to pray for priestly and religious vocations. Benediction begins at 5:30 PM.

2015 Annual Catholic Appeal - For those who have pledged, you can expect to receive a first payment reminder on or about June 1. Additional reminders will continue through December. Please mail all payments in the self-addressed, return envelope provided with your pledge reminder. Do not make payments to the parish office or through the Offertory collection.

Our Parish Goal is $95,000.

Pledged $68,999.. 73%


Children’s Liturgy of the Word

There is no more Children’s Liturgy of the Word until the Fall.

Have a wonderful summer!

Christian Formation

Christian Formation

CHRISTIAN FORMATION COMMITTEE MEETING: Thursday, May 28th at 2pm in the Parish Center

Immaculate ConceptionSchool News

Alleluia! Our celebration of the Easter season continues. The students and staff would like to offer our congratulations to Father Paul as he celebrated the milestone of 25 years of service in the priesthood. We are truly blessed to have him with us at Immaculate Conception!

Rush Uniforms will have representatives here at school on Monday to fit students for uniforms for next year. Our PSO will celebrate Teacher Appreciation Day next Wednesday by providing a delicious lunch for our staff, covering classes so that the teachers can relax and enjoy the wonderful buffet. Thank you PSO!!

There will be no school on Friday, May 22 so that teachers can participate in professional development activities. There will be no school on Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day.

We are currently accepting registration for next year. If you would like to set up a tour, please contact the school office at 410-398-2636.

DID YOU KNOW… Every day through the month of May, our students and staff pray a decade of the Rosary during our morning news routine to honor our Blessed Mother, Mary and to pray for her to intercede on our behalf.

Religious Education

Religious Education Classes: Do you need to register a child for our parish religious education or sacrament program for next year? It is important to register now!

Registration Forms Are Available On Our Parish Website at Under Faith Formation: -A late fee is now in effect for those who did not re-register by April 1st. -No Late fee for New Families.

Need a Hard Copy: Contact the Religion Office.

*To register for First Reconciliation and First Communion a child must have completed one year of Religious Education and be enrolled in a religious education program through the Parish or a Catholic School.

First Communion Program- During the 10:15am Mass today, Damian Watkins will receive Holy Communion for the first time. Let us continue to pray for him and all of our parish young people that they may continue to desire to be nurtured by the Lord in Holy Communion.

Youth Ministry

Please visit the parish web site at See the News, faith Formation and Ministries pages for more information on YM events and opportunities. Contact the YM office at 410 392 3551/ .

Spring and Summer Weekly Gatherings-Current 8th– 12th grade students and college age young adults are welcome to join us. Sunday evenings 5:30- 6 open gym followed by 6-8 PM gathering in the Parish Center. No RSVP needed. Drop-ins welcome. See the parish website for the Spring & Summer calendar.

Parents: Please donate some soda in cans or small water bottles for our teens on Sunday nights. Thanks!

Sunday, May 17 – gym open 5:30-6. Gathering 6-8.

Service Hours - If ever you are in need of service hours, or if you’ve just been blessed with a servant heart, please scroll through the pictures on the parish website home page at Click on the one about “Service Opportunities” and see the contact person listed for each opportunity. Thank you!


Work Camp 2015- Current 8-12th grade students interested in a summer mission trip with our parish and Catholic Heart Work Camp should call 410 392 3551 or email to sign up. Our 2015 camp will be July 12-18 in Pittsburgh. See our parish website for all the details. It’ll be the BEST week of your summer!

Confirmation 2016 - Online registration for Confirmation in 2016 is now open. Please visit our parish website and see “Online Registration for 2015-16” under Faith Formation.. Students must be in a Catholic school or a parish religious education program in 8th & 9th grade to be eligible for Confirmation in 9th grade. Older high school students may also be confirmed. For more information please email .

National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) - NCYC will be held in Indianapolis, IN November 19-21, 2015. All those in grades 9-12 in the Fall are welcome to attend. Late fees begin in September. Please see our parish website for more information.

Adult Education

PARISH WEBSITE: Resources online offering suggestions for the Easter Season as well as the weekly Scripture Puzzles.

Do not miss the many other resources and links on our parish website to assist you in your reflection and prayer as well as the weekly Scripture Puzzles under Children’s Corner under Faith Formation. The Downloads can be found under Resources Then Seasonal.

Missing From the Parish Library: Two DVDs for the Catholicism Program that cover sessions one through four are missing. No card was signed when borrowed so we do not know who has them. If you have them, please contact the office ASAP. Our desire is that the resources in the library are used; however, we do not have the funds to replace items that are not returned. It would be a shame not to have this series available for others.

Social Concerns

OUTREACH–The Parish Outreachis grateful to all those who continue to support this essential ministry – both materially and in their prayers. The Parish Outreach is in need of: peanut butter, jelly, spaghetti sauce, rice, juice, canned meats & empty water bottles.

Parish Outreach –

United Way Choice

The Immaculate Conception Outreach is a United Way Donor Choice. Our agency number is #4320. Please consider us when making your choice.

Parish and Family Life

Parish Coffee:Join us today,Sunday, May 17thfor a special reception after the 12 Noon mass at Immaculate
Conception to celebrate Father Peter Mullan’s first Mass at his home parish. Join us!!

Parish Events / Information


Come Be Part Of This Exciting Adventure…

Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power.

Many volunteers are needed to make this happen!

Contact Liz Orr by email at or phone 410-920-8124 To find out about the many ways that you can be a part of this wonderful happening!

Meeting for ALL VOLUNTEERS!!

Tuesday, June 2nd in the Parish Center

Have you registered? You don’t want to miss out on this wonderful event. Registration Forms are available on our parish website or through the Religion Office

Vacation Bible School Signup: The weekend of

May 23 – 24 after all Masses:

Don’t miss out on this adventure!!


The ICAA will be holding it's spring fundraiser on Saturday, May 30th from 5-7pm at State Line Liquors in Elkton.It's a Grand Slam Beer and Food Paring to kick off your summer season featuring a variety of craft brews paired with eclectic street food by MOJO LOCO. Come Support our Athletes. See parish website for ticket information- all proceeds will benefit the Immaculate Conception Athletic Association.

Registration for Fall 2015 Sports is now open.Athletes in grades 4-8 can registerat for Girls JV and Varsity Volleyball and JV and Varsity Co-Ed Soccer. Registration is open to all Parish and non-Parish children alike. Practices for both sports begins in August.

Volleyball tryouts will be held June 4th and 5th - attendance is required at both sessions. Please visit our page on the Parish website for more information.


BIBLE TIMELINE: In 2012-2013 we conducted this phenomenal program. People who were not able to participate at that time have asked if we would run it again. Since it is a 24 week program, we are thinking of having class twice a month and running the 1st 12 sessions next year; then the last 12 the following year.

ACTS OF THE APOSTLES: A 20 session program that will run weekly from Sept. through March with no sessions in December.

If you are interested in participating in either of these programs, please complete the form below and either return it to the Parish Center or call the Religion Office.


Name:______Phone: ______

Email: ______

I am interested in attending the