T008a TEST: “Japan & SE Asia” 10/23/2018

Name: ______DUE: FRI. 27 FEB. 2015

TEST: Japan & SE Asia Global History 2r

NEW QUESTIONS (not seen before)

1. China, Korea, and Japan share culturalsimilarities in part due to their

(1) clashes with Russian imperialists

(2) shared river systems

(3) contacts through trade

(4) unification under Mongol rule[ Regents: January 2014 ]

• Sino-Japanese War 1894–1895

• Russo-Japanese War 1904–1905

• Annexation of Korea 1910

2. These events in the history of Japan reflect its

(1) resistance to trade(3) abundance of natural resources

(2) vulnerability to attack by neighbors(4) emergence as an imperialistic country

[ Regents: August 2013 ]

3. Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge, the “killing fields,”and Year Zero are all associated
with a violentperiod in which country?

(1) Vietnam (2) China(3) Cambodia/Kampuchea(4) Korea [Regents: January 2013 ]

4. Which Southeast Asian nation fought in wars against Japan, France, and the United States
during the 20th century?

(1) Myanmar (Burma) (2) Philippines(3) Thailand (4) Vietnam [ Regents: January 2012 ]

5. Which change is associated with Meiji Japan?

(1) expansion of feudal political and social values

(2) modernization of the economy and government

(3) adoption of isolationist policies

(4) abandoning plans for an overseas empire[Regents: August 2012 ]

6. Which headline is most closely associated withthe cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

(1) “Japan Signs Treaty of Kanagawa”

(2) “Nuclear Bombs Dropped on Japan”

(3) “Japan Invades Korea”

(4) “Japan Hosts Discussion on GreenhouseGases”[Regents: August 2012 ]

7. What is one way in which animism, Shinto, andDaoism are similar?

(1) emphasis on harmony with nature(3) monotheistic belief systems

(2) belief in the idea of nirvana(4) reliance on the teachings of the Vedas [Regents: June 2012 ]

REVIEW for Test QUESTIONS (not seen before)

8. A nation like Japan, made up of many islands is called a (an)
1. archipelago.2. isthmus.3. continent.4. peninsula.

9. Because Japan is an island nation near the mainland of Asia, Japan is able to
1. borrow and adapt elements of other cultures.

2. share its natural resources with other nations.

3. become a colony of China and Mongolia.

4. convert most of the Chinese people to Shinto.

10. In Japan, limited resources and scarcity of farmland have encouraged the Japanese to

1. depend primarily on local natural resources.

2. limit the production of consumer goods and meet only basic needs.

3. trade their oil for other needed products.

4. import raw materials and export manufactured products.

11. A study of Japan’s economy since World War II would lead to the conclusion that

1. government support of technological advancescan improve a nation’s economic position.
2. imperialism is necessary for the economic development of a nation.
3. a Communist system leads to economic prosperity.
4. the feudal system is more economically productive than the market system.

12. In Japanese history, what was the impact of the Tokugawa Shogunate (1600-1854)?

1. Japan adopted an isolationist policy.

2. Contact with Western nations encouraged Japan to industrialize.

3. Chinese influence on Japanese literature and art was limited.

4. Japan adopted a feudal society.

13. In Japanese history, what was the impact of the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912) ?

1. Japan adopted an isolationist policy.

2. Contact with Western nations encouraged Japan to industrialize.

3. Chinese influence on Japanese literature and art was limited.

4. Japan adopted a feudal society.

14. Which political system was characterized by the exchange of land for military service?

1. tribalism2. imperialism3. feudalism4. Nationalism
15. Which idea did Napoleon Bonaparte, Sun Yat-Sen, Ho Chi Minh, and Simone Bolivar
have in common?
1. divine right 2. nationalism 3. totalitarianism 4. nonviolence

16. In Japan, the martial arts, the tea ceremony, and flower arranging best reflects the influences of

1. imperialism and militarism.3. capitalism.

2. Buddhism and Shintoism.4. communism.

17. Both Shintoism and Taoism (Daoism) stress

1. respect for nature
2. the need for government based on religious principles
3. respect for elders
4. the need for continual spiritual rebirth until one reaches nirvana

18. What is stressed in traditional Japanese and Chinese families?

1. being an individual and doing what you please3. owning as many things as you can

2. obeying and respecting your elders 4. running and swimming

19. Which geographic factor has contributed most to the economic growth of Japan, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and Great Britain?

1. variety of natural resources3. reliable amount of rainfall

2. abundance of rainfall4. access to important waterways

20. The introduction of Buddhism into China and of Islam into Indonesia are examples of
1. Social mobility 3. Ethnocentrism

2. cultural diffusion4. interdependence

21. A valid generalization about early Japanese culture is that Japan

1. had a strong influence on the development of culture in Korea

2. spread Shinto throughout Asia

3. maintained a uniquely individual culture while borrowing much from other cultures

4. imported almost all of its cultural ideas from China, resulting in nearly identical cultures

22. A scarcity of natural resources and the limits of its land area have forced Japan to focus on

1 exporting agricultural products

2 expanding its command economy

3 returning to an isolationist policy

4 developing technological products for export

23. During the 1930's & early 1940s (i.e. World War 2), one way in which Germany, Italy, and Japan
were alike was that each

1. refused to trade with other nations.

2. imported unskilled labor to solve their unemployment problems.

3. based their economies primarily on agriculture.

4. tried to increase their territory through the use of force.

24. Which of the following are located in the center of trade routes?

1. Paris & Berlin 3. Sarajevo & Warsaw

2. Beijing & Baghdad4. Singapore & Constantinople (Istanbul)


25. Which term is often used to describe the actions of Adolf Hitler in Germany
and Pol Pot in Cambodia?

  1. Nonalignment3. neocolonialism
  2. Scorched-earth policy4. genocide

26. Which communist nation is most closely associated with the leadership of Ho Chi Minh and the surrender of Saigon?

  1. North Korea3. Soviet Union
  2. Vietnam4. People’s Republic of China

27. One way in which Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and Kim Jong Il are similar is that each

  1. set up democratic governments
  2. used Marxist political principles
  3. overthrew a ruling monarch
  4. promoted Confucian principles

28. In Japan, which condition was the cause of the other three?

  1. Most of the nation is mountainous with little arable land.
  2. Farmland is cultivated intensively.
  3. High rise apartments or small, crowded homes house the people.
  4. The sea is used as a source of food.

29. A valid statement about technology in the 20th century is that technology has

  1. eliminated famine and disease throughout the world
  2. delayed economic progress in developing countries
  3. led to the adoption of free trade policies
  4. accelerated the pace of cultural diffusion

30. Even though Japan has few natural resources, it has a high standard of living mainly because it has

  1. developed technology that can be exchanged for the resources it needs
  2. printed more money whenever living standards have started to decline
  3. imported manufactured goods
  4. produced goods and services without obtaining resources

31. Which statement best describes an effect that geography has had on Japan?

  1. Japan’s smooth coastline has prevented the development of a fishing industry.
  2. Japan’s large plains have made wheat growing a primary industry.
  3. The lack of important natural resources has led Japan to depend on trade with other nations.
  4. The location of Japan has encouraged great ethnic diversity within the nation.

32. Which title best completes the partial outline below?

I. ______

A. Located in a region of volcanoes and earthquakes
B. Has limited mineral resources
C. Concentration of population in coastal plains

  1. Geographic Features of Japan
  2. Environmental Challenges in Mongolia
  3. Economic Issues Facing Saudi Arabia
  4. Factors Affecting British Industrialization

33. Which is a valid statement based on the information in the graphic?

  1. Land values in Japan have increased 400% from 1980 to 1985.
  2. A drop in Japanese land prices could have a disastrous impact on stock markets and banks.
  3. Demand for land in Japan has decreased over the last 20 years.
  4. An increase in Japanese land prices would have little economic effect outside Japan.

34. What is the main idea of the political cartoon?

  1. The Japanese should trade only with the United States.
  2. The United States has threatened to use tariffs to protect its industries from Japanese competition.
  3. Sports competition between the United States and Japan can have an effect on reducing tariffs.
  4. United States tariffs have hurt postwar Japanese economic development.

35. Which situation led to the idea presented in the cartoon?

  1. the unfavorable United States balance of trade with Japan
  2. the superior quality of goods made in the United States
  3. takeover of Japanese businesses by Americans
  4. the Japanese defeat in World War II

36. Based on the information provided by this map, what is a valid conclusion about Japanese trade?

  1. Japan had a favorable balance of trade.
  2. Japan imported more goods than it exported.
  3. Japan exported more fossil fuels than any other nation.
  4. Japan traded more goods with Europe than with any other region.

37. A unique aspect of religion in Japan is that

1. most major religions have no formal priesthood

2. many Japanese practice both Buddhism and Shinto

3. all Japanese religions are theocratic

4. the current Emperor is regarded as a god

38. Both Japan and Indonesia are made up of a chain of islands called

1. an archipelago 2. a peninsula 3. a delta 4. a desert

39. In Japan, a major economic problem has been the lack of

1. natural resources 3. investment capital

2. skilled labor 4. experienced management

40. A study of Japanese society today will most likely lead to the conclusion that the Japanese have

1. become completely Westernized and have retained few traditional beliefs

2. rejected modern ideas and have become culturally isolated

3. been able to blend traditional and modern ways of thinking and acting

4. become dependent on Korea for new cultural ideas

Base your answer on the table and on your knowledge of social studies.

41. Which statement about Japan’s socioeconomic status is an opinion?

  1. Japan’s gross domestic product (GDP) is high and its birthrate is low.
  2. Japan has the most efficient educational system and the best culture in Asia.
  3. Japan’s infant mortality rate is low and its life expectancy is high.
  4. Japan has a high percentage of urban population and a high rate of literacy.

42. In Japan, which condition was the cause of the other three?

1. Most of the nation is mountainous with little arable land.

2. Farmland is cultivated intensively.

3. Highrise apartments or small, crowded homes house the people.

4. The sea is used as a source of food.