Learn to Curl – instructor outline7-26-2012
- Welcome by Lead instructor – Warming room-
- General Welcome, Name tags, format for the evening
- Review boards or video – intro to curling. High level only
- Rules of safety – clean footwear, no running, pay attention, etc10-12 min
- Outside of the ice area 5 min
- Equip participants with brooms and sliders
- Stretching (gentle warm up only)
- Explain what is going to be taught: How to get in hack, how to deliver, sliding and sweeping
- Enter the ice (SAFETY FIRST) and divide into even groups. 4 -5 participants for 2 instructors
- Basic Delivery:45 min – 60 min
- Throw some stones (Without slider and broom – just kneel in hack and throw)
- Slider and broom (slide down ice with broom and use slider – Stress SAFETY
- Training wheels – kneel, forward press, elevate hips & bring back behind hack while bringing back slider foot, slider foot forward and center, drive out.
- Training wheels 2 – 3 Point delivery – progress to 3 point with shooting hand elevated
- Training wheel 3 – progress to 3 point delivery with stone
- Alignment - Common curling signals, align body and stone towards the broom – practice slide through cups or stones placed on the ice
- Grip, Turn and Release (Apply Curl) NOTE: No mention of in turn or out turn
- Wrist above handle – fingers pointed down
- Cradle handle between 2nd and 3rd knuckles
- Index and middle finger positioned over bolt hole
- Rotate handle to 10 o’clock or 2 o’clock position
- During last 4 feet of slide – rotate toward 12 o’clock and release
- Sweeping:
- Why – clean ice, warm ice, farther and straighter, not faster
- Mechanics – face the house at all times, do not walk backward, do not run
- Position of sweepers – to the sides while waiting, out of the house, etc
- Safety – look down ice, avoid rocks in play
- Who decides and when (Draws vs. take outs)
- Etiquette
- Self policing
- Be ready when it’s your turn
- Stay out of the field of play, do not disrupt others
- Be ready, no phones, iPods, drinks on the ice
- Play one or two practice ends45 – 60 minutes
- Match new people with instructors
- Use time to gently instruct on the basics
- Review scoring in general after each end
- Broomstacking
- Thank Attendees for participation
- Congratulate them on their achievements
- Provide them with answers to any questions – give brochures
- Have them stay around for social visit – drawing (if applicable)