Learn to Curl – instructor outline7-26-2012

  1. Welcome by Lead instructor – Warming room-
  1. General Welcome, Name tags, format for the evening
  2. Review boards or video – intro to curling. High level only
  3. Rules of safety – clean footwear, no running, pay attention, etc10-12 min
  1. Outside of the ice area 5 min
  1. Equip participants with brooms and sliders
  2. Stretching (gentle warm up only)
  3. Explain what is going to be taught: How to get in hack, how to deliver, sliding and sweeping
  1. Enter the ice (SAFETY FIRST) and divide into even groups. 4 -5 participants for 2 instructors
  1. Basic Delivery:45 min – 60 min
  1. Throw some stones (Without slider and broom – just kneel in hack and throw)
  2. Slider and broom (slide down ice with broom and use slider – Stress SAFETY
  3. Training wheels – kneel, forward press, elevate hips & bring back behind hack while bringing back slider foot, slider foot forward and center, drive out.
  4. Training wheels 2 – 3 Point delivery – progress to 3 point with shooting hand elevated
  5. Training wheel 3 – progress to 3 point delivery with stone
  6. Alignment - Common curling signals, align body and stone towards the broom – practice slide through cups or stones placed on the ice
  1. Grip, Turn and Release (Apply Curl) NOTE: No mention of in turn or out turn
  1. Wrist above handle – fingers pointed down
  2. Cradle handle between 2nd and 3rd knuckles
  3. Index and middle finger positioned over bolt hole
  4. Rotate handle to 10 o’clock or 2 o’clock position
  5. During last 4 feet of slide – rotate toward 12 o’clock and release
  1. Sweeping:
  1. Why – clean ice, warm ice, farther and straighter, not faster
  2. Mechanics – face the house at all times, do not walk backward, do not run
  3. Position of sweepers – to the sides while waiting, out of the house, etc
  4. Safety – look down ice, avoid rocks in play
  5. Who decides and when (Draws vs. take outs)
  1. Etiquette
  1. Self policing
  2. Be ready when it’s your turn
  3. Stay out of the field of play, do not disrupt others
  4. Be ready, no phones, iPods, drinks on the ice
  1. Play one or two practice ends45 – 60 minutes
  1. Match new people with instructors
  2. Use time to gently instruct on the basics
  3. Review scoring in general after each end
  1. Broomstacking
  1. Thank Attendees for participation
  2. Congratulate them on their achievements
  3. Provide them with answers to any questions – give brochures
  4. Have them stay around for social visit – drawing (if applicable)