New Provider Process (Licensed)

Office of Developmental Programs (ODP)

Consolidated and/or Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) Waiver

  1. Potential provider expresses interest in rendering Consolidated and/or P/FDS Waiver services within ODP. Email is sent to provider with contact information
/ / Email is sent to provider who is directed to the Provider Applicant Orientation Training
  1. Provider Registers for Applicant Orientation.
/ Provider Applicant Orientation Training / Provider should now be registered with MyODP and selects a training date they would like to attend. While the provider is waiting to attend the training, they should be reviewing and completing Getting Started Materials
  1. Provider completes Applicant Orientation training; the provider’s Chief Executive Officer/Director of the agency takes the post-test. If the provider fails the test twice, they will need to retake the Application Orientation Course. If the provider fails the test twice after taking the Applicant Orientation a second time, the provider will have to wait one year before taking the Applicant Orientation again
/ If provider fails, they will receive an email stating they failed and their score. If provider Passes,ODP Central Office will forward Applicant Orientation Certificate along with Applicant Orientation & Next Steps e-mail to Provider within 10 business days. NOTE:120-day clock begins – applicant orientation certificate will expire 120 days from receipt if provider does not become qualified
  1. As a licensed ODP provider you must self-register through the ‘Create Provider Self Service Account’ hyperlink, located on the Welcome to HCSIS Home Page, under the ODP Program links.
/ CREATE PROVIDER SELF SERVICE ACCOUNT / At the end of this process, a user id will be sent to you via the e-mail account you used during self-registration. Once you receive this user id, and the password you have created as part of your self-registration, you may access the Provider Self Service button on the Welcome to HCSIS Home Page to complete the certification and licensing process.
  1. Licensed Providers under (Regulation Chapters (2380, 2390, 6400, 6500,) need to apply for licensing through Certification Licensing System (CLS). Now that you have received your user id via e-mail, you can now access the Provider Self Service portal to complete your certification and licensing application
/ Provider accesses the Self Service button on the Welcome to PROVIDER SELF SERVICE to complete the certification and licensing process. / Once completed, you will receive your license along with your PROMISe ID number that you will need to complete yourelectronic Provider Enrollment Application further in the process.
  1. For Licensed Residential service providers (2380, 2390, 6400, 6500), they need to review ODP Communication Number: Packet 055-12. After reviewing the communication, the licensed provider must email the ODP Regional Waiver Capacity Manager (WCM) for site clearance and non-contiguous approval with the required information.
ODP Waiver Capacity Managers:
William (Bill) Bruaw – Central -
Marie Craven – Northeast –
Mary Citko- Southeast -
Michelle Walters- Western – / ODP Communication Number: Packet 055-12, ODP Approval of Residential Services Locations and Approved Program Capacity. / The Licensed residential provider will receive a letter from the regional Waiver Capacity Manager
  1. Provider to complete ODP Provider Agreement – Follows instructions in the cover letter
/ ODP Waiver Provider Agreement - Cover Letter
ODP Waiver Provider Agreement / An endorsed ODP agreement will be sent back to the provider to use with the qualification and enrollment applications.
  1. Complete the ODP QA&I contact information form on Question Pro, then send the confirmation e-mail to the AE in which you intend to provide the majority of services.
/ The QuestionPro link is found on MyODP page in the Getting Started Materials

  1. Provider completes Provider Qualification Documentation Record, PQ Form DP 1059 and New Provider Self-Assessment and submits with supporting documentation to the AE in which they intend to provide the most service.
/ Documents can be found on → Intellectual Disability Resources→Waiver Services →|Qualification Process →Provider Qualification_2
/ AE will review information, correspond with provider and if approved, will forward signed copy of PQ FORM DP 1059 back to provider.
  1. Provider to goes to the electronic Provider Enrollment Application website and applies for the Specialties they are qualified for. They will need their supporting documentation including Approved APC letter (if needed), and DP FORM 1059 to ODP Enrollment for each site. Other forms may be required depending on the specialty of service
  1. ODP Provider Enrollment unit will review application and if approved, enroll in PROMISe™
/ 888-565-9435
/ Automated letter generated by OMAP and sent thru USPS confirming site enrollment details.
  1. ODP Provider Enrollment will contact the HCSIS Help Desk and provide the FEIN number of the provider for ODP role to be added. The provider may now add services they are qualified for in HCSIS
/ The provider will receive notification from the HCSIS helpdesk that you have an ODP role to access HCSIS.
  1. Rates are loaded into PROMISe™ and contracts are created in HCSIS within 5-7 business days.

  1. Support Coordinator can now add services to an ISP.

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