Neema Lalela : Membership Form

An answer to “How we can become relevant in our community”

(Neema Lalela – Grace / Listening)

NEEMA LALELA is a section 21 Company which is an audited Non Profit Organisation (NPO). It is also a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) which make the contributions made for the projects and organisations supported by Neema Lalela tax-deductible in the hands of the donor.

There are four main aims, namely:

  1. Establishing and maintaining a foster home for children affected by HIV/AIDS.
  2. Providing support and access to basic needs for needy children.
  3. Building recreational facilities in needy areas to keep children and teens off the streets.
  4. Develop and support positive social growth for children and teenagers to become healthy and well-functioning adults.

I hereby want to become a member of Neema Lalela to effectively and practically become involved in the causes this organisation has set itself. Membership fees are R20 per month. Any further donations will be greatly appreciated!

Title: ______(Mr, Mrs, Ms, Prof, Dr)

Surname: ______Name: ______

ID Number: ______Date of Birth: 19____/_____/____.(yyyy / mm / dd)

Tel No: ______Cell Phone: ______

Email: ______

Postal Address: ______

Postal Code: ______

(Kindly indicate which method of communication you prefer) E- Mail Postal

Profession: ______Company: ______

Would you like to be involved with Neema Lalela and its causes practically? YES NO

What skills have you got to offer? ______

I ______hereby commit myself to support Neema Lalela

on a regular basis. I will make a regular contribution of R ______per month/annum.

Please return the completed document to WRCL at:

Fax: 011 768 4916 or Ludwig Schulze at 0825600371


Postal Address: P.O. Box 2011, Wilro Park, 1731

I will make payments to the ABSA Bank Account No. 4070026115 (Cheque Account) via:

q  stop order

q  electronic transfer

q  offering at churches affiliated to Neema Lalela

q  cheque

q  other ______

Place: ______Date: _____/_____/ 200__ Signature: ______

Directors: Ms. Bella Vilakazi, Mr. Kevin Freese, Mr. Ludwig Schulze