New Projects Work Group Meeting
Date: 04.26.17, 3:30pm, adjourned 5:00pm
Attendees: Sherri Allen Reeves, David Dempsey, Emily Pettersen, Chris O’Hara, Gwendolyn Turner, Ahmad Djangi, Ken Nickele (phone), Arturo Bendixen, Ruth Coffman, Melvin Alexander, Renee Crolius (All Chicago Rep)
I. Welcome & Introductions
a) Renee Crolius welcomed group and initiated introductions before new Chairs were voted upon
II. Review of Agenda
III. Determine Chair(s) and Secretary
Co-chairs: Chris O’Hara & Ahmed Djangi (Both members nominated with no objections)
Secretary: Emily Pettersen (self-nominated, no objections)
IV. Review of Slate
a) Meeting packet from last month passed around to those who did not attend last month’s meeting
b) New projects that re-allocated money can be attributed to by NPW
c) Letters of Support—NPW will come up with process for funding opportunities, as of now letters of support are unlimited and this group will review letters of support
V. 2017 COC Competition Updates
a. Voluntary Reallocation
- This is the first year agencies have been able to reallocate funding to CoC rather than give it back to HUD; agencies can receive points for reallocating unused funds
- All Chicago is currently in final process of reaching out to agencies to have them confirm amounts to be reallocated—will be completed next month (May)
- Reallocation money will be part of the pool of money that the NPW will distribute
d) Appeals—one agency did not meet threshold
- Agencies appealed to Collaborative Applicant
- Committee approved 3 thresholds of appeals
- The agency who did not meet threshold of appeals is potentially at risk of being defunded, so that money would involuntarily be reallocated
e) FY 2017 CoC Registration Highlights
- FY2017 highlights registration was released, NOFA is expected to be released mid to late May. Our CoC has been registered.
a. The GIW was released recently and CoC programs have until May 4th to submit GIW of all of the projects and their award amounts (award amounts equal renewal demand.) A draft of the GIW will be released either today or tomorrow. Bonus projects are based off Annual Renewal Demand (ARD)
VI. Review of FY 2016 Documents
· RFP and scoring rubric will be done by the NPW—score and review RFPs that are submitted. History of New Projects Groups: In the past, there were 2 committees (New Project Process Committee and New Projects Selection Committee) but members decided it would be better to just have one group so there would be no misinterpretation of information between the process of reviewing applications and the final selection of new projects
· Last year reallocation could only go to coordinated entry, PSH and Rapid Re-Housing
· At this point in the meeting, NPW individually read through print out from survey gizmo—for RRH and PSH project applications:
o Comments/Recommendations:
§ Ask new programs to be aligned with what we’ve had programs (providers) in the past do for the application
§ Coordinated Entry has developed since last year—CASC meets sometime in early May, NPW may want them to review the requirements of Coordinated Entry (on page 3 of application)
§ How much leverage dollars the applicant brings from other sectors—eg. if an applicant brings in money from another sector. Question: would more providers would become involved with the CoC if leverage were counted?
§ NPW member noticed that there is no question of how well an agency that is already part of HMIS reports in HMIS, recommendation was made to include data quality scores
VII. Timeline
a) NOFA Released
- The NOFA is expected to be released mid to late May
b) Hearth FOTG (Funding Opportunity Task Group) determines projects for reallocation and bonus projects
- Will be approved at June 21st CoC Board Meeting
- Once NPW knows the voluntary/involuntary reallocation amounts, we will decide where the pool of money goes (see handout for 8 types of housing projects we can offer funding to)
c) RFA
d) Application Reviews & Panels
- Panels of those committees who applied would come in to answer questions on programs they are requesting funding for (getting demographics, how projects would benefit from funds, etc.), and based off answers from the panel the NPW would select projects
e) Approval Process
VIII. Next steps & Scheduling Meetings
a. Review application and scoring rubric documents so NPW can make any edits necessary; bring back comments/suggestions for next meeting
b. Next meetings agreed upon by work group:
a. Meeting scheduled before the NOFA is released--May 12th, 1:00pm-2:30pm
b. Meeting scheduled after NOFA is released--June 1st, 11:30am-1:00pm