Please note that all information on this medical/dental form will remain confidential. Please complete in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Appointment date _ _ / _ _/ _ _
Patient details
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/DrLast Name: ______
First Name: ______Preferred Name:______
Tel. Home: _(_____)______Tel. Work: _(_____)______
Tel. Mobile:_(____)______E-Mail:______
Patients Address
______No Street City State Post Code
Date of Birth: ______Age:______Occupation:______
Emergency contact
Name:______Relationship: ______Phone number:_(___)______
Referring Dentist or Referral Source
Dentists name: ______Dentist Tel. No:______
Tooth # Area to be treated: ______1st Time treatment Re-treatment of a previous Root Canal Evaluation. Other:
Medical History
Name of your GP: ______Your GP’s Phone No:_(____)______
GP’s address (or suburb):______
Have you ever had had any of the following? Please circle those that apply
High/Low blood pressureExcessive bleeding, anemia or another blood disorder
Asthma or other respiratory problems (such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease/Emphysema/Bronchitis)
Hear Murmurs
Prosthetic heart valve
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Congenital Heart Lesions
Rheumatic Fever
Hepatitis A, B, C
Fainting or dizziness
Sinus trouble
Liver disease
Kidney disease
Joint or organ replacement
Cancer, chemotherapy or radiation Therapy
Stroke, seizures or epilepsy
Neurosurgery or neurological disorders
Anxiety or psychological disorders
Please indicate if you are allergic to any of the following
Aspirin: Yes No Codeine: Yes No Penicillin: Yes No
Local Anesthetic (Novocain): Yes No
(Women) Are You:
Pregnant Now? Yes No
Nursing? Yes No
Taking Birth Control Pills?Yes No
List any other drugs or medications you cannot take or are allergic to:
Are you currently on Bleomycin sulfate (used in cancer treatments)? Yes No
List any drugs or medications you routinely take:
Have you been hospitalized in the last two years? Yes No
Does dental treatment make you nervous?No / Slightly / Moderately / Extremely
Have you ever had the following for dental treatment?
Gas (Nitrous oxide/laughing gas)Yes No Intravenous sedation Yes No
General AnesthesiaYes No
I, the undersigned, consent to the performing of endodontic procedures agreed to be necessary or advisable, including the use of local anesthetics and/or nitrous oxide as indicated and I will assume responsibility for the fees associated with those procedures.
I am aware that full payment is required on the day of treatment.
I am aware that my health insurance policy will determine my eligibility and the rate of refunds for this treatment.
I understand that the practice requires at least 48-hours notice if I need to cancel my scheduled appointment and that a cancellation fee of $50.00 could be incurred if I fail to do so.
I hereby consent the use of my x-rays, computer images and photographs may be sent to other dental practitioners (to aid with my treatment) or may be used at various dental or endodontic seminars, lectures, and publications that the endodontist may author.
I have completed this questionnaire to the best of my knowledge and understand that failure to make full disclosure may place me at undue medical risk.
Patients Signature:______Date:______
Please print and bring with you to your appointment