New Models of Innovation for Development – Workshop Schedule

Room 3.101, Manchester Business School-West, University of Manchester

Time / Session / Authors / Title / Rapporteur / Chair
0930 / Opening/Welcome / Richard Heeks
0945 / Grassroots Innovation / Hannes Toivanen / Invisible innovation: integrating innovation by the poor into inclusive innovation frameworks / Mario Pansera / Richard Heeks
1025 / Elisa Arond, Mariano Fressoli, Dinesh Abrol, Adrian Smith and Adrian Ely / The framings of grassroots innovation and implications for models of inclusive innovation / Hannes Toivanen
1105 / Break
1135 / New Innovation Models in Asia / Pankaj Sekhsaria / The making of an India STM and ‘technological jugaad’ as a culture of innovation / Harro Maat / Yanuar Nugroho
1215 / Rukmal Weerasinghe, A.K.W. Jaywardene & Ronald Ramlogan / Innovation for the bottom of economic pyramid: the role of manufacturing SMEs in Sri Lanka / Judith Sutz
1255 / Lunch
1400 / BoP Innovation / Roald Suurs, Fernando J. Diaz Lopez, Jenny de Boer, Matilde Miedema, Linda de Kamp and R.A. Mashelkar / A systems-based model for the successful scaling up of sustainable innovation at the bottom of the pyramid / Christopher Foster / Beth Cullen
1440 / Christopher Foster / Nurturing user-producer interaction: innovation flows in a low income mobile phone market / Ronnie Ramlogan
1520 / Break
1550 / Innovation Platforms / Kees Swaans, Birgit Boogaard, Ramkumar Bendapudi, Hailemichael Taye, Saskia Hendrickx and Laurens Klerkx / Operationalizing inclusive innovation: lessons from innovation platforms in livestock value chains in India and Mozambique / Susan Cozzens / Harro Maat
1630 / Beth Cullen , Josephine Tucker, Katherine Snyder, Alan Duncan, Zelalem Lema / Innovation platforms, power, representation and participation: lessons from the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia / Jaap Voeten
1710 / Workshop End
Time / Session / Authors / Title / Rapporteur / Chair
0930 / Opening
0945 / Inclusive Innovation I / Diana Akullo, Harro Maat & Arjen Wals / The public-private partnership: a case of agricultural innovation in Uganda? / Kees Swaans / Judith Sutz
1025 / Maria Clara C. Soares and José E. Cassiolato / Innovation systems and inclusive development: some evidence based on empirical work / Adrian Ely
1105 / Break
1135 / Inclusive Innovation II / Theo Papaioannou / How inclusive can innovation and development be in the 21stcentury? / Cecilia Tomassini / Adrian Ely
1215 / Judith Sutz & Cecilia Tomassini / Knowledge, innovation, social inclusion and their elusive articulation: when isolated policies are not enough / Theo Papaioannou
1255 / Lunch
1400 / Innovation Policy / Jaap Voeten & Wim Naudé / Internal regulation of innovation externalities for development: lessons from Vietnam / Judith Sutz / Hannes Toivanen
1440 / Adrian Ely, Adrian Smith, Melissa Leach, Andy Stirling, Ian Scoones / Globally-linked local innovation for sustainable development: implications for a new hybrid politics post-Rio+20 / Mario Pansera
1520 / Break
1550 / Conceptualising Innovation / Gillian Marcelle, Lesego Nkhumise and Shahid Vawda / Making innovation and science relevant for poor communities: the case of a water management project in South Africa / Susan Cozzens / Richard Heeks
1630 / Mario Pansera / Is there space for non-conventional innovation in mainstream theory? Towards a framework to explain heterodox innovation / Gillian Marcelle
1710 / Workshop End

A collaborative initiative of:

  • Centre for Development Informatics
  • Institute for Development Policy and Management
  • Manchester Institute of Innovation Research
  • UK Development Studies Association: Information, Technology and Development Study Group