New Minas Elementary School PTA Constitution

  1. Purpose:

The purpose of the New Minas Elementary School Parent Teacher Association (NMES PTA) is:

  • To support NMES and enhance the learning environment and opportunities for students.
  • To facilitate communication between parents and the staff of NMES.
  • To inform parents of educational issues.
  • The NMES PTA shall be carried on with the purpose of gain for its members and any profits or accretions to the association shall be used in promoting its objectives.
  1. Membership:
  • All parents or guardians of students attending NMES and staff of NMES are members of NMES PTA.
  1. Executive:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Teacher Liaison – to be a teacher chosen by the teaching staff.
  1. Quorum:
  • Six members (which must include either the President or Vice President and one other executive member) shall be considered a working quorum.
  1. Nomination and Election of Officers:
  • Any parent or guardian of a NMES student may serve as President, Vice President,Secretary, or Treasurer of the NMES PTA. The position of Teacher Liaison shall be held by a teacher chosen by the staff of NMES.
  • The position of President may be shared by two people as Co-Presidents.
  • The term of office for any position shall be two years. Executive members who have served for a two year term must seek re-election.
  • Should an executive member resign, an election to replace him/her may be held at any regular meeting.
  • Any parent wishing to serve in one of these positions shall submit his/her name to the President prior to the first meeting. At the first meeting of the NMES PTA in October each year, any open positions will be elected by majority ballot. If only one parent wishes to serve in any of these positions, he/she shall be elected by acclamation at the same meeting.
  • Should any Executive member fail to act in the best interests of the NMES PTA or fail to carry out his/her duties, he/she may be removed from office by a majority vote of members at a regular meeting, after written notice of said vote has been given to the executive member in question.In such cases, it is recommendedthat the Provincial PTA Committee be consulted.
  1. Executive Job Descriptions:


  • Presides over all meetings.
  • Represents the NMES PTA in any official capacity.
  • Together with the other executive members, organizes and helps carry out fundraising and educational enhancement programs.

Vice President:

  • Assists the President.
  • Fills the role of President in the absence of the President.


  • All accounts and bookkeeping, issuing receipts and preparing financial reports for the NMES PTA meetings.
  • Assists President.


  • Record minutes of all regular and executive meetings.
  • Responsible for all correspondence.

Teacher Liaison:

  • Acts as a liaison between the NMES PTA and the staff of the school.
  • Reports back to the staff on any issues that arise at any regular meeting.
  • With the Principal, brings forward any requests for funding from the staff of NMES.
  1. Meetings:
  • The executive shall hold at least five meetings per year.
  • The dates of all meetings shall be advertised in the school newsletter. Minutes shall be posted on the school website.
  • Meetings that have been cancelled (i.e. storm days) shall be rescheduled for the same day and time the following week provided it does not interfere with other activities/events at the school. When a meeting cannot be rescheduled, it may be replaced with an executive meeting.
  • The NMES PTA Constitution shall be read/reviewed at the first meeting.
  1. Finances:
  • The fiscal year shall be from July1 to June 30.
  • Signing officers shall be any two of the President, Vice President, Treasurer or secretary.
  • Financial reports will be reviewed at each meeting.
  1. Procedure:

Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the business of the NMES PTA meetings as required.

Revised April 2010