Southern Utah Chemical Olympics Friday, April 25, 2014

High School


The Chemistry Olympics is an annual educational contest that will be held at SUU campus around the end of April each year. The objectives of Chemistry Olympics are: First, it provides high school chemistry students with a stimulating and enjoyable academic experience. Second, it demonstrates the relevance, importance, fascination and fun of chemistry to the students. Third, the workshops for high school teachers provide them with the latest developments in the teaching of chemistry. Fourth, it promotes science education at high schools by strengthening the relationships between the University and the high school.


There are THREE events, two of which involve individual competition, and one

involves team competition. The individual events consist of a comprehensive examination and a Laboratory experiment in quantitative analysis (acid-base titration). The team event consist of one qualitative analysis experiment. In these events, individuals and teams compete against each other. Medals and trophies are presented to individuals and teams who place first, second and third in the separate events, thus, six awards are given to individuals and three awards to teams, and six awards for schools in the individual competition.


It is recommende to have between 3- 5 students on each team. All students will participate in the exam competition. To enhance the chance of winning, we allow up to three teams to participate in the team competition and up to three individuals to take part in the titration competition.

Other Activities:

Fun Time:

·  Dr. H. Samha will present an entertaining demonstration:

“Fun with Gas.”

·  Lunch is provided for all participants and teachers at the Chemistry Olympics.


Chemistry Olympics is sponsored by Southern Utah University. The Chemistry Olympics committee appreciates everyone’s contribution to this exciting project and asks your support in helping students learn.


Dr. H. Samha

351 West Center Street

Physical Science Department, SC 309

Souhern Utah University

Cedar City, UT 84720


Telephone: (435) 586-7909

FAX: (435) 865-8051