NMNWSE Annual Meeting Minutes
25 September 2004
New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering
Annual Meeting
25 September 2004
The meeting was held in the lodge at the Valles Caldera National Preserve in the Jemez Mountains in conjunction with the Technical Symposium.
Members in attendance were: Debby Potter, dede Collins, Mercedes Agogino, Wendee Brunish, Mary Campbell, Barbara Torres, Yolanda King, Tinka Gammel, Margo Clark, Dana Roberson, Nanette Founds, Bleu Knight and Amanda Meenach.
The secretary was unable to attend. Mary Campbell took the minutes. Additions and corrections were made after she was presented with her notes at the December 11 board meeting.
Checking balance as $12,864.85 in checking and $7,114.23 in the money market due to Debby Potter’s very successful fundraising. The money market interest rate is low with the result of interest earned equal to about the maintenance fee.
The Budget was presented, changed slightly and approved.
- Changes were increased in the EYH support from $300 to $600 for each EYH for 2005. An amount named EYH Misc. was added for $500.
- Publicity was increased to $800.
The annual meeting may be more than budgeted because of the reservation of the bunkhouse, which we did not use. Debby suggested that if we couldn’t get out of the charge for the bunkhouse that we increase the budget to pay for it. Dede so moved and Barbara seconded. Passed.
An audit committee of Wendy Brunish, Nanette Founds, and Margo Clark was selected. The audit was performed during the afternoon break.
The resultant audit report after a spot check approved the treasurer’s report.
- Annual Meeting
Debby thanked Tinka Gammel and Janie Enter, who was unable to attend, for their efforts in organizing the event.
- Archives – Mary Campbell
Mary showed new scrapbooks with pictures. Yolanda provided the names of the other attendees that were at the 25-year celebration. She sent out the request for other information that would be pertinent to our archives.
- Elections – dede Collins
The slate of officers was given but the ballot was not sent out to the membership yet. (Ballot to be sent Oct. 15, 2004.)
Tinka Gammel – Vice-President/President elect
Yolanda King – Treasurer
Lynda Towers – Member-at-large
Judith Hohmann – Member-at-large, Southern chapter representative
Mary S. Campbell – Member-at-large
Dana Roberson – Member-at-large
In addition, the following continuing board members are:
Barbara Torres – President
Jeanne Banks – Secretary
Debby Potter – Past President
Kim Lindner – Member-at-Large
Adrienne Dare – Member-at-Large
Janie Enter – Member-at-Large
Georgia Pedicini - Northern chapter representative
Mercedes Agogino – Eastern chapter representative
Kelly Bitner – Central chapter representative
- Fund Raising – Debby Potter
Funds received for EYH conferences scheduled in 2005:
$3000 McCune Foundation
$5000 Honeywell
$2500 Sandia Foundation/Hugh and Helen Woodward Foundation
$1000 LANL Foundation
Total of $11,500
- Membership – Tinka Gammel
Membership listing was distributed.
Action item: Update e-mail list of the board and send to members.
Membership form is on website.
- Newsletter/Web Page – Tinka Gammel
Tinka placed the LAWIS website on the NMNWSE web.
- Publicity – Kim Linder
Banner ordered. Ad in New Mexico magazine and Brown Wrapper in Albuquerque Journal were done this year.
- Policies and Procedures – Barbara Torres
A copy of the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures was passed out to attendees. Changes were: Bylaws: Clarified meetings by explicitly including a section stating; a virtual board meeting may be held on time-critical topics (Section 4.10).
Policies and Procedures: Modified Chapter Rebate Policy to set rebates by majority vote of the Board of Directors each year.
- Science Fair – Mercedes Agogino
Mercedes reported on the 2004 State Science Fair awards. There were 5 awards in the junior division and 5 awards in the senior division. Each recipient received a check for $50 and a tote bag containing career information, which is distributed at EYH conferences, and magnets. The judges also passed out recognition cards to all female participants. Judges were Debby Potter, dede Collins, Mercedes Agogino, Nanette Founds, Mary Campbell, Janie Enter, Yolanda King, Tinka Gammel, Victoria Day, Karen Agogino, and Lynn Anne George.
Tinka reported on the Native American Science Fair held in Albuquerque. She thought we should participate as a group next year. This science fair is attended by Native American students from all over the country.
The International Science Fair will be in Albuquerque in 2007. Yolanda will find out what we should do to present a special award.
- State EYH – Tinka Gammel (for Dana Roberson)
The fee to the Math/Science Network is now $500. This amount grants us the rights to hold each conference and includes the additional funds requested to send multiple copies of the materials to each site coordinator. Dana questions if this is worth it and do we know how the Math/Science Network uses the funds. Adrienne paid $200 for EYH to the Math & Science Network plus $30 per site (total of $60) for copies of paperwork. What do we choose to do this year? Of course, the right to call the conference “Expanding Your Horizons” and use of the EYH logo are part of what we receive, plus the materials that are sent. Dana will take action to contact the Network and ask about the fee and how it is used.
- Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) – Tinka Gammel (for Georgia Pedicini)
EYH report for March 11, 2004 was submitted. There were 14 workshops and 150 students. 53% Hispanic, 4% Native American, and 6% Pacific Islander. A policy decision at LANL has made it difficult to plan an EYH this year. They have canceled the list servers and web sites of previously supported organizations.
- Eastern Southern Chapter (Silver City) – Adrienne Dare
The Silver City EYH conference for 2004 had 229 students in 6th to 10th grade. They attended 3 different workshops and received tee shirts. AAUW is a cosponsor of this conference, and Adrienne reported their results at the AAUW conference in Texas. This year’s conference is scheduled at WNMU on March 5, 2005. The format will be similar to previous conferences: opening session, two workshops, lunch, another workshop, group activity, and closing session. There will be a keynote speaker at the opening session: a woman who is a graduate of one of the local area high schools. She works for IBM in Tucson and contacted us after last year’s conference volunteering to help.
- Central Chapter (Albuquerque) – Yolanda King
The Central Chapter held its EYH at UNM on 13 March 2004. They had 275 student and 95 adult registrations. Four female cadets from the USAF Academy came down from Colorado Springs to present information on their aerospace engineering projects for space and propulsion for the opening. Congresswoman Wilson presented at the closing session. As it was a very big success – all team members have agreed to be on the planning committee again for 2005. They submitted a budget for seed money at the August Board Meeting for EYH on 12 March 2005.
- Southern Chapter (Las Cruces) –
No report.
- Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) – Tinka Gammel
Noon lunch talks are continuing. The next talk is on stress reduction exercises and stress management. All Lab sanctioned groups’ websites were eliminated, making it hard to plan an EYH.
- Eastern Chapter (Silver City –
No report.
- Central Chapter (Albuquerque) – Yolanda King
The Central Chapter (Yolanda King) hosted the 25th Anniversary Celebration for the NMNWSE in June. Several members judged the local (regional) science fair and the Native American science fair. Members supported mock job interviews for the UNM WISE program. No Chapter meetings were held. It is hoped to start having two speaker/dinners over the next year at the Explora Board Room.
- Southern Chapter (Las Cruces –
No report.
Strategic Planning – Barbara Torres
A session on it is planned for later in the afternoon.
Charter – Debby Potter
Read the charter. It is on the website.
WISE Program at NMSU – Amanda Meenach
A conference for Advancement of Hispanics in science and engineering was held in Austin, Texas. Tasha Yazee, mentor and Bleu Knight, a graduate student, went to the conference. The group plans to give material on careers in engineering for students entering college and mentor women in NM in 5th to 12th grades.
Barbara called for naming of committee and chairs on the Board
Dana – Membership
Mary - Archives
Debby - Fund Raising
Kim - Publicity
Web – Tinka and Catherine
Newsletter -
Strategic planning - Judith Hohmann
Policies and Procedures – Lynda Towers
Science Fair - Mercedes (not call judges)
Audit -
Elections - Mary
Annual meeting - ?
Next Board Meeting at Debby Potter’s in Alameda, NM on December 11, 2004.
Meeting adjourned.
Technical Presentations
Debby Potter, Protecting Wilderness Areas from Acidification
Wendee Brunish, Hard and Deeply Buried Target Defeat Assessment
Yolanda King, Future of Remote Sensing
Strategic Planning Session
Network Promotion
- General
Brochure redesign is on the website. Plan to distribute and use more often -- Done
- Annual Meeting
Retreat at Valles Caldera, Jemez Springs -- Done
Committee can call people to ask for technical papers.
Advertise 1-day participation as well as weekend.
Target participants.
Text for TV promotion on KOB Friday afternoon – Kim
Bring students to annual meeting with advisor for poster session
Cash reward for best presentation to encourage student participation
- Science Fair
Science Fair award at the regional level
More “good job” cards for science fair for 2005
Offer design of experiment help to students
- Mentoring
e-Mentoring for experiment design
Fund raising for 2006 could mention mentoring
Dana report on MentorNet
- University target – contacts
NMSU course by Pam Hunt. WISE, Elaine Borrelli at UNM -- Done
Have board meeting at university and invite students.
- Chapter energizing
Central chapter needs to do a meeting: weekday night invite board or Sat. board meeting.
Barbara will call Jeanne to get Explora schedule.
Kelly can help.
Diane Northrup is cave scientist at UNM biology. She may have a broad appeal for talk.
- Success stories of network
- Job Fair
Defer Job fair participation.
- 25th anniversary gala – Done. Yolanda, good job!
- Progress report on these projects at each board meeting.
- Toni may come to board meeting if at lunch.
- 2004-2005 Meetings
December 11, 2004
10:00am / Debby Potter’s home
1019 Guadalupe Ct NW
Alameda, NM 87114
897-8621 / Board Meeting
February 26, 2005 / Jeanne Banks, Placitas / Board Meeting
March 5, 2005 / WNMU / Silver City EYH
March 31, 2005 / Los Alamos / Northern Chapter EYH
March 12, 2005 / UNM / Central Chapter EYH
April 2, 20059:00am / Socorro @ NM Tech / State Science Fair and Board Meeting
June 11, 2005 / Los Alamos / Board Meeting
August 20, 2005 / Barbara Torres’ home / Board Meeting
September 23-25, 2005 / Albuquerque / TechnicalSymposium/Annual Meeting/ Board Meeting
Jeanne BanksPage 19/25/2004