Minutes of LEP Distribution Sector Group
19thMay 2014, 3pm
2 Rivergate, Bristol BS1 6EH
Attendees: David Coombes, Bob Pinkett, Melissa Houston, Andrew Ridler, Adam Powell, Chris Miles, Ken Simpson, Jonathon Mordaunt, Pearl Mills, Ian Steele, Bryan Jackson, George Elliott
Apologies: Jack Allen, Anthony Merritt
- Welcome
- David welcomed the group and introductions were made for the benefit of new members.
- Actions from the previous meeting were reviewed. David and Ian have discussed who else should be invited to join the sector group. There’s a good representation from logistics – Who is missing? Highways Agency? Group agreed that it might be difficult to get large organisations to commit to attending regular meetings and that having a strong UA presence should be enough.
- Moving forward the group feel they should be engaged with the Low Carbon’s core group.
- Dates for future meetings need to be decided and circulated (ASAP) to ensure everyone can attend. This will also help when trying to invite new people to join.ACTION: David and Melissa to agree dates and circulate to the group.
- Group Objectives
- David did a quick review of the group’s objectives for the benefit of those that weren’t at the first meeting.
- Group agreed that a strategy needs to be produced. There’s a lot of focus on passenger, important to not forget jobs and freight.
- Important to align the draft documentwith the bullet points within the Sector Prospectus.
- Lobbying
- David believes that to help raise the presence of the sector group they should be lobbying but what does this mean?
- Ken informed the group that there’s a strong cross over with the Retail Sector Group = potential to support each other.
- Open discussion: What are the “Terms of Reference”? Clarity needed on the correct process – Does the group always have to go through the LEP Board?
- WE LEP Collaboratorium
- Melissa updated the group on the LEP event. Over 150 key members attended and participated in a number of different workshops.
- This was the first time sector and cross cutting group members had been brought together for an event. With onus on chairs to filter information down to members, this was a great opportunity for everyone to receive a LEP update, network and encourage group collaboration.
- Melissa expressed that it would be good to have a strong presence from the Distribution group at the next event – 11th September.
- Melissa gave a very brief update – SEP was submitted to Government at the end of March. We’re now waiting to hear how much we’ll get which should be in July.
- Although the LEP has since been told the money available isn’t as high as first informed, we’re feeling positive about the bid.
- WE Freight Partnership
- David met with Melissa and Barbara Davies (Head of Place and Infrastructure) to discuss reinvigorating the group, as it hasn’t met since 2011. Barbara didn’t see this as a problem as David has different objectives i.e. Freight focus not planning.
- David feels the name is more identifiable to people outside of the LEP - This group will be used as a forum to discuss/open debate on freight issues.
- M49 Junction Status
- Route based strategy produced – there are references within other strategic documents for the need of a junction extending back at least 20 years. The Strategy directly references the City Deal process and therefore some form of Highways Agency/City Deal partnership may be the funding outcome requirement in order to get the junction built.
- The Route Based Strategy document relating to the M49 does not make an unequivocal case for a junction as perhaps had been expected in the lead-in to its publication.
- Assessment criteria – while referencing (in places) that the junction is a priority, there are some assessment criteria where the junction scores less well relative to other Strategy schemes. The key strength is probably the link to the economic development potential as a result of a junction.
- Draft Distribution, Freight & Logistics Strategy 2014-2019
- Bob circulated and took the group through the (draft) strategy – What they would like to achieve in the next 5 years.
- It is felt that Distribution’s contribution to the economy is underestimated.
- There are a number of projects to focus on. Important to make sure they do not conflict with LEP activities.
- Once projects are defined, it’s important for the group to see where they fit with other sectors/cross cutting groups.
- ACTION: Bob to recirculate the draft document for members to read and amend/add comments and any facts/figures that can be added would be appreciated.
- Skills Gap
- Adam introduced himself to the group as the new Head of Skills for the LEP and there is a focus on the 5 priority sectors (High Tech, Low Carbon, Advanced Engineering & Aerospace, Creative and Professional Services). Adam also gave an overview of what the team does – connections between FE colleges, universities, businesses, funding for training etc.
- Adam understands that the focus is on the promotion of careers to schools and the shortage of qualified drivers. Adam expressed the importance of linking up with other sectors – there shouldn’t (and needed be) 12 separate strategies working towards the same goal.
- Pearl recently held an event and facilitated a workshop to find out what the restraints are.
- Pearl has emailed David details on future UWE events that include 121 with graduates. ACTION: David to circulate this information to members.
- Consensus was that clarity on what support is available, funding streams etc would be useful. George feels that the Apprenticeship Hub should achieve this.
- Nothing raised
Next meeting: Tuesday 29th July, 3pm
2 Rivergate, Bristol BS1 6EH