New Mexico Drug Court Certification Application Instructions

Dear Drug Court Program:

Thank you for your interest in State Drug Court Certification. In order to become certified in the State of New Mexico, you will need to complete the following steps and achieve a high level of alignment with state and national standards. Please contact Robert Mitchell, NM Senior Statewide Program Manager for Problem Solving Courts, at 505-827-4940, if you have any questions about this process or any of the materials. Application materials and example documents described below are available on the AOC website.


  1. Coordinator (with team) fills out online assessment: for Adult Drug Courts for DWI Courts

Please complete the assessment even if you have filled one out because of participation in an NDCI technical assistance process or a BJA grant.

  1. Coordinator/team provides program documents [checklists that will be used by certification reviewers are available to assist you, to ensure you have all required elements in each of these documents]. These documents can be emailed to AOC staff or (if you are with the Judiciary) uploaded to the Google Drive. AOC staff will create program-specific folders on that drive for you to submit your materials for programs that have access to it.

☐A. MOU with participating agencies (prosecutor, defense attorney, parole/probation) [standard 1-11, c]

☐B. [If not in MOU] Include statements from attorneys regarding agreement not to augment sentences for people who are unsuccessful in drug court due to lack of available treatment. [standard 6-5]

☐C. Contract(s) with

☐Treatment provider(s)[Appendix G]

☐Probation/surveillance officer(s), if applicable [standard 1-9]

☐D. MOU with treatment provider(s) if applicable [standard 1-11, c]

☐E. MOU with medical/MAT provider if applicable [standard 4-22]

☐F. Policy and Procedure Manual [standard 1-12]

☐Drug testing policy if not in PPM [standard 5-9]

☐G. Participant Handbook [standard 2-7]

☐H. Participant Contract

☐I. Release/confidentiality/sharing of information form [standard 1-17]

☐J. Peer review report, if there has been a peer review [standard 8-13]

☐K. Evaluation reports, if applicable [standard 8-11]

☐L. Data to demonstrate equitable access to the program and to program services/supports for historically disadvantaged groups [standard 1-15]

☐M. Training logs [standards in Key Component #9]

☐O. Most recent best practice table, if applicable[standards 8-11, 8-13]

☐P. Copy of risk and need assessment tool(s) used [standard 3-7]

☐Q. Participant satisfactory survey or summary of results [standard 8-8]

  1. Treatment provider provides:

☐Staff licenses (scan and email or fax), provider number, practitioner number [Appendix G]

☐Link to their manual/curriculum (if online) or to the evidence-based practice they use on the NREPP website [standard 4-11]

☐Description of their quality assurance/fidelity protocol/process (submit through email or hard copy, or reference page number if part of policy and procedure manual or MOU)

☐Description of how they provide/ensure gender appropriate and culturally competent treatment services [standard 4-3]

  1. Coordinator fills out/submits application form, including responses to open-ended questions.

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