Crime and the Media (Summer, 2011)

Assignment #3: Newspapers and Crime

Note: Based on printed copies of the Duluth News Tribune that were handed out in class. Please turn in your newspaper with the assignment.

1. Carefully inspect the two sections of the newspaper copy you were given. For each article related to crime or the criminal justice system, make an entry (and fill in the data) on the attached code sheet.

Date of Newspaper: ______

2. Describe the most prominent crime/criminal justice story in the newspaper using any course material that is applicable. Does the article deal with a “typical” crime and/or a “typical” criminal? Was the story really newsworthy? Were there any claims-makers? Does the story relate to a “crime waves” or “moral panics” or anything of the sort? You will be graded on your ability to integrate the article with the course materials. Even if your most prominent article is sort of lame (it is the Duluth News Tribune) you can summarize the course material on newspaper reporting and crime in this answer. If you have questions or issues, feel free to email.

Crime and the Media (Soc 3336): Code Sheet for Newspaper Analysis

Record the following summary information about your edition of the newspaper.

Total number of articles in section A (National News)
Number of crime/criminal justice articles in sections A
Total number of articles that start on the front page of A
Number of crime/criminal justice articles that start on front page of A
Total number of articles in section C (Local News)
Number of crime/criminal justice articles in section C
Total number of articles that start on the front page of C
Number of crime/criminal justice articles that start on front page of C

For each article, fill out an entry (see coding instructions on next page): I PROVIDED A FAKE ARTICLE SO YOU CAN GET THE IDEA OF HOW IT WORKS—PELEASE DELETE THIS ONE BEFORE YOU START YOURS.

Title of Article / Crime
Type / Location in Paper / Celeb / Case location / Stranger
Man Wearing Clown Suit Attacks Bus Full Of Nuns / Interpersonal / A1 / N / National / Yes
Notes: Dude in Oklahoma shoots up bus with nuns. Kills 3—was drunk or high during offense.

Code Sheet Instructions:

NOTE: I Have put a fake article in to help you understand. Please delete this article before coding your stuff. Use the “NOTES” section to add anything that is interesting or notable.

1. There is room for 8 articles (should be plenty). If not, copy and paste the coding table to a new page.

2. Follow the guidelines for the variables in the columns:

a. Crime Type

·  Interpersonal (e.g., rape, robbery, assault, murder)

·  Property (theft, burglary)

·  Drug

·  Terrorism

·  Public Order (public drunkenness, DWI)

If there are multiple offenses, code the most serious offense. Then, in the notes section, indicate the other offenses.

b. Location in paper = Section and Page (e.g., A1 or B3). This is where the article first appears (don’t

worry if it continues on a different page.

c. Does the article involve a celebrity? (Athlete, actor, etc.) = Yes or No

d. Where did the crime take place = Local (Twin Ports), Regional (WI/MN), National, or International.

e. Stranger = crime committed by stranger? = Yes NO Cant’ Tell (CT) or Not Applicable (NA)

3. If the article doesn’t “fit” these categories, put in the notes why it doesn’t fit. For example, an article about Neighborhood Watch meetings organized in Duluth would not yield a valid “type of crime.”

If you are confused about what/how to code, please feel free to email.
