New Manchester High School
Teen Health Syllabus
Teacher: Coach Jerry FlippinRoom: 1E.123
Email: Text: Prentice Hall Health 2010
School Website:
Performance Standards/Objectives:
Course Description:
Grade 9-12
Prerequisite None
This course is designed to give students the opportunity to learn practical skills necessary to implement healthy life choices. The course includes learning activities designed to include students in classroom study, discussions, health labs, internet activities via health web sites and constantly changing current events. Students are called on to evaluate their current health habits on personal, interpersonal and community levels. A passing grade in this course meets high school graduation requirements in the area of Health and Safety.
1 Semester Health= .5
1 Semester Fitness= .5
=1 Carnegie Unit
This course is a Douglas County School System graduation requirement.
Class Expectations:
1. Students are expected to be RESPECTFUL of the rights of others. Raise your hand before speaking. Be quiet while others are talking. Health class is not a time to catch up on a nap! Respect all property in this classroom! If it’s not yours, LEAVE IT ALONE!
2. Students are expected to follow the school rules and codes. (See online the New Manchester High School Student Handbook for information and school policies.)
3. Students will be in the classroom and in your seat before the tardy bell. 3 tardies=discipline referral.
4. Students are expected to be present and organized every day. Make sure you have all materials for class, INCLUDING your Health journals!!!
5. No cell phones or other electronic devices, food, gum or drinks are allowed in the classroom. Water is allowed if disposed of properly.
6. Attendance is an ESSENTIAL part of learning! Students are responsible for missing work when they return from an absence. It is YOUR responsibility to see me as soon as possible. I will not hunt you down to make up work. Also, if you are absent the day before a known assignment is due, you will still be responsible for that assignment on that returning day! (test, projects, etc.)
7. Students will be given TWO days to complete the makeup work.
8. If a student misses a test, the test MUST be made up within two school days or a 0 will be given. Also, the test must be made up when convenient for the both of us (not during class)!
9. Cheatingwill NOT be tolerated!
10. Expect yourself to SUCCEED!
11. If you need help, ASK! If you don’t understand, ASK! If something is wrong, ASK! If you need anything, ASK!
12. HOMEWORK: IF homework is given, it will be completed by the following class period or otherwise determined. If an assignment is turned in following the completion of the unit, they will not receive credit.
Class Rules:
1. Give RESPECT, to Gain RESPECT!
2. LISTEN!!!
3. Come prepared mentally, emotionally and physically each day and ready to learn!
1. 1st Verbal Warning
2. 2nd Parent Contact and Detention
3. 3rdReferral and Detention
Class Requirements and Materials:
1. Health Folder/Journal
2. Writing Utensil and paper
3. Textbook: No textbook will be issued. All health material will come from Prentice Hall Health 2010.
The grades reported may be interpreted as follows:
90-100 A – Mark of distinction
80-89B – Very creditable work
70-79C – Average work
60-69D – Below average
0-59F – Failing; no credit given
Restroom/Locker/Drink Policy:
Students will be provided 2 passes for the semester. Physical passes will be given to
each student who must present them for permission leave. If a student does not have a pass to turn in, they will not be permitted to leave. Students who turn in the passes at the end of the course will receive 5 extra credit points for each pass toward their grade.
Teen Health
18 weeks 0.5 unit class
1 Making Health Decisions
UNIT 1Mental Health
2 Personality, Self-Esteem and Emotions
3 Managing Stress
4 Mental Disorders
UNIT 2Social Health
5 Family Relationships
6 Building Health Peer Relationships
7 Preventing Violence
UNIT 3Nutrition
8 Food and Nutrition
9 Making Healthy Food Choices
UNIT 5 Substance Abuse
15 Alcohol
16 Tobacco
17 Preventing Drug Abuse
UNIT 6Human Development
18 Reproduction and Heredity
19 Pregnancy, Birth, and Childhood
20 Adolescence and Adulthood
UNIT 7 Preventing Disease
21 Infectious Diseases
22 Sexually Transmitted Infections and AIDS
23 Chronic Diseases and Disabilities
A. We use many opportunities to improve vocabulary as much as possible.
B. Keep this outline in your Health Journal (folder).
C. Your Health Journal will count towards your Homework/Classwork grade.
Course Syllabus
I have read the attached syllabus and understand the goals of the class, the expectations of the teacher for the students, and the assessment/evaluation
Parent or Guardian Signature
Parent E-mail Address
Parent Daytime Phone Number
Student Print and Sign
Date Signed: