Additional Controls & Residual Risk Factor
Liz Aggiss – SLAP AND TICKLE a solo dance performance
(RA completed FEBRUARY2016)Task or Activity / Hazard / People at risk / Severity / Likelihood / Risk Factor / Existing Controls /
Additional Controls & Residual Risk Factor
1. The General Conditions1.1 General conditions of the work space / Trips, slips, falls / Performer / 1 / 2 / 2 / The performance space will provide professional standard conditions for the performer to work on. The performance area will be flat and without trip hazards. Any steps up/down to the area will be clearly marked and there will be suitable lighting to be agreed in advance. / First Aid provided by the Theatre/Festival
1.2 Surface of the performance area / Trips, slips, falls / Performer / 1 / 2 / 2 / House staff/stewards will ensure that the performance area surface is dry and free from any potentially slippery material or liquid. / No drinks/ liquid to be allowed in close proximity to the performance space. If stewards are to be provided to police this, the staff are at the hosts expense.LOW
2. Getting In & Fitting Up & Getting Out2.1 During Rehearsal/ Performance / Bumps, scrapes, falling objects / Audience, performers, crew other contractors / 2 / 1 / 2 / The performer is very experienced and a professional.
The piece is well-rehearsed.
The performer will be made familiar with the space. /
2.2 Getting In & Getting Out / Strain from lifting obstruction / Performers house crew, / 2 / 1 / 2 / The visiting company will not bring any heavy objects / scenery.If the venue staff need to clear an area of heavy objects to create the performance area, adequate number of people need to be used to lift and move the heavy pieces of set.
Adequate & sufficient MH induction & training to all personnel.
Good housekeeping employed to keep the work area hazard free. / Area of lift clearly marked and cordoned off. Emergency exits and gangways kept clear at all times.
2.3 Running Cables / Electrical, slips trips and falls / Visiting company, house crew / 4 / 1 / 4 / The Theatre will provide the agreed technical equipment.All equipment to be carefully prepared and electrically tested prior to installation. / We expect equipment provided to be PAT tested
First Aid provided by the Theatre/Festival.
2.4 Setting Up: - Provision of Electrical distribution / Electrical Fire, Electrocution, / Visiting company crew, contractors / 4 / 2 / 8 / The visiting company will not bring any power distribution: -All distribution and electrical equipment to be tested and protected against fault and overload conditions via use of MCCBs and RCDs. All distribution equipment comes in modular "plug and play" form conforming to BS 7909.
Only trained, experienced professional staff to undertake electrical work or to operate electrical equipment or tools. /
3.Fire3.1 General Fire Precautions / Dangers from fire / All / 4 / 2 / 8 / It is expected by the visiting company that:-
All portable fire fighting equipment installed by the venue to conform to BS EN 3: 1996 and be colour coded in accordance with BS 7863: 1996 and BS 5306: 1985.
Suitable fire fighting equipment to be provided in the backstage area
Any personnel should only tackle any fire provided it will not endanger their own life, if they are appropriately trained, and only once the immediate area has been evacuated.
Combustibles to be kept to a minimum across the venue. / A thorough health and safety briefing will be given to the visiting company to include muster points and fire exits
4.Special Effects and Show Content4.1 During Rehearsal/ Performance: - Physical performances / Falling, straining. Injury to self or others / Performers, audience / 2 / 1 / 2 / The professional performer is an experienced, trained professional.
It is a solo dance piece – a straightforward performance style. There is no scenery in the piece.
She expects to be no closer than 1 m to any audience member at any given time for the duration of the piece / There are no high-tech special effects employed for this piece
Likelihood x Severity = Risk Factor / Severity / Likelihood / Risk Factor / Action1-trivial injury / 1-Remote / 1,2 / No Action/LOW priority
Assessment carried out by Liz Aggiss and Joe Murray / 2-Minor Injury / 2-Possible / 3,4 / LOW priority
3-"3 day Injury" / 3-Likely / 5,6 / Medium Priority
4- Major Injury / 4-Highly Likely / 7,8 / High Priority
5-Death / 5-Certain / 8,9 / Urgent action