LWSD Transition Academy
Student Review Process
The Transition Academy is a community based program for young adults with developmental disabilities who are interested in preparing for life and work in the community. Academy students fall into the following categories: 18 - 21 years of age, developmentally disabled, needing and committed to a community and employment focused program.
Transition Academy students are typicallyselected from high schools in the Lake Washington School Districtduring the spring prior to starting. Interested students, families, and IEP teams are encouraged to complete the referral process outlined below. Due to space limitations and related issues, there sometimes may be a limited number of openings for any given school year. Students always have the option of remaining at their home high school to receive their special education and transition services.
Students willbe consideredfor participation based upon the followingreview process.
Student Review Processes:
The following is a list of preferred attributes and characteristics of students who have been successful at the Transition Academy Program.
- Student 18 – 21 years of age
- Turn 19 before or during first year in program; priority given to students with 2-3 years of remaining eligibility; students with one year recommended to stay at home high school
- Student and parent awareness, understanding, and commitment to program mission, values, goals and specifics
- Attend orientation (required)
- Interest and need for community based training, including employment experiences; willingness to work toward getting a paid job
- Acceptance of reasonable risks associated with community based training and moving toward independence (including pedestrian and public transportation) in work and other community activities
- Academy schedule (Mondays-Thursdays), activities, etc.
- Understandingand commitment to program expectationsfor parents and students
- Active participation in program and transition related activities, including attending a variety of individual and group meetings throughout tenure at the Academy
- Completeapplications and linkages to agencies (DDA, DVR, SSI, School to Work, etc.) in timely fashion
- Access personal networks to assist with community and job development
- Understanding how life, schedules, and expectations are different than when in schools
- Completed Level V graduation requirements
- IEP determined graduation standards with modified curriculum and expectations
- HPSE Portfoliostarted and ideally completed during high school
- All other graduation requirements completed
- Finished typical high school experience
- Determined by student and his/her IEP team
- Participated in desired “senior” activities, e.g., commencement (diploma not issued), senior party, prom, etc.
- Developmental disability
- Eligible and registeredfor DDA services
- Meets disability criteria for SSI (apply on or before 18th birthday)
- Likely considered most significantly disabled by DVR
- Recommendation of IEP team which will consider and confirm:
- Student interest and need for community based training
- Family understanding and support (choice) of the Academy, its focus, and expectations
- Likely post school outcome of supported employment
- Student matches following characteristics:
- 18-21 years old
- Students likely eligible for services through DDA (Developmental Disabilities Administration)Interest and ability to participate in community based activities after systematic instruction, support, and fading of special education staff
- internships, paid employment and/or other work related activities
- recreation, personal management, and other community activities
- public transportation (including pedestrian safety)
- management of personal schedule
- note: goal of moving toward natural supports and away from direct 1:1 school staff support; moving toward independence
- Ability of student and staff to manage the following within community based settings:
- personal care
- medical issues
- behavior
Student Review Process
The following process will be used when determining if students are a good matchand have a strong potential for success as an incoming Transition Academy class.
- Attend orientation: The first and possibly most important step in the selection process is developing both parent and student awareness and understanding of the program, its focus, and major activities. Students must be interested and want a community based program that will likely be far different than what they may have experienced. Parents need to fully understand and support this important decision, as well as the expectations that come with it.
- Parents notify high school IEP provider of interest byFriday, April 4th.
- IEP teams review student rosters and recommend students byFriday April 25th.
- Confirm student and family interest
- Determine student benefit
- Complete checklist generated from selection criteria and include:
- a summary statement supporting a student’s participation
- a summary or portfolio of school and communityexperiences to support recommendation and facilitate transition into program
- letters of support from student, parent, others
- WAAS Portfolio and Culminating Project where supportive
- Forward recommendations of IEP teams to Transition Academy Coordinators(below)
- Transition Academy Review Committee will meet and determine students coming school year
- Eligible student recommendationswill be shared with Wynn Spaulding, Associate Director/Special Services prior to notification of families
- Students, parents, and schools will be notified by Friday,May 9th.
- Appeals of decisions can be made directly to Paul Vine, Director of Special Education
- Transition meetings for incoming students held before beginning of school in September
Questions? Please contact Mark Tornquist, Richard Haines , Taylor Phu Academy
Telephone # (425) 861-3452
Wynn Spaulding (425) 936-1221