New Knowledge Journal of Science (2013) ISSN 1314-5703

/ New Knowledge Journal of Science
Списание за наука „Ново знание”
University of Agribusiness and Rural DevelopmentAcademic Publishing House
Академично издателство на Висше училище по агробизнес и развитие на регионите




Key words:
key word 1
key word 2 / Abstract
New knowledge Journal of Science is an edition of science and education which is released four times a year. The journal publishes results of scientific research activities and experiments in the sphere of agribusiness, regional development, innovation technologies, etc.Scientific articles / papers, surveys, reviews, informations, comments, reports, etc. are accepted.Scientific survey papers should treat pressing questions and problems and contain comparative analyses in the topic of investigation.Short scienfitic notices (up to 3 pages) report only original contributions and scientific results.

University of Agribusiness and Rural Development Edition1

New Knowledge Journal of Science (2013) ISSN 1314-5703


Fourth International scientific conferenceClimate change, economic development, environment and people conference (CCEDEP)under the subtopic ‘Regional developmentof Central and Eastern European countries’.

Material & methods

The Conference is co-organized by Alliance of Central-Eastern European Universities along with the Fifth ACEU Congress under the patronage of the Ministry of Economy and Energy of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Results & discussion

The conference's objective is to outline the problems and perspectives in SUSTAINABLE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT by presenting current research, giving reccomendations for practice, creating opportunities for discussions and establishing relations between science, business, non-governmental organizations, state and local authorities.

Among the topics to be discussed are: policies of regional development and markets, legislation, financing; economic development and competetiveness, entrepreneurship and management, infrastructure, agribusiness and tourism, etc.

The accent will be on sustainable regional development, regional markets and international trade, green economy,and information and communication technology.

The Fifth ACEU congress will be the attendant event of the conference with the participation of rectors of universities from the region.

The conference will provide opportunities for information and knowledge exchange of relevant experts, researchers and institutions in those fields with the purpose of fostering international cooperation and new initiatives in Central and Eastern European countries.


Regional markets and international trade

Economics, entrepreneurship & management

Ecological food production

Information and communication technology

Tourism and recreation

Green economy and renewable energy

Environmental protection and management

Agribusiness and regional policy

Social and cultural development

Education management and scientific research

Human resources

Health, sports and medicine

University of Agribusiness and Rural Development Edition1

New Knowledge Journal of Science (2013) ISSN 1314-5703

Table 1

Fig. 1

University of Agribusiness and Rural Development Edition1

New Knowledge Journal of Science (2013) ISSN 1314-5703


The official languages of the conference are English and Russian.


Reference 1

Reference 2


Author’s name

Author’s address

Author’s e‐mail

University of Agribusiness and Rural Development Edition1

New Knowledge Journal of Science (2013) ISSN 1314-5703

The text of the abstract and the article is in MS WORD.

Page format: A4 (210x148 mm), Mirror margins, 20 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm and 20 mm margins (top, bottom, inside and ouside)

Font: Calibri,font size 10

Line spacing: regular, text alignment: justify

Paper title – font size 12, bold (Styles are used!)

Author name, author affiliation – under the paper title, font size 12, bold / italic (Styles are used!)

In case of collective authorship, all authors must be stated.


Abstract is maximum 250 characters.

The length of a contribution in prescribed format should be an even number of pages A4.

Quotation and notes writing:

Literature quotation in the text: author’s surname or authors’ surnames, year of edition. If it is aliteral quotation in inverted commas, page must be given as well; e.g. Carver, Scheier (1994), or„…“ (Carver, Scheier, 1994, 253). If there are 4 or more authors of the contribution, you mustgive surname of the first author and „et al.“, e.g. Vyrost et al., 1995

Referencesare given at the end of the contribution in alphabetical order of authors.


Name, I. (year). Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher. ISBN.


Name, I. (year). Title of article. Journal title, no, p. from-to.

Name, I. (year). Title of the article in a collective work. In: Name, I. (eds.). Title of the collective work. Place of publication: Publisher, p. from-to. ISBN.

Electronic document

Name, I. (year). Title of article. Journal title, no, p. from-to. DOI:

Name, I. (year). Title [online, accessed: yyyy-mm-dd]. Available on the Internet: www address.


Author’s name, author’s address, author’s e‐mail

For submissions:

New Knowledge Journal of Science

ISSN 1314-5703

© University of Agribusiness and Rural development


University of Agribusiness and Rural Development Edition1