Data are to be returned via Homeroom by August 2, 2013
New Jersey Department of Education
Division of Data, Research, Evaluation & Reporting
Introduction……………………………………………………………… 3
Important Notes……………………………………………………………... 3
Length of School Day………………….………………………………..….. 4
Instructional Time Per Day……………………………………………....….. 4
Student Suspensions……………………………………………………..….. 4
Student Expulsions………………………………………………………..… 4
Technology Information………………………………………………….… 4
Faculty Mobility and Attendance……………………………………….…... 5
Student/Administrator & Student/Faculty Information…………………..… 6
NOCTI (Vocational Only)……………………………...…………………… 6
Certification/Licensure (Vocational Only)……………………………….… 6
Check Edits Explanation…………………………………………..……….. 7
There have been changes to the information requested for the annual State School Report Card. Multiple fields have been deleted as we are able to take them from the information submitted via NJSMART. It is critical to pay attention to the details of the data being submitted, so that reports on your schools contain accurate data. Districts are expected to carefully examine and verify their own data submissions before finalizing.
It is highly recommended to print out a copy of the information that you have entered.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Questions regarding any of these procedures or any of the data fields may be directed to Barbara or Shannon by telephone at (609) 292-6037 or (609) 777-0653, fax at (609) 292-6483, or e-mail at If using e-mail, please give as many details as possible.
Access to the RC program on the homeroom website is assigned by your local web user administrator. Once you are signed into the application there are three buttons. To access your school listing, click on “Enter Data”. If you are a vocational school, you will need to complete the questions asked under the “Enter Data” box as well as the “Vocational School” box. Once all of the information inputted and is error free you may click on the “Finalize” box. We strongly recommend that before you hit finalize you confirm that all of the information you have inputted is correct as you will not be able to make changes after that.
Once you have clicked on the “Enter Data” box, you will come to a list of your schools that we have enrollment for. When a school has been selected, it will take you to the input screen. Once you have entered all the information for your school, click on the “Save Information” button to ensure that the data has saved. Print out a copy of this page and then click “Continue” at the bottom of the page. This will save the information you have inputted thus far. Once the page is completed and fully saved you can then click on “Check Validation”. This will run the information you have inputted against a series of edits that we have created. If your information is within the parameters that we have set you will see an OK listed next to the question. If you see the word Error, you will need to go back to that specific question and fix the problem. Do not use the back button on your browser. Clicking on continue will take you to the beginning of that specific school. Please use the Check Edits Page at the end of this document to see what edits are attached to which questions. When all of your questions say OK next to them, click on the “Back to Welcome Page” to select a different school.
LENGTH OF SCHOOL DAY. This is the amount of time school was in session (i.e., students were present) on a normal school day during the 2012-13 school year. Enter in hours and minutes. Do not include the time required for extracurricular activities or athletics that occur after regular school hours.
INSTRUCTIONAL TIME PER DAY. This is the amount of time per day students were engaged in instructional activities during the 2012-13school year. Enter in hours and minutes. Homeroom may be counted where this time is used for structured activities under the supervision of a certified teacher that may include activities such as viewing specialized television programming (e.g., news programs), guidance activities, or student information activities (e.g., announcements). For elementary/middle schools, a recess period may be counted where this time includes structured instructional activities under the supervision of a certified teacher such as physical education instruction. Unstructured homeroom or recess time is not to be counted. Do not include the time required for lunch or changing classes. The entered time per day cannot be equal to or greater than the amount of time entered for length of school day.
STUDENT SUSPENSIONS. Answer Y or N to the question of “Did your school have any students suspended?” If Y, enter the number of students who received an in-school or out-of-school suspension at any time during the school year. Such action consists of the temporary dismissal of a student from classes by duly authorized school personnel in accordance with established local district school regulation and is served either under supervision during school hours or outside of school. Students who were suspended one or more times in any school year are to be counted only once.
STUDENT EXPULSIONS. Answer Y or N to the question of “Did your school have any students expelled?” If Y, enter the number of students who were expelled from school at any time during the school year. These are students for whom a D1 appears as a final status code in the School Register. Expulsion constitutes a legal action taken by the local board of education ordering a student to leave schoolresulting in the discontinuance of educational services or the discontinuance of payment of educational services for a student.
Enter the number of computers used by counting any computer has a manufacture date of or after July 2009. Do not count any computer with a manufacture date of June 30, 2009 or earlier. The same question is asked for teachers.
Enter a Y or N for the question of is your school implementing a "Bring Your Own Device (BYOD*) program to support instruction. The definition of a BYOD is that “a BYOD is a laptop, tablet or other handheld device capable of connecting to the internet”.
FACULTY MOBILITY. Enter the number of faculty who entered the district after October 15, 2012 and before the end of the school year. This is to include any permanent substitutes. Enter the number of faculty who left the district after October 15, 2012 and before the end of the school year. This is not to include anyone who retired, resigned or contract was not renewed as of the end of the school year.
FACULTY ATTENDANCE. The definition for staff absence is all staff absences excluding approved professional days, personal days, staff training days, bereavement days, jury duty, and extended illness in excess of five consecutive work days. Faculty on long-term leave or disability should be removed from this calculation. Faculty includes classroom teachers and educational support services personnel. Note: Faculty attendance does not include administrative personnel.
Sum of Days Present for All Faculty. This is the cumulative number of days each faculty member was present during the 2012-13 school year. Once this has been determined for each classroom teacher and educational support services personnel member, these numbers are summed and this value is entered. The number is to include the grand total of faculty days worked, including actual days in the classroom, professional development and designated professional assignments. The number appears on the data entry screen and printed report as a whole number.
Sum of Contracted Number of Days for All Faculty. This is the cumulative number of days each faculty member has contractually agreed to be employed during the 2012-13school year. The contracted number of days for each classroom teacher and educational support services personnel member are summed and this value is entered. The number is to be prorated, according to individual contracts. The number appears on the data entry screen and printed report as a whole number.
Classroom teachers and educational support services personnel are those certificated personnel who reported staff assignments of 1000 through 4001. These codes and their descriptions appear in the department’s “2012-13 Fall Report: Certificated Staff Status Coding Manual” publication.
For the purposes of the report card, faculty is composed of all classroom teachers and educational support services personnel employed in your school.
The instructions are the same for both administrators and faculty questions.
The question of “Did this school have any administrators shared within the district?” is “Yes” or “No.” If you answer “Yes,” the “How many (by FTE)” box will then become unlocked and you will enter your number in there. If you answer “No,” the “How many (by FTE)” will remain as a 0.
NOCTI 2012-13
Counting Students. For the purposes of this data collection, a full-time or shared-time student is counted and reported as a whole number (1).
NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL COMPETENCY TESTING INSTITUTE SCORES – 2011-12. The Job Ready Examinations of the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) are national standardized written and performance evaluations that measure student competency for entry into the identified occupational area. The examinations are based on nationally-validated workplace-based standards.
1.Input the number of students who took the written portion of the test.
2.Input the number of students who took the performance portion of the test.
3.From the information provided to the vocational-technical school by NOCTI, enter the average school score for the written portion of the test. The entered value may include a decimal in tenths.
4.Input the average school score for the performance portion of the test. The entered value may include a decimal in tenths.
CERTIFICATION/LICENSURE EXAMINATION RESULTS – 2012-13. This section lists by program area the occupations having a certification, licensure, or other required examination.
1.Input the number of students who took the test.
2.Input the number of students who passed the test.
Question 1) Hours reported cannot be greater than 9. Minutes reported cannot be greater than 59.
Question 2) Hours reported cannot be greater than 9. Minutes reported cannot be greater than 59.
Question 3) If Yes, then number of students suspended must be greater than 0.
Question 4) If Yes, then number of students expelled must be greater than 0.
Question 5) No edits are assigned to this field
Question 6) No edits are assigned to this field
Question 7) No edits are assigned to this field
Question 8) If Yes, then number of shared administrators must be greater than 0
Question 9) If Yes, then number of shared faculty must be greater than 0
Question 10) No edits are assigned to this field.
Question 11) Sum of Contracted Number of Days for all Faculty cannot be greater than Sum of Days Present for all Faculty.