April 2016
Dear Parents,
Now that topics have been assigned it is time to begin the report. This year we are continuing our venture into new territory. We will be using a “glog” to report/write/display the information. Students are expected to gather information for the report on their own at home, but we will be working together in class on the creating of a “glog” to display the information.
We have discussed all criteria with the students, and we have gone over each of the attached pages as well. Guidance during research will be available if needed. Please keep all the attached papers together for your child to use as a reference and for guidance.
It is important that you speak with your child regarding appropriate use of the Internet. While certain websites such as youtube.com and facebook.com may be accessible at home, they are restricted here in the school. Students need to be reminded of appropriate usage and use of suitable content, as well as proper use of the www.edu.gloster.com website. Should your child not adhere to the Internet Usage Contract signed in September, he/she will lose the privilege of using the Internet, and he/she will be given a zero for the glog grade.
After reading and discussing the requirements and criteria for this project with your child, please sign the form below and return to your child’s teacher. Thank you for your cooperation.
TOPIC ______
------Please sign, detach and return the bottom portion.------
I have seen my child’s topic for the NJ GLOG. I am aware of the requirements and the due date of May 31st, 2016
Student Name______
Parent Signature ______Date______
4th Grade New Jersey Research GLOG
Due date: May 31st, 2016
There are four parts to the NJ Research Glog – a Bibliography, an Audio presentation, the Glog, and the NJ Project.
Research Video/Podcast Presentation: 1-2 minute audio segment - After gathering information at home, you will make the audio segment in class. Your glog audio should include the following basic information.
There are many ways you can organize and set up your information. You will present this information in the audio segment.
This is a 1-2 minute audio segment of facts and information that you have collected and read, then reported in your own words. The goal of your script is to convey the importance of your topic and how it relates to NJ. You may not “cut and paste” from a website. This should be rehearsed and timed at home to be sure you are speaking fluently and meeting the time requirement. This oral presentation should have a beginning, middle, and end. You should speak slowly and clearly.
A typed copy of this script will be due on or Friday, May 20th. Your name and Glog title should be the heading on this page.
You will insert this audio segment into your glog as an attachment during computer class. Mr. Levy will teach you how this is done.
Go visit the people/places associated with your topic. Make some phone calls. Use your imagination to come up with ways of gathering your information. Be detailed and complete in your reporting.
***You will need to have THREE fun facts about your topic on the Glog. These three facts should not be included in the audio segment.
Bibliography: This is a separate MSWord attachment to your glog. Mr. Levy will teach you how to attach a document to your glog. This is not to be included in the audio.
Your name and Glog title should be the heading on this page. The title Bibliography must be centered at the top of the page, and each reference listed on a separate line. This should be double-spaced and not centered.
If you use the Internet you must list the exact website where you located the information.
At least 2 sources of information must be used. If you use the Internet you must list the exact website address. www.google.com is not a source of information. You need to list the exact website. Example: www.manasquanboe.org
If you conduct and interview you must get the person’s name/title and the date/ time of your interview.
(see attached format)
A typed copy of your bibliography is due Friday, May 6th.
Resources to use and how to list in bibliography:
(see attached reference sheet)
Library reference book - Title/Author/page number
Encyclopedias - Entry/ Encyclopedia/page number
Internet - Website address
Magazines, pamphlets, other publications - Title of article/Name of magazine/page number
NAME ______Glog Title ______
Page numbers
Title of Article
Page numbers
Pamphlets/Other materials:
Organization’s Name
Page numbers
Web Address (exact)
Name of person
Date of interview
Method of interview (ie: in person/phone)
NAME______GLOG TITLE ______
Glog Details: (15 points)
Creative, organized, readable (4pts) _____
Title – bold lettering (4pts) _____
Name (3pts) _____
Teacher’s name (2pts) _____
Date (2pts) _____
Glog Content: (50 points)
1-2 minute audio segment (25pts) _____
· Informative and fluent in presentation
· Neatly written/typed script handed in by due date
· Includes at least 5 interesting facts
Colorful, creative background (5pts) _____
Minimum of 3 copied/pasted pictures (5pts) _____
One topic related website link AND
One topic related link to a picture (5pts) _____
Includes 3 fun facts (10pts) _____
Bibliography: (15 points)
Two sources (5pts each) _____
Proper format, attached MSWord document (5pts) _____
NJ Fair Project: (20 points)
Creative and organized (5pts) _____
Title – bold and readable (5pts) _____
Informative display and fluent in presentation (10pts) _____
TOTAL ______
4th Grade PARCC Testing – May 2nd -6th
Bibliography due date - May 6th
Script due date – May 20th
4th Grade trip to Trenton - May 24th - reminder notice to follow
Glog due date – May 31st
NJ Fair – June 2nd - Information will be sent at a later date
NJ Food Festival June 10th – Information will be sent at a later date
Walking trip to Bailey Reed House – Week of June 13th - Information will be sent at a later date