Conservation Commission Minutes of July 14, 2010
Town of Norfolk
Conservation Commission
One Liberty Lane
Norfolk, MA 02056
Meeting of July 14, 2010
Conservation Commission Members / OthersJoyce Terrio ----chairman ----- present / Janet DeLonga ---Cons. Agent ----present
David Lutes ---- vice chair ---- present / Marie Simpson –Admin. Asst. --- present
John Weddleton –clerk------absent
Daniel Crafton –member ------present
Ellen Friedman –member---- present
John Wayne -----member------absent
The duly posted meeting convened at 8:10 p.m. in room 105C at the Norfolk Town Hall.
In accordance with the provisions of the revised Open Meeting Law (G.L. c.30A, §§ 18-25) Mrs. Terrio announced that the meeting was being audio tape recorded.
Minutes/Orders of Conditions/Extensions:
Attorney Matthew Borrelli, a representative of Norfolk Enterprises, was present to explain his written request for a Certificate of Compliance for Lot 41 Main Street. The parcel had been hydroseeded about a month ago but the grass had not fully grown in. Photographs, taken by Ms. DeLonga, show erosion onto the street. She was concerned that the sedimentation would flow to an adjacent catch basin. It was not known if the catch basin discharges to the stream across Main Street. A discussion ensued about issuing a partial Certificate of Compliance. Any enforcement action would be taken against the new homeowners if erosion does occur and impacts the wetland and stream. The members discussed if there was a Town Bylaw exempting the watering for new lawns and the maintenance of the erosion controls if a full Certificate of Compliance was issued. Mr. Crafton made the motion to issue a full Certificate of Compliance for the project at Lot 41 Main Street. Mr. Lutes seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was unanimous.
The Commission could not review the request for an extension of the ORAD for Toils End Farm as Mrs. Friedman, an abutter, would have to recuse herself and there would not be a quorum for the discussion and vote. The item will remain on the agenda for the next meeting on July 28, 2010.
The members reviewed the minutes of June 23, 2010. Mrs. Friedman made the motion to accept the minutes as revised. Mr. Crafton seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was unanimous. (The minutes will be signed by the Clerk and filed in the Commission’s office in “Minutes-2010” file).
Mr. Lutes gave a brief summary of the site walk conducted by the Community Preservation Committee on the property owned by Gil Axberg on Seekonk Street. The property abuts the Stop River and land owned by the Army Corps of Engineers.
Mrs. Terrio and Mr. Lutes want an item on the next agenda to address maintenance of ponds and creating funding for maintenance and treatment.
The members noted that a letter had been drafted and sent to Ms. Heather Astley regarding the uses proposed for the old Wright Farm on Grove Street. (The letter will be filed in “Correspondence Received – 2010” file in the Commission’s office.)
Correspondence was received from Lycott Environmental Inc., dated June 28, 2010, informing the Commission that an herbicide treatment was conducted to Phillips Pond on June 8, 2010. The letter will be filed in the Norfolk Trout Club case file, #240-353.
The Planning Board notified the Commission that they will be conducting a hearing to revise their rules and regulations regarding stormwater management. The hearing is scheduled for next Thursday. Mr. Lutes noted that the revision does not address the standardization of stormwater management in the town. Mr. Lutes will contact the Board of Health Administrative Assistant to obtain the old Planning Board stormwater regulations to compare the wording. Comments will be sent to the Planning Board.
The members signed vouchers for expenses related to the construction of the Kunde Park and the payroll voucher for the Agent.
Planning Board Site Plan Review - Norfolk Landing – The plan entitled “ Preliminary Plan Open Space Development, Norfolk Landing, Norfolk, MA, dated April 21, 2010, revised on June 11, 2010, prepared by Connorstone Consulting Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors of Northborough, MA, was reviewed by the Commission. The plan depicts a 7 lot open space subdivision that will replace the proposed 28 lot 40B proposal that was once slated for this parcel. The first hearing with the Planning Board is tomorrow evening.
The Commission will draft correspondence to the Planning Board informing them that there is proposed construction within the buffer zone of Land Subject to Flooding under the local wetlands bylaw on Lot 4 and although the original 40B project was issued an Order of Conditions, the Commission deemed the scope of the project significantly different to warrant the filing of a new Notice of Intent rather than an amendment to the Orders. Mr. Ron Nations and Mr. George Connors, P.E. will be sent a copy of the correspondence. (The plan will be filed in the Commission’s office in the “Norfolk Landing” case file.)
The next scheduled meeting will be July 28th.
Mr. Crafton made the motion to close the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Mr. Lutes seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was unanimous.
John Weddleton, Clerk
In accordance with the requirements of G.L. 39 § 23B, approval of these minutes by the Board constitutes its certification of the date, time and place of the meeting, the members present and absent, the matters discussed, and the action taken by the Board with regard to those matters (if any). Any other information contained in these minutes is included for context only. Notes memorializing deliberation or discussion of any matter are in the summary form and may include inaccuracies or omissions. Where proof of the content of a statement is required, a tape recording or transcript should be consulted, if available.
w:\cc -2010 cases\conservation commission minutes - 2010\july14.10.concom.doc