Fall 2006 Schedule

New Haven Hiking Club

The New Haven Hiking Club members, club officers and activity leaders assume no responsibility for people hurt or lost, or for other related mishaps. Minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult or must have special permission from the leader. Leaders have the right to cancel or change a hike or activity or to refuse attendance to anyone for any valid and apparent reason. Participants are asked to sign a waiver of responsibility for any activity.


DNP: Do not publish
CPL: Car pool lot, commuter parking lot
cl: Class of hike
C: 1-5 miles
B: 5-9 miles
A: 9-13 miles
AA: >13 miles
L: Leader
AT: Appalachian Trail
AMC: Appalachian Mountain Club

Bring water and rain gear and wear proper footwear. Bring lunch unless otherwise noted. Dogs not allowed unless leader states otherwise. If in doubt about any equipment, clothing or footwear necessary, or if weather is questionable, please check with leader.

Sunday, October 1. Hike. 9AM. Class B. 6-7miles. West Rock Red and Blue Trails. Meet at West Rock Nature Center, Winter Green Ave., next to entrance to West Rock Park and near Wilbur Cross Parkway. Leader: Gordon Daniell, 435 1962 (203). . Rain cancels. OK to publish.

Sunday, October 8. Hike. 11AM, Class C; Pequonnock River Valley, Trumbull CT. 4 miles. Directions from New Haven; Take Merritt Parkway west toward Bridgeport exit 49N, route 25N to Daniels Farm Road, Trumbull, exit 9, left then immediate right turn, meet at commuter parking lot about 100 yards on left at 11:00 a.m.

Exit 49N, Rt 25 off Merritt Pkwy. Nick Pasquariello, (203) 371 8384, . Rain cancels. Joint w/ AMC. OK to publish

Friday, October 13 - 4 mi, cl C. FRIDAY NIGHT HIKE -Larkin Bridle Trail. Dinner to follow. Meet 6:30 pm in center of parking lot at Klarides Village plaza on Rt. 67 in Seymour. From Rte. 8, take Exit 22 to Rte. 67, W on 67 toward Oxford. About 1/2 mile from Rte. 8, L at light into Klarides Village, (after McDonalds) then keep L along front of parking lot; park in front of Bank North. Carpool to trailhead. Bring one working flashlight per person. Rain cancels. Dogs OK if leashed. Glenn Fehrs, 203-380-2428 or .

Saturday, October 14. Class B. 6 miles. 10AM. Bluff Head Braemore Loop of Northwoods. North Guilford. Bring water and lunch. Meet at Bluff Head Parking Lot on Rte 77 in North Guilford. 5.3 miles north of rte 80 in Guilford or 4.0miles south of rte 17 in Durham. Leader: Paul Mei, 203 457 1938. Rain date, Sunday Oct 15. OK to publish.

Sunday, October 29 9 mi - Hike - cl A.Fall foliage hike at Sleeping Giant (blue and white trails). Meet at 8:30 AM at main parking lot on Mt. Carmel Avenue. Heavy rain cancels. Call before 7:30 AM. Mohsin Mehtar (203) 440-2339 or . OK to publish.

Sunday, November 5. Hike. 1PM. Class C+. West Rock Trail in New Haven. Meet Blake Street, Center Parking Lot. Leader: Jane Mallory. (203) 469-1438. Rain Cancels. Possible coffee after. OK to publish.

Friday, November 10. 4 mi Class C. FRIDAY NIGHT HIKE – Farmington Canal Trail. Dinner to follow. Bring flashlight. Meet 6:30 pm in right-hand front parking lot of 4133 Whitney Ave. (Contraseggno Italian/American Restaurant) in Hamden, about 1 mile N of Sleeping Giant. Dogs OK if leashed. Rain cancels. Glenn Fehrs 203.380.2428 or OK to publish

Sunday, November 12. Hike. 11AM, Class C; Pequonnock River Valley, Trumbull CT. 4 miles. Directions from New Haven; Take Merritt Parkway west toward Bridgeport exit 49N, route 25N to Daniels Farm Road, Trumbull, exit 9, left then immediate right turn, meet at commuter parking lot about 100 yards on left at 11:00 a.m.

Exit 49N, Rt 25 off Merritt Pkwy. Nick Pasquariello, (203) 371 8384, . Rain cancels. Joint w/ AMC. OK to publish

Sunday, November 12. Hike. 10:00 AM, Class B. 7+ miles. AT- Falls Village to Rte. 44, Salisbury, CT. Meet at White Hart Inn - Intersection of rte 41 and 44. Pizza after. Leader: Dave Bautz, Winnie Suraci, and (860) 664-4447. OK to publish. Steady Rain Cancels.

Saturday, December 2. 1PM, Class B. Osbornedale State Park, Derby. 5-mile loop hike meeting at 1 p.m. From Rt. 8, Exit 15, left on Rt. 34 W. thru Derby. R. on Lakeview Terr. (1.3 miles past the Derby-Shelton Bridge). R. on Hawthorne Ave. L. on Chatfield St. (Roseland Pizza on R., where we will go after the hike.) Park along the roadway near the pond. Hike starts by gazebo. Finish at 4:30 p.m. Leader: Tom Ebersold, 203-874-7839 or .

Sunday, December 3. Hike. 11AM, Class C; Pequonnock River Valley, Trumbull CT. 4 miles. Directions from New Haven; Take Merritt Parkway west toward Bridgeport exit 49N, route 25N to Daniels Farm Road, Trumbull, exit 9, left then immediate right turn, meet at commuter parking lot about 100 yards on left at 11:00 a.m.

Exit 49N, Rt 25 off Merritt Pkwy. Nick Pasquariello, (203) 371 8384, . Rain cancels. Joint w/ AMC. OK to publish

Friday, December 8 - 4 mi cl C. FRIDAY NIGHT HIKE – West Haven Beach. Dinner to follow. Meet 6:30 pm in front parking lot of Adams IGA supermarket in Savin Rock Plaza at jct. of Capt. Thomas Blvd and Campbell Ave., West Haven. Rain or ice cancels. Dogs OK if leashed.

Glenn Fehrs, 203-380-2428 or .

Sunday, December 10. Hike. 10AM, Class B- 6-7 miles. Nyantiquit trail. Commuter parking lot, Exit 69, I 95 North Bound. Bring Water/Food/Warm Clothes. Leader: Larry Hoyt. (860) 767 0180. Rain Cancels. OK to publish.

Sunday, December 17. 7:30/9:00AM. Class A, 10 miles. Racebrook to Undermountain. Meet 7:30 at Amity Shopping Center, or at 9:00 AM at Undermountain trail in Salisbury. Bring crampons. Leader: Mark Kiley. (203) 799-2640 . Rain cancels. OK to publish.

Saturday, December 23. Hike - 9:30AM -B, 7 milesBrooksvale/Sanford Mt.,Brooksvale Park Hamden to the Quinnipiac Trail in the Naugatuck Forest, Sanford Mt., etc., Loop hike. Meet 9:30 AM in large parking lot at Brooksvale Park, on Brooksvale Ave. (off Whitney, approx. ¼ mile N. of Aunt Chilada’s restaurant) in Hamden. L: Patrick DeMichele, 203-288-8897, . and Gordon Daniell, 203-435-1962

Monday, January 1. Class A & B. New Years Day on Sleeping Giant. Hikes will cover a variety of trails in the park. Rain or snow cancels- call by 9 am. Meet at 10:00 am at Sleeping Giant parking lot, Mt. Carmel Ave., Hamden off route 10 and across from Quinnipiac University. Bring lunch and a liquid. No dogs. Leaders Mohsin Mehtar 203-440-2339, and Gordon Daniell. 203-435-1962, .