New Forest National Park Authority
Landscape Strategy Steering Group
22 May 2009, South Efford House
Those attending:
Rachael Bowen (minutes)New Forest National Park Authority
David CarmenHampshire County Council
Lyndis ColeLand Use Consultants
Nick EvansNew Forest National Park Authority
Frank GreenNew Forest National Park Authority
Jackie KellyNatural England
Sarah KellyNew Forest National Park Authority
SarahParkerLand Use Consultants
Richard PayneNew Forest District Council
Mike SeddonForestry Commission
Charmaine SmithTest Valley Borough Council
Steve TrotterNew Forest National Park Authority
Items 1
Apologies for absence
1.1Apologies were received from John Durnell (Hampshire and IOW Wildlife Trust), Maxine Russell (Wiltshire County Council), Neil Williamson (New Forest District Council), Ian Barker (New Forest National Park Authority), and Richard Lemon (New Forest National Park Authority).
Item 2
Minutes of the last meeting
2.1Subject to a number of alterations by Lyndis Cole, the minutes were agreed as a true record.
Item 3
First draft of the Landscape Strategy
3.1LC spoke of the Landscape Strategy 1st Draft and reminded the group of the current situation and the confidentiality of the Strategy at this stage. As agreed in previous meetings, the Strategy includes emphasis on the spatial plan, with the vision applied to each character area. The document is European Landscape Convention compliant, but the links between themes and guidelines need improving and guidance is needed relating to coastal information.
3.2Two areas not developed are the recreation provision and the enclosed landscapes. This is due to the draft status of both the Park Plan and the Recreation Management Strategy. Once these documents are finalised, the Landscape Strategy can follow.
3.3Although the themes are in no particular order of significance, the Group felt there was some merit in sorting them in order of importance.
Action: Group to consider order and relevance of themes
3.4After discussion the group agreed that the phrasing policies and actions should be replaced with objectives and actions.
Item 4
Update on landscape themes
Theme 1 – The conservation and enhancement of tranquillity and dark night skies
4.1LC briefly introduced the theme and the group discussed the section. All agreed that the scale of maps were too small and these needed enlarging. Discussion also concentrated on the actions listed and if some were actually achievable and whether this was just a duplication of those appearing in the Park Plan.
Theme 2 - Re-integrating settlements into the New Forest Landscape
4.2The group considered this theme to be more about the built environment and potentially a useful document for Development Control. It was suggested to add design principles to this section and agree a rural vernacular style for driveways and access roads [that cross land].
Theme 3 – Integrating roads into the New Forest Landscape
4.3Discussion ensued about village signs, sign clutter and the regular request from Parish Councils to add signs, particularly as a result of the recent 30mph initiative. The need for special treatment of verges within SSSI areas was also highlighted.
Theme 4 – Integrating recreation provision into the New Forest Landscape
4.4As previously discussed, the contents of this theme are dependant on the outcomes of the Park Plan and RMS.
Theme 5 – Integrating renewable and low carbon technologies into the New Forest Landscape
4.5The group discussed the theme, including bio-mass, wind turbines and their impacts. It was suggested that wind turbines would have less impact if they were at Fawley, a landscape already affected adversely. The sub heading on page 40 – Technologies bringing positive landscape benefits – should read Technologies with neutral landscape effects.
Theme 6 – Maximising interrelationships with biodiversity conservation
4.6LC said that until the Biodiversity Action Plan is produced, it is difficult to get a balanced picture. The issues surrounding bracken, and trees used for screening was discussed in detail along with the suggestion of a greater link to proof and source of the information listed.
Theme 7 – Managing forests and woodlands in harmony with the New Forest Landscape
4.7The group discussed this section of the Strategy and items covered included:
- Woodland archaeology
- Lidar
- Renewable energy
- Woodland supply chain
- Climate change and the effects on the environment
- Species and climate change effects
Theme 8 – Managing the enclosed landscapes of the New Forest
4.8This theme has the same issues as Theme 4 and will be finalised once the Park Plan and RMS has been finished.
Theme 9 – Monitoring Landscape change
4.9LC reminded the group that the Strategy was work in progress. It was important to monitor the outcomes and not the output. The group discussed the accuracy and information contained within the Countryside Quality Counts document. Hampshire County Council confirmed they are in the process of producing a document concerning landscape change which should be produced at the end of 2009.
Item 5
Part B – The Spatial Management Plan
5.1LC introduced Part B of the report and added that the only change was the summary box at the end of each assessment, and that there were some additions yet to be made. The group also discussed the content and headings of this section. Copies of the newly updated character assessments will be printed and sent to those who requested a copy.
Item 6 and 7
Programme for the Landscape Strategy and consultation process
6.1SK advised the group that the next meeting is likely to take place in August, without LUC. The immediate next stage will be to have a meeting with the landscape forum, (a larger group of interested parties). In the autumn, and once fully European Landscape Compliant, it will go to public consultation, jointly with the BAP. At this time it is hoped to go to the December Authority meeting (although this is dependant on the Park Plan) and then back for public consultation. It is hoped to be formally adopted in 2010.
Item 8
Any other business
8.1The group agreed that careful consideration needed to be given to the issues surround pony paddocks.
SK closed the meeting and thanked everybody for attending.
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