Induction Policy for School Staff, Students, Volunteers and Governors


Author Name: Pauline JamesDate: March 2017

Signed & Adopted by the Governing Body:

Chair of Governors

Date: 29th March 2017

Date to be reviewed: March 2018



This policy applies to all employees and also, as appropriate, to students, volunteers, agency staff and Governors who will receive a tailored induction programme which will include appropriate information, training, observation and mentoring. Safeguarding Children and Child Protection will be paramount in the Induction Programme.

Complimented by induction from DLA and Chair of Governors, the Induction Programme is designed to help new employees, students, volunteers and Governors to become familiar with the requirements of their position and learn about the school culture, ethos, priorities, aims and working practices, effectively and efficiently, so that they become knowledgeable and confident as quickly as possible.

The Induction Programme will be cross-referenced to the NQT Induction requirements and probationary periods for support staff, as appropriate.

The ethos of Villa Real School is that learning is a shared responsibility and there is an expectation that new members joining the team will be proactive in asking for information and help.

The induction process will:

  • Provide information and training on the school’s policies and procedures
  • Provide Safeguarding information – including outlining responsibilities
  • Explain the School’s Standard Operating Procedures (staff handbook) to ensure that all staff, volunteers and Governors, new to the school, understand what is expected of them and gain support to achieve those expectations
  • Identify and address any specific training needs
  • Enable the colleague to contribute to improving and developing the overall effectiveness of the school, raising pupil achievement and meeting the needs of pupils, parents/carers and the wider community


Responsibility for Induction

The Headteacher, or Deputy Headteacher is responsible for the overall management and organisation of the induction process for all classroom based staff, including targeted versions with individual staff.

The School Business Manager is responsible for the overall management and organisation of induction for Office staff, Cleaners/Caretaker and Emma Short (DLA).

Each person, new to the school will:

  • Be welcomed
  • Be provided with a tour of the school and information about facilities, answering questions and be given practical advice
  • Be introduced to key personnel, relevant to them
  • Be taken through an Induction Programme (See Appendix A - induction checklist) which will be reviewed and evaluated regularly.



Induction Checklist for New Starters in VILLAREALSchool

New Starters Name:______Position: ______

Start Date: ______Induction Date:______

Induction Staff Name:______

The following areas should be covered during induction:

Area / Key Points / Date given
Date completed
Who responsible / New Staff Signature / Comment - discussion / Verifier
Welcome / Introduce to:
Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher/School Business Manager/Extended Services Manager
Designated Lead/Nominated Deputies for Safeguarding
Explain Staff Structure
Office Staff
Team Members & other staff when available (class staff first)
-Give copy of:
Staff Handbook – Standard operating procedures
DCC Health and Safety Handbook
Paperwork / Complete:
Emergency Contact Form
Computer password and the expectations on security of this password (when it gets changed)and staff are responsible for all histories
Security / Issue photographic ID badge (signed agreement if image to be displayed on premises/website
Location of panic alarms
Explain security doors
Signing in / out system for visitors
No Smoking Policy
Car Park arrangements
Information / Confirm work times/holidays
E-mailing System
Telephone Usage / extensions
Handling Money / Receipts
Tour / Walk around the school:
Classrooms / Teaching Areas
Reception Area / Hall / Kitchen/ Changing Rooms
Medical Room – introduce personnel
Staff Room / Toilets
Forest Schools Area / Playgrounds / Outside areas
Hydrotherapy / Soft Play / Sensory Room
Fire Exits
Health &
Safety / Explain:
Handling and lifting objects
Lone Working / Safety arrangements
Procedures if alarm sounds
Reporting a Risk / Hazard
First Aid Procedures
Safeguarding / Issue copies and sign as read, understood and agree to work within policies below:
Keeping Children Safe in School:Child Protection within Safeguarding2016
Confidential Reporting and Whistleblowing Policy 2017
Behaviour Policy 2016
Administration of Medicine Policy 2017
E Safety Policy 2017 (sign form within policy (P19)
Sign Appropriate Usage of Declaration for internet equipment
Introduction to Pupils/Students / Share communication passports (red file for relevant class)
Overview school population
Introduction to Extended Services Provision