40th Annual Meeting
of the
New England Educational Research Organization
Conference Program
April 9-11, 2008
CapeCodder Resort
1225 Iyannough Rd.
Route 132 & Bearse's Way
Hyannis, MA02601
New England Educational Research Organization: April 2008
The New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO) is a regional research organization with approximately 200 members from colleges and universities, public and private schools, state and local educational agencies, health and social service agencies, and private education firms. NEERO is a regional affiliate of and active participant in the American Educational Research Association.
- Provide a stimulating, supportive, and friendly forum for presentations.
- Identify and disseminate successful practices.
- Improve educational programs and supervisory practices.
- Encourage the application of innovative and sound research and evaluation and methodology.
NEERO Presidents
1969-1971 / John Schmidt, BostonCollege1971-1972 / Edward Pepyne, University of Hartford
1972-1973 / Anne Marie Bernazza HaaseAn, University of Massachusetts
1973-1974 / Joyce W. Lancaster, EmersonCollege
1974-1975 / Gary E. Kasey, University of Connecticut
1975-976 / Mervyn D. Lynch, Northeastern
1976-1977 / Marvin G. Cline, Research Institute for Educational Problems
1977-1978 / Donald T. Donley, BostonCollege
1978-1979 / Janet Burke, University of Lowell
1979-1980 / Charles F. Smith, University of Southern Maine
1980-1981 / Pasquale DeVito, Rhode Island Department of Education
1981-1982 / Reuben R. Rusch, State University of New York at Albany
1982-1983 / Theodore R. Cromack, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & University at Dulles
1983-1984 / David L. Silvernail, University of Southern Maine
1984-1985 / Stephanie R. Blecharczyk, KeeneState College
1985-1986 / Kay Coleman, BostonUniversity
1986-1987 / Richard L. Egelston, New York State Education Department
1987-1988 / Libby G. Cohen, University of Southern Maine
1988-1989 / Ronald L. Nuttall, BostonCollege
1989-1990 / Larry H. Ludlow, BostonCollege
1990-1991 / Margaret J. Simon, RMC Research Corporation
1991-1992 / Carol Lynn Davis, University of Southern Maine
1992-1993 / Beverly Ferrucci, KeeneState College
1993-1994 / Constance M. Perry, University of Maine
1994-1995 / Eiki Satake, EmersonCollege
1995-1996 / Susan Vernon-Gesterfelt, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
1996-1997 / Marshall Strax, College of Saint Elizabeth
1997-1998 / Carol Strax, FordhamUniversity
1998-2000 / Grant Cioffi & Thomas Schram, University of New Hampshire
2000-2002 / Charles DePascale, Massachusetts Department of Education
2002-2004 / Susan Etheridge, SmithCollege
2004-2006 / Casey Cobb, University of Connecticut
2006-2008 / Kim Fries, University of New Hampshire
KIM FRIES, President PATRICIA PAUGH, Vice-President
University of New HampshireUniversity of Massachusetts, Boston
SpringfieldCollegeUniversity of Massachusetts, Boston
CASEY D. COBB, Immediate Past-President
University of Connecticut
LUSA LO, MassachusettsKATHY MIRAGLIA, Conference
University of MassachusettsBostonUniversity of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
University of MaineNationalCenter for the Improvement of
Educational Assessment
University of New HampshireBostonCollege
PETER MORGAN, Rhode Island DEB PATTERSON, Special Projects
ProvidenceCollegeWesternNew EnglandCollege
STEVE STEMLER, Connecticut
FRANK CORBETT, JR., Outside Northeast
IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
College of Staten Island
2007 - 2008
University of Massachusetts, Boston
The organizers of this year's conference would like to acknowledge and thank our colleagues who graciously reviewed the proposals submitted for the 2008 conference. Without their generosity, this conference would not be possible:
BethanyBennett, IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Charles Anita, BatesCollege
Cindy Dean, University of Maine
Michael Eliot, University of San Francisco
Susan Fello, IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Kim Fries, University of New Hampshire
Gail Garthwait, University of Maine
Deborah Goessling, ProvidenceCollege
Wendy Hacke, University Of San Francisco
Kelly Heider, IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Valeri Helterbran, IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
FranceHitchens, University of Maine
James Hooks, Indiana , University of Pennsylvania
Janna Jackson, University of MassachusettsBoston
DeAnna Laverick,IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Heidi Lewandowski, SouthmorelandSchool District
Lo Lusa, University of MassachusettsBoston
TracyMcNelly, IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Samuel D.Museus, University of MassachusettsBoston
Kelli Paquette, IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Kristen Paratore-Bock, BatesCollege
Connie Perry, University of Maine
Jill Martin Rend,IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Sue Rieg, IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Vivian Shulman, College of Staten Island
Kara Smith, BatesCollege
Larry Tinnerman, IndianaStateUniversity
Brian Wright, University of MassachusettsBoston
Deborah Wyndham
APRIL 9-11
April 911:00 AM Conference Registration Desk Opens
Pre-Conference Workshops:
11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Conference Registration
12:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Constructing and Processing Fieldnotes in Qualitative Research
Tom Schram, University of New Hampshire
12:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Introduction to in-depth interviewing as qualitative research
Irving Seidman,
University of MassachusettsAmherst
4:15 pm to 5:45 pm
Demystifying Academic Publishing
Elaine R. Whitlock and Rachel Briggs
Editorial Staff from Equity and Excellence in Education
7:00pm to 9:00 pm
Opening Session: JFK Ballroom
Robovits Award Winner
(Best Paper of NEERO 2007)
Jayson Seaman, University of New Hampshire
Session followed by Dessert Reception
April 107:30 to 8:15 AM Continental Breakfast
8:30 to 10:00 AMSession 1: Concurrent Presentations
10:00 to 10:15 AMBreak and Poster set-up
10:15 to 11:45 AMSession 2: Keynote Address
12:00 to 1:30 PMLunch Schmitt Award
1:45 to 3:15 PMSession 3: Concurrent Presentations
3:00 to 3:15 PMBreak
3.30 to 5.00 PMSession 4: Concurrent Presentation
5:00 to 7:00 PM NEERO Gala:Please join us in the Emerald Roomof CapeCodder
April 11
7.30am to 8.15 AMContinental Breakfast
8:30 to 10:00 AMSession 5: Concurrent Presentations
10:00 to 10:15 AMBreak
10:15 to 11:45 AMSession 6: Concurrent Presentations
Conference Workshops
12:00 to 2:00 PMSeeking jobs in academia: Targeting jobs, applying and interviewing as you finish your degree
Lusa Lo and Janna Jackson, University of MassachusettsBoston
12: 00 to 2:00 PMConducting Research Involving Human Subjects and Navigating the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Process
Julie Simpson, University of New Hampshire
Room Assignments - Thursday
Room / 8:30 -10:00 AM / 10:15 -
11:45 AM / 12:00 NOON – 1:30 PM / 1:45 –
3:15 PM / 3:30 –
5:00 PM / 5:00 –
7:00 PM
CrystalRoom / 1.1 / 3.1 / 4.1
Room / 1.2 / 3.2 / 4.2
Room / 1.3 / 3.3 / 4.3
Nantucket Room / 1.4 / 3.4 / 4.4
Room / 1.5 / 3.5 / 4.5
Room / 1.6 / 3.6 / 4.6
Room / 3.7 / 4.7
Room / Keynote Panel / Luncheon
Posters / 3.8 / NEERO
Room Assignments - Friday
Room / 8:30 -10:00 AM / 10:15 -11:45 AM / 12:00 NOON – 2:00 PMCrystalRoom / 5.1 / 6.1
Room / 5.2 / 6.2
Room / 5.3 / 6.3
Nantucket Room / 5.4 / 6.4
Room / 5.5 / 6.5
Room / 5.6 / 6.6
Room / 5.7 / 6.7
Wednesday Afternoon
Pre-Conference Workshops
12:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Constructing and Processing Fieldnotes in Qualitative Research
Tom Schram, University of New Hampshire
12:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Introduction to in-depth interviewing as qualitative research
Irving Seidman, University of Massachusetts Amherst
4:15 pm to 5:45 pm
Demystifying Academic Publishing
Elaine R. Whitlock and Rachel Briggs
Editorial Staff from Equity and Excellence in Education
7:00 pm to 9:00 pmOpening Session
JFK Ballroom
Jayson Seaman, University of New Hampshire
Robovits Award
Best 2007 Paper Presentation
Adopting a Grounded Theory Approach to Cultural-Historical Research:
Competing Frameworks or Complementary Strategies?
Dessert and Coffee to Follow
1.1Time: / Thursday, April 10, 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Place: / CrystalRoom
Type: / Roundtables
Roundtable #1:
Legal Aspects of Funding
Michael J. Vetere, EdinboroUniversity
Mary Vetere, Slippery RockUniversity
Education Policy and Corporate Control in K-12 School Districts
Vivian Ikpa, TempleUniversity
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Peter Simpson, Johnson & WalesUniversity
Roundtable #2:
A Qualitative Study on Teenage GED Candidates
Cheryl Saliwanchik-Brown, University of Maine
Reinvigorating Education or Re-segregating Students: An Examination of CharterSchool Racial Diversity and Academic Achievement
Danelle Conner, IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Roundtable #3:
Teacher Education, Classroom Management and Teacher Education
Rebecca Rockey, Slippery RockUniversity
Context specific teacher education and teachers' careers.
Eran Tamir, BrandeisUniversity
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Charles Rathbone, University of Vermont
1.2 / Meeting the Needs of Future TeachersTime: / Thursday, April 10, 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Place: / Sandwich Room
Type: / Paper Session
Meeting the Needs and Expectations of Future Teachers: A Descriptive Study of a Collaborative Elementary Teacher Education Program
Edward Shephard, IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Preservice Inquiry Focused on Student Outcomes
Joan Barnatt, BostonCollege
Beginning Teachers and Students Mathematical Errors
Hanna Haydar, Brooklyn College CUNY
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Deb Patterson, WesternNew EnglandCollege
1.3 / Issues in Educational ResearchTime: / Thursday, April 10, 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Place: / Barnstable Room
Type: / Paper Session
Reconceptualizing Informed Consent in Ethnography
Julie Simpson, University of New Hampshire
Measuring Meaning: Using Symbol Units as Meaning Elements
Julia Shaw, SUNYEmpireState College
Professional learning communities in manual therapy: using projective techniques to measure and assess tacit impressions of group cohesion
Mathew Connell-Giammateo, CT School of Integrative Manual Therapy
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Steve Stemler, WesleyanUniversity
1.4 / Rethinking Boundaries: Critical Experiences in Teaching and LearningTime: / Thursday, April 10, 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Place: / Nantucket Boardroom
Type: / Paper Session
Women's Learning in the Context of a Homeless Shelter
Julia Zoino-Jeannetti, FraminghamState
Is There Hope Among Teachers in an Underperforming School?
Cynthia Jacobs, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Limitations on School Administrator Freedom of Speech in the Workplace
Ann Hasenpflug, University of Akron
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Julia Rothenberg, SageCollege
1.5 / Technology and Learning in Higher EducationTime: / Thursday, April 10, 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Place: / JFK 1
Type: / Paper Session
Transitioning from Video-Based Delivery to Totally On-line Delivery (TOLD): OneUniversity's TOLD Story of Infrastructure Assessment and Needs
Susan J. Hillman, University of New England
Martha Corkery, University of New England
Using technology to differentiate instruction and inspire deeper learning.
William C. Burnett, IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Information Literacy: An Examination of College Students’ Attitude and Self-Efficacy
Yijie Chen, KeeneState College
Deng Pan, KeeneState College
Yi Gong, KeeneState College
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Susan Hillman, University of New England
1.6 / Beyond Higher EducationTime: / Thursday, April 10, 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Place: / JFK 2
Type: / Paper Session
The Applicability of The Tinto Model of Student Departure to "At Risk" College Students
Charles Kelly, University of Hartford
Who Benefits from Upward Bound?: Summer Staff Members’ Perceptions of a Summer Upward Bound Program
John Maddaus, University of Maine
Relationship of College Honor Codes and Core Values to Unethical Behavior in the Workplace
Thomas J. Gibbons, US Naval WarCollege
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Frank Corbett, IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
10:15 -- 11:45Thursday
Emerald Room
Keynote Panel
Marilyn Cochran-Smith, BostonCollege
Sharon Feiman-Nemser, BrandeisUniversity
Peter Murrell, Northeastern University
12:00 noon – 1:30 pm
Emerald Room
Business Lunch Meeting
Schmitt Award Presentation
(Best Graduate Student Paper Winner)
Poster Session
Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm (set up for posters from 10:00 am to 10:15 am)
Place: Emerald Room
Factors Affecting Multicultural Awareness
Clarissa M. Uttley, University of Rhode Island
How the City is Portrayed in Introductory Environmental Science Texts
John P. Sullivan, BostonCollegeLynchSchool of Education
“Let’s Talk Math”: Identifying and Teaching Math Vocabulary on the MCAS
Margaret Pierce, University of Massachusetts Amherst
The High School Transcript Study: A Snapshot of Coursework, Accommodations, and Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
Vince Connelly, University of New Hampshire
Mentoring Adjunct Professors for Continuity in Teaching Educational Psychology
Philip A.Griswold, EastStroudsburgUniversity
3.1Time: / Thursday,1.45 – 3.15 PM
Place: / CrystalRoom
Type: / Roundtables
Roundtable #1:
Football’s Effect on Grade Point Average
Mark J. Fenster, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Matthew Crowley, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Setting the Agenda for Change: State Public Policy Agenda Setting in Higher Education
John R. Standard, University of MassachusettsBoston
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Casey Cobb, University of Connecticut
Roundtable #2:
Teachers Talk: Work with Immigrant Children and their Families
Anne Lundberg, University of Massachusetts Amherst
The Influence Of Home Literacy On Children's Literacy: A Focus On Immigrant Families.
Rachel J. Boit, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Achieving what? Contextualizing ELL Academic Achievement in the Age of No Child Left Behind Mandate
Pierre W, Orelus, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Romina Pacheco, University of Massachusetts Amherst
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Julie Zoino-Jeannetti, FraminghamState College
3.2 / Assessment in Education Policy and PracticeTime: / Thursday,1:45 – 3:15 PM
Place: / Sandwich Room
Type: / Paper Session
Portfolio Assessment: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Susan F. Skawinski, ProvidenceCollege
The Effects of TASS on the Classroom Assessment Practices of Secondary School Science Teachers
Devin W. Sprague, University of Vermont
Rebecca Gajda, University of Massachusetts
Validating the Diagnostic Algebra Assessment System
Rachel E. Kay, BostonCollege
Learning from the 2007 Rhode Island Early Childhood Summer Institute
Clarissa M. Uttley, University of Rhode Island
Karen McCurdy, University of Rhode Island
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Brian Gong, NationalCenter for the Improvement of Educational Assessment
3.3 / Issues in Teacher EducationTime: / Thursday,1:45 – 3:15 PM
Place: / Barnstable Room
Type: / Paper Session
Theory of Recursive Interconnectness in Teachers’ Reflectivity and Multiple Perspective-Taking
Eunsook Hyun, University of MassachusettsBoston
Defining, Dichotomizing, and Delimiting Education:
Karen L. Shakman, BostonCollege
Teach for America and the Politics of Progressive Neoliberalism
Emilie N. Mitescu, BostonCollege
Randall Lahann, BostonCollege
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Sally McKenzie, University of Maine
3.4Time: / Thursday,1.45 – 3.15 PM
Place: / Nantucket Boardroom
Type: / Symposium
Reading First: Assessment of Progress Fidelity and Impact
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Stephen Brand, University of Rhode Island
Overview of the Reading First Evaluation.
Anne Seitsinger, Amy Burns, Susan T. Brand, Stephen Brand, University of Rhode Island.
Assessment of program fidelity and impact from key informants interviews.
Susan T. Brand, Anne Seitsinger, Amy Burns, University of Rhode Island.
Assessment of program fidelity and impact from observations and program archives. Amy Burns, Anne Seitsinger, Susan T. Brand, Stephen Brand, University of Rhode Island.
Longitudinal Analysis of Program Impact in Reading First and ComparisonSchools.
Stephen Brand, Anne Seitsinger, Susan T. Brand, Amy Burns, University of Rhode Island
Utilization of Information on Program Fidelity and Impact.
Jackie Bourassa and Betsey Hyman, Rhode Island Department of Education.
3.5 / Implications of Federal Education PolicyTime: / Thursday,1:45 – 3:15 PM
Place: / JFK 1
Type: / Paper Session
No Child Left Behind and the New Education Federalism
Dianna L. Terrell, BostonCollege
Teaching “Traditional” American History: What's Being Left Behind in Federal Funding for History Education
Annmarie Gleeson, BostonCollege
Where Policy Meets Practice: The Critical Analysis of Policy Development, Implementation, and School-change for Children of Poverty
Halley Woodside-Jiron, University of Vermont
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Pat Paugh, University of MassachusettsBoston
3.6 / Research on Secondary Curriculum and Student LearningTime: / Thursday,1:45 – 3:15 PM
Place: / JFK 2
Type: / Paper Session
The Relationship Between Math Requirements and Dropout Rates in Massachusetts
Leslie Bolinser-Horton, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Analysis of the Effect of Specific Vocabulary Instruction on High School Chemistry Students' Knowledge and Understanding
Peggy La Brosse, Hollis/Brookline High School-UMass Lowell-Center for Math and Science Education Research
High-Stakes Testing and Dropout Rates: A Case of Educational Triage?
Kristen Bock, BostonCollege
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Peter Morgan, ProvidenceCollege
3.7 / Education and the InternetTime: / Thursday,1:45 – 3:15 PM
Place: / JFK 3
Type: / Paper Session
Critique of the Technological Imperative in Education
David W. Kritt, College of Staten Island CUNY
Researching the Efficacy of Online Facilitator Training as it Relates to Participant Evaluations of Facilitator Effectiveness and Participant Cognitive Gains
Kara Smith, BostonCollege
Assessing Middle School students knowledge of the Conduct and Consequences of Cyberbullying on Social Networking Sites
Lawrence Filippelli, Johnson & WalesUniversity
Stacey Kite, Johnson & WalesUniversity
Robert K. Gable, Johnson & WalesUniversity
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Lusa Lo, University of MassachusettsBoston
3.8Time: / Thursday,1:45 – 3:15 PM
Place: / Emerald Room
Type: / Invited Panel Presentation
Title: Policing and Producing the Field: The Role of the Literature Review in Research
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Marilyn Cochran-Smith, BostonCollege
Kirstin A. Pesola-McEachern, BostonCollege
Engendering the Research on Single-Gender Education: What's Missing from the Research Guiding that Guides Policy?
Diane Silva Pimentel, BostonCollege
Teaching and Learning Science through Inquiry: Beyond 'Hands-On'
Christine Power, BostonCollege
Abort, Re-try, Ignore? Research on Online Professional Development
Lianna Pizzo, BostonCollege
Signs of the Times: Constructing Knowledge on Deaf Education
Jeremy Price, BostonCollege
Claims and Warrants in the Research on Teaching with Technology
Matthew James Welch, BostonCollege
Representation and Presentation: Research on Teacher Inquiry Groups
4.1Time: / Thursday, 3.30 – 5.00 PM
Place: / CrystalRoom
Type: / Roundtables
Roundtable #1:
Navigating Adolescence: Exploring Girls Agency and Choice Making in Multiple Contexts
Joann Stemmerman, University of New Hampshire
The Mental Demands of an Ecosystem-Based Approach to Coastal Ocean Governance – A Constructive Developmental Lens
Verna DeLauer, University of New Hampshire
Deceit by Default: Non-Traditional Graduate Students, On-line Courses, and Cheating
BethanyBennett, IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Julie Simpson, University of New Hampshire
Roundtable #2:
Documenting Student Proficiency Without a State Test: Investigating School Responses to State Requirements
Mary Ann Snider, Rhode Island Department of Education
Brian Gong, Center for Assessment
Ellen Hedlung, Rhode Island Department of Education
Designing ELL Pedagogy in the Humanities: A school-university action research project
Alex M. Gurn, BostonCollegeJocelyn Stanton, BostonPublic Schools
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Drey Martone, University of Massachusetts Amherst
4.2 / Measurement in EducationTime: / Thursday, 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Place: / Sandwich Room
Type: / Paper Session
Modeling Science Achievement Differences between Single-Sex and Coeducational Schools: Analyses from Three Countries from TIMSS 1995, 1999, and 2003
Dana V. Diaconu, BostonCollege
Using HSB Data to Illustrate Two Types of Variables in Predicting Students’ Science Achievement
Aizhi Lu, University of Connecticut
Measuring Equity and Excellence in Education in the United States Using PIRLS Data
Kathleen L. Trong, BostonCollege
CHAIR: Christa Winter, SpringfieldCollege
DISCUSSANT: Larry Ludlow, BostonCollege
4.3 / Structure and Organization of SchoolsTime: / Thursday, 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Place: / Barnstable Room
Type: / Paper Session
Program Evaluation and Revision: Balancing Responding to Employee and Employer Leadership Surveys with State and National Leadership Reports.
Harry Y. Chaucer, CastletonState
Resource Utilization Patterns of Districts: Connecting Resources to Student Achievement
Peter O. Simpson, Johnson & WalesUniversity
Stacey L. Kite, Johnson & WalesUniversity
Robert K. Gable, Johnson & WalesUniversity
Perceptions and process: Early Findings from a Study of School District Consolidation in Maine
Walter J. Harris, University of Maine
Janet Fairman, University of Maine
Dianne Hoff, University of Maine
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Vivian Ikpa, TempleUniversity
4.4 / Structure and Organization of SchoolsTime: / Thursday, 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Place: / Nantucket Room
Type: / Symposium
The Development of New Measures of Citizenship
CHAIR/DISCUSSANT: Steve Stemler, WesleyanUniversity
Measuring Ethical Reasoning in Higher Education
Authors: Eyal Bar-David, Tara Moore, and Steve Stemler
Measuring Intercultural Literacy in Higher Education
Authors: Shuwei Koh, Lauren Sonnabend, Kirsten Sharpes, Emily Compton, and
Steve Stemler
Measuring Social Intelligence in Higher Education
Authors: Max Wu, Lauren Sonnabend, Emily Compton, Ellen Dinsmore, and