New Employee Orientation Record
Employee name: / Year / Date of hire:Program name: / Date of first day supervised direct contact:
Supervisor: / Date of first day unsupervised direct contact:
*This program ensures competency in the following areas as required in the 245D HCBS Standards, section 245D.09.
Orientation requirements - Except for a license holder who does not supervise any direct support staff, within 60 calendar days of hire, completion of 10 hours of orientation for direct support staff providing basic services and 30 hours of orientation for direct support staff providing intensive services that combines supervised on-the-job training with review of and instruction in the areas identified below. The left column indicates from whom training is received: NEO=New Employee Orientation; N=Nurse; P=Program Specific
DAY 1 / NEO Day One Training: Duration Expected is 6 hoursCurrent policies and procedures, including their location and access, and staff responsibilities related to implementation of those policies and procedures: / Date of Training / Employee Initials / Trainer
- DRCC History, Mission Statement, Guiding Values, Review of Services
- Principles of Person-Centered Thinking and Community Inclusion
- Admission Criteria, Service Suspension and Service Termination, Grievance Procedure
- Service Recipient Rights and staff responsibilities related to ensuring the exercise and protection of those rights
- Safe Transportation (driver’s training review including winter driving)
- Data Privacy and staff responsibilities related to complying with Data Privacy Practices, HIPAA
- Overview of Vulnerable Adult Maltreatment Reporting and Internal Review
- Guidelines for documentation (individual and medical notes), Incident response, reporting and review, safety in emergencies, response, reporting and review [and for community residential settings and day services facilities, training on the emergency plan/drills required in section [245D.22, subd. 5]
- Drug and Alcohol Prohibition, Affirmative Action (Personnel Handbook)
- Overview of Healthy Eating (guidelines from the C DC) and Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
NEO Day One: Actual Duration
DAY 2 / NEO Day Two Training:Expected Duration is 6 hours / Date of Training / Employee Initials / Trainer
NEO / Principles of Person-Centered Service Planning and delivery and how they apply to direct support service provided by the staff person
NEO / Review of Positive Support Strategies
NEO / Therapeutic Intervention Training
- The safe and correct use of manual restraint on an emergency basis according to the requirements in sections [245D.061] and what constitutes the use of restraints, time out, and seclusion, including chemical restraint.
- Staff responsibilities related to prohibited procedures under section [245D.06] subdivision 5, why such procedures are not effective for reducing or eliminating symptoms or undesired behavior, and why such procedures are not safe.
NEO Day Two: Actual Duration
Nurses Training:Expected Duration is 4.5 hours / Date of Training / Employee Initials / Trainer
N / Universal Precautions and Sanitary Practices, Bloodborne Pathogens / Hepatitis
N / For Residential Programs, Health Service Coordination and Care
N / Safe Medication Assistance and Administration
N / Basic First Aid
N / The staff person must review and receive instruction on medication setup, assistance, or administration procedures established for the person when assigned to the license holder according to section [245D.05], subdivision 1, paragraph (b).
N / Unlicensed staff may perform medication setup or medication administration only after successful completion of a medication setup or medication administration training, from a training developed by a registered nurse or appropriate licensed health professional.
Nurses Training: Actual Duration
CPR: Expected Duration is 2.5 hours / Date of Training / Employee Initials
CPR / A staff person trained in first aid must be available on site and, when required in a person's coordinated service and support plan or coordinated service and support plan addendum, be able to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), whenever persons are present and staff are required to be at the site to provide direct service. The CPR training must include instruction, hands-on practice, and an observed skills assessment under the direct supervision of a CPR instructor.
CPR: Actual Duration
Program Specific Training: Expected Duration is 27 hours
Orientation to program requirements in sections 245D.09 subd. 4 and 4a & 245D.06, subd. 10 (4)
Orientation to individual service recipient needs:
Before having unsupervised direct contact with a person served by the program, or for whom the staff person has not previously provided direct support, or any time the person’s plans or procedures are revised, the staff person must review and receive instruction on the requirements as they relate to the staff person's job functions for that person.
Date of Training / Expected Duration / Actual Duration / Employee Initials / Supervisor
P / Laws governing maltreatment reporting and service planning for children and vulnerable adults, and staff responsibilities related to protecting persons from maltreatment and reporting maltreatment. This orientation must be provided within 72 hours of first providing direct contact services.
•Vulnerable adults maltreatment reporting and internal review policy
•Maltreatment of minors reporting and internal review policy
- Program abuse and prevention plan (PAPP)
P / Job description and specific job function as required under section [245D.09, subd. 3], specific program duties including how to complete specific job responsibilities / .50 hrs.
Special skills and training related to job functions as required under section [245D.09, subd. 3]
P /
- Responding to and reporting incidents as required under section [245D.06, subd. 1]
P /
- Following safety practices established by the license holder and as required in section [245D.06, subd. 2]
P /
- Within the scope of services, an understanding of what constitutes a healthy diet according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the skills necessary to prepare that diet.
Program Specific Training: Expected Duration is 27 hours
Orientation to program requirements in sections 245D.09 subd. 4 and 4a & 245D.06, subd. 10 (4) / Date of Training / Expected Duration / Actual Duration / Employee Initials / Supervisor
P /
- For community residential services, training and competency evaluations must include the following, if identified in the coordinated service and support plan: Within the scope of services, appropriate and safe techniques in personal hygiene and grooming, including hair care; bathing; care of teeth, gums, and oral prosthetic devices; and other Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). Activities of Daily Living means (1) dressing, including assistance with choosing, application, and changing of clothing and application of special appliances, wraps, or clothing;(2) grooming, including assistance with basic hair care, oral care, shaving, applying cosmetics and deodorant, and care of eyeglasses and hearing aids. Nail care is included, except for recipients who are diabetic or have poor circulation;(3) bathing, including assistance with basic personal hygiene and skin care;(4) eating, including assistance with hand washing and application of orthotics required for eating, transfers, and feeding;(5) transfers, including assistance with transferring the recipient from one seating or reclining area to another;(6) mobility, including assistance with ambulation, including use of a wheelchair. Mobility does not include providing transportation for a recipient;(7) positioning, including assistance with positioning or turning a recipient for necessary care and comfort; and(8) toileting, including assistance with helping recipient with bowel or bladder elimination and care including transfers, mobility, positioning, feminine hygiene, use of toileting equipment or supplies, cleansing the perineal area, inspection of the skin, and adjusting clothing.
P /
- Within the scope of services, skills necessary to provide appropriate support in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) "Instrumental activities of daily living" means activities to include meal planning and preparation; basic assistance with paying bills; shopping for food, clothing, and other essential items; performing household tasks integral to the personal care assistance services; communication by telephone and other media; and traveling, including to medical appointments and to participate in the community.
P / Training on the program’s safety and emergency plans and drills/ OSHA/Safety Data sheets / GHS training / Right to Know / .50 hrs.
P / The person's CSSP or CSSP addendum as it relates to the responsibilities assigned to the program, and the person's individual abuse prevention plan, to achieve and demonstrate an understanding of the person as a unique individual, and how to implement those plans. Review of Person-Centered Plans. / 2.5 hrs.
Other topics as determined necessary in the person's coordinated service and support plan by the case manager or other areas identified by the program listed below: / Date of Training / Expected Duration / Actual Duration / Employee Initials / Supervisor
P /
- Medication administration procedures established for the person
P /
- Observed medication administration skill assessment completed (3 staff observations)
P /
- Safe and correct operation of medical equipment used by the person to sustain life or to monitor a medical condition that could become life-threatening without proper use of the medical equipment NA for this program
P /
- Review of client/individual funds and property and petty cash funds
P / The staff person must review and receive instruction on mental health crisis response, de-escalation techniques, and suicide intervention when providing direct support to a person with a serious mental illness. NA for this program / .50 hrs.
P / Tuberculosis Prevention, Control and Assessment and Emergency Preparedness Plan (ICF only) / 1 hr.
P / New Employee Site Checklist / 6 hrs.
P / Supervised on-the-job training / 10 hrs.
p / Verify First Aide Training: Yes __ No __
P / Verify CPR training: certification: Yes __ No __ expiration date:______
P / Verify education and related experience specific to job functions as required under section [245D.09. subd. 3]
- Copy of valid degree and transcript.
- Current professional license, certificate, or registration.
- Documentation of continuing education credits completed for professional licensure.
NA for this program
By signing here, I verify that the above training has been provided to me, that I have been given a copy of the Personnel Handbook, and received a copy of my job description.
Employee Signature / DateProgram Director Signature / Date / Total Training Hours
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