The Road Ahead
New challenges, new opportunities, new joys – a new beginning for us all in 2010.
- Prayer – Begin the new year on your knees. Sunday, January 3 (6:30-8:00 p.m.) we will gather for prayer in the sanctuary. Musical worship, guided prayer and opportunity for private prayer will all be part of this evening. Check out and begin to use the new prayer room!
- Staffing – Pray as we begin the search for a full-time worship minister. Also, see inside for changes in our Executive Administrator role.
- Messages – We’re in this Together (6 weeks) begins January 17. What is life meant to be like in Christian community? We Win! (6 weeks) begins February 28. What happens when we die and why does it matter now?
- Newcomers– Next Steps at The Road, a small group will begin on Tuesday evenings (6:30-8:00 p.m.) and be led by Andy Wiegand starting on January 19th. For 8 weeks we will explore some of the fundamental keys to spiritual growth and get to know one another.
- Musical – Yes! Third-sixth graders begin rehearsing for It
Happened at Camp Willomocky on Sunday, January 10th at 11:00 a.m. Will be performed in several venues at the end of March.
- Events:
Carnival – Saturday, February 27th. An outreach to our community.
SALT– Servant & Leader Training event on Saturday, March 6 (8:30-Noon).
Dedication/Celebration for new facility – Saturday/Sunday, March 27/28.
- Much More
“I said to the man at the gate of the year, “Give me a light that I might walk safely into the unknown”. And he replied, “Go into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. It will be to you better than any light and safer than any known way.” Author Unknown
(Disciples of Christ)
4765 McCord Rd.
Sylvania, Ohio 43560
Return Service Requested
1/3 8:15 P T.DeWitt 8:15 P.Wurster
9:30 M.Stutler 11:00 T.DeWitt
1/10 8:15P S.Superits 8:15 K.France
9:30 11:00
1/17 8:15P J.Mizerek 8:15 M.Giacci
9:30 J.Mizerek 11:00 S.Smith
1/24 8:15P P.Wurster 8:15 G.Hiltner
9:30 J.Hiltner 11:00 M.Stutler
1/31 8:15P G.Hiltner 8:15
9:30 11:00 J.Hiltner
1/38:15 Head: Roy Schneider
8:15 Mike DeYarman, Brian Renner
9:30 Head: Greg Haselhuhn
9:30 Dean Boyers, Neal Applin
Robb Knapp, Keith Duhaime
11:00 Head: Don Bondy
11:00 Jory Peterson, Mel Rogers
1/108:15 Head: Mark Bodenmiller
8:15: Sandy Navarre, Betty Laberdee
9:30: Head Roy Schneider
9:30: Tom Truman, Sarah Kentopp
Brian Kentopp, Jamye Schneider
11:00 Head: Joe Giacci
11:00 Joe Snyder, Jim Bassett
1/178:15 Head:Brian Renner
8:15 Ben Rowland, Robb Knapp
9:30Head: Joe Grady
9:30 Neal Applin, John Guitteau
Blaine Marston, Mel Rogers
11:00 Head:Jory Peterson
11:00 Roy Schneider, Don Bondy
1/248:15 Head:Mike DeYarman
8:15 Mark Bodenmiller, Sandy Navarre
9:30 Head: Betty Laberdee
9:30 Jamye Schneider, Roy Schneider
Sarah Kentopp, Brian Kentopp
11:00Head: Mike Burke
11:00 Joe Snyder, Ryan Kear
1/318:15 Head: Brian Renner
Ben Rowland, Betty Laberdee
9:30 Head: Jory Peterson
Greg Haselhuhn, Dean Boyers
Mike Burke, Tom Truman
11:00 Head: Robb Knapp
Don Bondy, Ryan Kear
1/3 8:15 R.Mizerek 11:00 D.Miller
1/10 8:15 R.Mizerek 11:00 K.Edinger
1/17 8:15 A.LaPlante 11:00 K.Edinger
1/24 8:15 S.Rowland 11:00 J.Duhaime
1/31 8:15 S.Rowland 11:00 J.Duhaime
1/38:15 NURSERYB.Clawson
9:30 INFANTC.Fisher/B.Clawson
9:30 TODDLERH.Malak/S.Szyperski
9:30 PRESCHOOLE. Vandergrift
11:00 INFANTB.Clawson/C.Fisher
11:00 TODDLERJ.Applin
1/108:15 NURSERYB.Clawson
9:30 INFANTC.Wagenhauser
9:30 TODDLERH.Malak/S.Szyperski
9:30 PRESCHOOLE. Vandergrift
11:00 INFANTB.Clawson/C.Fisher
11:00 TODDLERS.Bumpus
1/178:15 NURSERYB.Clawson
9:30 INFANTT.Braden
9:30 TODDLERH.Malak/S.Szyperski
9:30 PRESCHOOLE. Vandergrift
11:00 INFANTC.Stone
11:00 TODDLERE.Knipp
1/248:15 NURSERYB.Clawson
9:30 INFANTC.Fisher/B.Clawson
9:30 TODDLERH.Malak/S.Szyperski
9:30 PRESCHOOLE. Vandergrift
11:00 INFANTP.Manning
11:00 TODDLERJ.Arnold
1/318:15 NURSERYB.Clawson
9:30 INFANTC.Fredrickson
9:30 TODDLERH.Malak/S.Szyperski
9:30 PRESCHOOLE. Vandergrift
11:00 INFANTE.Truman
11:00 TODDLERK.Edinger
1/38:15EmaLou Roberts
Tom & Annette Baker
9:30Gary & Susan Micsko
Peggy Manning (desk)
11:00 Don & Peggy Bondy
1/108:15Wilma Bennett
Ann Flory
Ed & Donna McConnell
9:30JoAnne Rigg
Peggy Manning
Julie Kinzel
Christy Wagner (desk)
1/178:15Bill Doremus
Ralph & Natalie Wheaton
9:30Tom & Pam Dawson
Peggy Manning (desk)
11:00Ryan Kear
1/248:15David & Carol Kopfmann
9:30 Gary & Susan Micsko
Julie Kinzel
Christy Wagner (desk)
11:00 Steve & Ginny Superits
1/318:15Bill doremus
David & Carol Kopfmann
9:30Julie Kinzel
Peggy Manning (desk)
11:00Don & Peggy Bondy
From the Desk of the
Executive Administrator
Moving On…
It has been a privilege to serve McCord Road Christian Church as Executive Administrator these past six years. This position has enabled me to do work that has been very meaningful to me as well as provided opportunities for personal ministry. I trust that I have helped enable our pastors, others on staff and our lay leaders to spend more time on ministries, less on administrative support and have helped advance our overall administrative effectiveness. I know it has been my pleasure to work with all of you to this end.
When I came on board to this new part-time position, it was my personal intent to remain in it for about seven years. This year begins my seventh year and after some time of reflection and prayer, I believe it is time for me to retire from this position and give someone else, perhaps someone younger and with a different skill set and gifting, the opportunity to help take our administrative functions to the next level. This job has grown in both workload and scope during these intervening years, and this seems the right time to adjust both the position structure and the technical, organizational and leadership requirements for the person in it.
Andy and I have been discussing my departure since early November and our target is this first quarter (please note the job posting from the Personnel Committee in this newsletter). My sincere thanks to all of you who have helped me in so many ways these past years to serve in this role. I have been richly blessed in my time on staff and look forward to what the Lord has in store for all of us here at The Road.
In His keeping,Jeff Silliman
Job Posting
Executive Administrator
Position Title:Executive Administrator
Job Type: Part-time, 25 hours/week, Mon. thru Fri.
Reports To: Senior Pastor
Direct Reports: Office Manager, Facility
Position Description: Executive Administrator shall implement and oversee the programs of the church which are not under the direct supervision of other paid staff.
Key Responsibilities:
- Serve as chief operating officer (COO) to ensure that the organizational “engine” of the church is running properly. Particular attention should be given to areas not under the direct supervision of other staff such as: finance, facilities, personnel, information technology, and all office functions.
- Seek to improve existing ministries and serve as a catalyst for new ministries, in order to implement the larger vision and mission of the church.
- Ensure that the process for recruiting, inspiring, encouraging and equipping new volunteers and lay leadership is in place and functioning effectively.
- Drive the process of goal setting and staff evaluation in partnership with the Personnel Committee.
- Work in a partnership role alongside the Sr. Pastor, other paid staff and lay leadership to create and implement strategies to achieve the long-range plan of the church.
Key Qualifications:
- Is a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, shares the vision/mission of MRCC and exhibits Christ-like character.
- Has demonstrated leadership ability and excellent organizational skills in either a secular, para-church or local church context.
- Is a college graduate or has equivalent education. Has a working knowledge of computer hardware/software. Is familiar with sound management and financial practices. And is conversant with respect to church-related literature, resources and current thinking.
Application Instructions:
Applicants may submit their resume and cover letter to the Search Committee through the Church office in either hard copy form or through email at . Please assure email subject line includes “Executive Administrator Search Committee”.
Hard copy mailing address:
Executive Administrator Search Committee
McCord Road Christian Church
4765 McCord Road
Sylvania, Ohio 43560
Deadline for receipt of submittals is4:00pm, January 15, 2010
Hard Hat News
Well, theHard Hat Newsis winding down quite a bit with the completion of our expanded facilities, but with a facility our size there will always be work to be done to keep up with things.
On the subject of keeping things up, we’d like to pass on some preliminary guidelines on the use of our new facilities. These guidelines are still in development, but we want to get them out for general awareness.
The multipurpose/gym:
- The area will be kept locked unless it is being used for church ministry. Adult supervision is required.
- Until we get protection up for the windows, emergency lighting, thermostat, etc. heavy, hard balls (basketballs, volleyballs, etc.) are not to be used.
- Also, rollerblades or floor hockey are not permitted.
- General entrance should be through the church lobby unless coordinated with the church administrator.
- For athletic activities, the thermostat should be left at 65º during the winter season.
The New Kitchen:
- The new kitchen is to be kept locked except for scheduled use approved by the church administrator. The old kitchen is open.
- The new kitchen is designated a warming kitchen and full meal preparation from raw foodstuff should not be planned.
The Prayer Room:
- This room is adjacent to the sanctuary and is designed for prayer and reflection. The Prayer Team has developed the guidelines that are posted outside the Prayer Room door. Please observe them.
Prayer Room Guidelines
To make the most out of your prayer room experience:
Expect God to meet you in a significant way. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (Jas. 4:8a)
“Be still” (Ps.46:10). An important part of prayer is listening. Conversations, meetings and cell phone business should take place elsewhere.
Use the CD’s provided for worshipful background music.
Prayer “stations” are for your use. These will be varied from time to time and will help deepen your prayer experience.
Record in your own journal your thoughts, words, or any visual images that may have come to you or record them in the binder provided. Please date and sign them. Others will be encouraged.
Housekeeping is important:
- Doors – IMPORTANT! The doors to the prayer garden automatically lock for security reasons. If you wish to step outside, you will need to place a wedge in the doorway found just inside the entry door from the hall.
- Temperature – Feel free to turn up the heat to a comfortable temperature and turn it back down to 60º when you leave.
- Carpet – For the sake of those who may wish to kneel or lie down, you are asked to remove outdoor shoes and refrain from bringing food or drinks (except water) into this area.
Enjoy and come often.
If you are aware that something in the Prayer Room needs attention, please notify the church office.
Small Groups Starting in January 2010
Tuesday Night Live
These adult groups meet at the same time as
Nursery and Kidz Program is offered, allowing Tuesday nights to be family nights at MRCC.
Starting Your Journey at the Road
~Tues 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. (Begins Jan 19th)
~Meets in the Studio
~Led by Andy Wiegand – Sr. Pastor
Designed with newcomers in mind, this group will help you discover the secrets to spiritual growth, find your place in the body of Christ and grow in your ability to make a difference in the world. The perfect way to meet others and jump start your journey with us.
Financial Peace University
~Tuesdays 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
~Meets in Room 206, Begins early January
~Led by Mark Stuttler
Become debt free/honor God with your finances
Introduction to the Bible
~Tuesdays 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
~Meets in Andy’s Office, Led by Steve Smith
Survey the entire Bible highlighting important themes and history
Living Beyond Yourself, by Beth Moore
~Tuesdays 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., Begins Jan 5th,
~Meets in the Fellowship Hall
~Led by Kathy Levison
Women learning more about being filled with the Spirit.
S3 for Single Moms
~Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. (Begins January 5th)
~Led by Stacey Rees
Tuesday night Bible study
~Tuesdays 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Begins Jan 5th.
~Meets in Trevor’s Office
~Led by John France
A study of Ephesians that is open to everyone
Men's Fraternity 3
~Tuesdays 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., ~Beginning Jan 5th
~Meets in Room 207.
~Led by John Mizerek
World Haven
Seeking to support persecuted believers world wide.
~Second Sunday of each month:
~6:00 – 7:30 p.m.~Meets in the Fellowship Hall
~Led by Sharon Clarke
Other Groups
The Coffee House
~Sundays 9:30 a.m.
~Meets in the Fellowship Hall~Led by Steve Smith
Meet new people and learn something good in an informal atmosphere
Sunday Morning Bible Study
~Sundays at 9:30 a.m., Begins Jan 10th
~Meets in Rm. 206~Led by Jeff and Paula Ballmer
A study of the “Parables” open to everyone
Sunday night Home Group
~First and third Sundays of the month,
~Begins Jan. 17,
~Meets atSmiths, 7129 Leicester Rd.
Small group study and discussion on various topics.
~Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:30 am.
~Meets in the Fellowship Hall
~Led by Mary Giacci
Ladies are invited to Read from God's word, Exercise, and Soak in God’s presence Together.
Women’s Bible Study & Prayer Group
~Planning meeting on Tues, Jan 12th, at 10:00am.
~Meets at Jean Wolfe’s, 25650 Wood Creek Road, Perrysburg, 419-944-1444.
Women studying the scriptures and praying together. No child care provided. Meets at individual homes.
Friday Friends
~Fridays at 9:45 a.m.
~Meets in Room 206~Led by Marilyn Lechman
“Golden Girls” studying God’s Word together
~Saturdays at 7:34
~Meets in Room 206~Led by Jeff Ballmer
A men’s group studying Romans 6 – 8 with Charles Swindoll
Men’s Group
~Wednesdays 7:00 a.m.
~Meets in Andy’s Office~Led by Marc Dielman
A men’s group studying 1,2, 3 John
From the President…
The New Year is a time of reflection and resolution. I am certain that most of us are resolving to improve our Christian walk in the New Year. I have come across some suggestions the Bible offers to inspire us in this endeavor.
God Provides Hope:
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead.”
1 Peter 1:3
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11
God Allows Us to Start Over:
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all
things have become new.”
2 Corinthians 5:17
"Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. Your filth will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols. And I will give you a new heart with new and right desires, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony heart of sin and give you a new, obedient heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so you will obey my laws and do whatever I command”.
Ezekiel 36:25-27
God Allows Us to Forget the Pain of the Past:
“No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus,
is calling us up to heaven.”
Philippians 3:13-14
God's Timing is Perfect:
Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.
Psalm 37:7
“The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, "The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him.”
Lamentations 3:22-24
May your New Year be blessed
in every way!
Upcoming Meetings…
Sun. Jan. 10 7:00am Elders Meeting
Wed. Jan. 27 7:00pm Council Meeting. All are
Snow Cancellation Policy
All church activities are automatically cancelled if there is a level two snow emergency. Cancellations will be listed on the church website, and on channels 13, 11, & 24.
Pianist Needed!
Pianist needed to play hymns occasionally at the first service. Please call Mim Martin 419-885-2656.
The Picture Pictorial Board
(located on wall going to the Coffee House)
The Picture Pictorial Board will be undergoing a “face lift” for 2010. Please have Christy Wagner take your photo or leave a family photo in her mailbox located in the church office. Get to know the faces of your family here at The Road. Contact Christy Wagner, 419-0888, .
VBS 2010
Saddle up for VBS 2010 where kids will be ridin’ the range and roundin’ up questions like, “What is God’s plan for me?” and “How can I be like Jesus?” At the end of the day, they’ll discover God’s Word has all the answers!
This year we’re going to put it all in one week, July 26 – 30th. There’ll be two sessions, a morning session (9 am – Noon) and an evening one (6 – 8:30 pm). Join us for a rip roarin’ Family Night on Friday, July 30th, at 7:30 pm where both sessions will come together for one fantastic celebration! Early registration will begin in the spring. Until then...mark yourcalendar!
‘A’ Team
Repair & Maintenance “A Team”- From time to time single moms, elderly and others with special needs in the church need help with minor home repairs and small maintenance issues. As a congregation we would like to be able to help, free of charge, and be the hands and feet of Jesus. If you are “handy”, have a little extra time to spare occasionally, and want to help others please consider being a part of the “A-Team.” You can sign up on the “Get Connected” portion of the bulletin or just call the church office.