Career Tech Education

New Caney High School, Rm 49


SUBJECT: Money Matters Prerequisite: Business Marketing & Finance

Credit = .05 Grades: 9-12

TEACHER: Coach Boaz

**Email is the best form of communication; however, we do have a spam filter that sometimes blocks good emails. Please call if you have not heard back within 24 hours. Your comments, concerns, and questions are most important.


Money Matters will give students the opportunity to investigate global economics with emphasis on the free enterprise system and its impact on consumers and businesses. This course will promote financial responsibility among teens by building their basic money management skills. Students will apply critical-thinking skills to analyze financial options based on current and projected economic factors. Students will gain knowledge and skills necessary to set long-term financial goals through investment, tax planning, asset allocation, risk management, retirement

planning, and estate planning.


Unit 1: Your Financial Plan: Where it All Begins
Students learn how to create a financial plan. That includes:

·  having a process to plan how to use their money

·  creating SMART financial goals

·  analyzing how they get money and spend it

·  learning how to make financial decisions

·  developing guidelines to implement, monitor, and adjust their financial plan

Unit 2: Budgeting: Making the Most of Your Money
Students learn how to create a personal budget. That involves:

·  understanding why it’s worthwhile to track expenses

·  identifying where they get and spend money

·  understanding the importance of saving (for example: paying yourself first)

·  learning how to build a budget and stick to it

Unit 3: Investing: Making Money Work for You
Students learn to create their own personal savings and investing plan. They study:

·  how to differentiate between saving and investing

·  how money that is invested early can grow significantly over time

·  how to compare investment options, including their risks and rewards

·  how to diversify investments

·  how to integrate an investment plan into their overall financial plan

Unit 4: Good Debt, Bad Debt: Using Credit Wisely
Students learn how to handle credit and manage debt. That involves:

·  what credit is and how to apply for it

·  how to compare the advantages and disadvantages of using credit

·  what a credit history is and why it’s important

·  how to manage credit responsibly

·  what consequences of excessive debt are and how to correct them

Unit 5: Your Money: Keeping it Safe and Secure
Students learn how to use various financial services. That includes:

·  an overview of the various types of financial service providers and the kinds of services they offer

·  how various products, such as savings accounts, checking accounts, and debit and credit cards, work

·  how to respond to situations involving fraud, identity theft, and other deceptive practices

Unit 6: Insurance: Protecting What You Have
Students learn how to use insurance to protect against financial loss. They find out:

·  how to manage risk

·  how insurance is used for various kinds of financial protection, particularly how automobile insurance works and how to minimize its costs

·  how insurance needs vary from person to person

·  how insurance fits into an overall financial plan

Unit 7: Your Career: Doing What Matters Most
Students learn how their career selection and lifestyle will affect their financial plan. They examine:

·  the relationship between career choice and earning potential

·  the impact of education and training on career decisions and earning potential

·  the costs and value of career preparation

·  the importance of employee benefits to a financial plan

·  the pros and cons of working for themselves versus working for other

Course Grades/ Evaluation of Student Performance:

Evaluation of student performance in this course is based on the following areas. Percentages indicate how much each area counts for each nine weeks. No single grade shall count more than 20%.

Grade Category Percentage Minimum Grades

Daily work 60% 7

Tests 40% 2

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and the Honor Code will be strictly enforced. Giving another student a computer file or written paper is considered cheating and will result in a zero and honor code violation. Grading Rubrics will be handed out when appropriate.

Course Materials: 3-RING BINDER


Spiral for Notes and Journals



Make Up Work:

When you are absent, it is student’s responsibility to get your make up assignment from the instructor the day you return to class or check the teacher’s website If class notes have been taken while you were out, you need to get them from another classmate or check teacher’s webpage. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in any assignments missed within two (2) days of an absence. Make up work that requires class time such as tests must be made up before or after school or at the teacher’s discretion. It shall not be made up during class! All make up work due to absences for school related activities should be completed before the absence, if possible (or within the two day period described above when lessons are of new material). If assignments are not made up by the deadline, a grade of zero (0) will be assessed. If student has an unexcused absence, student shall not make up the assignment missed.

Late Policy:

To receive full credit for an assignment, students must turn in work by the announced deadline.

Maximum Grade for LATE WORK is 70

Tutoring Times and Policies:

Tutoring will be made available before or after school by appointment. Because of my coaching schedule during season will be not available.


Mrs. Oates

v  Come in with a positive attitude, punctually, and quietly and sit in your assigned seat. Please sign tardy roster on teacher desk if late to class. Five tardies = NO EXEMPTION

v  Store all your belongings under your desk for safety. Remember SAFETY FIRST

v  Be prepared with paper and pen. Remember to WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER

v  Passes will NOT be issued the first 10 minutes, last 10 minutes of class, or during teacher instructions or lessons. Only 3 passes per nine weeks allowed unless emergency! Write your name on the clipboard, where you are going, and sign pass roster before leaving classroom. Plan and take care of yourself. Go to the restroom between classes.

v  Plan and take care of your personal issues and errands before and after school or during lunch. Remember to BE RESPONSIBLE

v  Instructions will be given after attendance. Read the white board. Please be patient J

v  Sit quietly while instructions are given. Talking to peers is not allowed unless permission given or group work assigned. BE RESPECTFUL

v  Assignments will be posted on white board and teacher’s webpage. You are responsible for missing assignments so please go to teacher webpage or ask a peer.

v  Students must remain on task (No I-Pods, cell phones, or electronic devices visible on desks/tables or person). No surfing the web in the computer lab, email, music websites, printing w/out permission). Any devices will be taken up and given to the AP’s office at teacher’s discretion.* NO EXCEPTIONS *$15.00 fee must be paid to AP’s office for return

v  Please respect everyone or you may have to provide 2 “put-ups”/ compliments. No bullying will be tolerated at any time. This is a safe classroom!

v  Sit quietly in your assigned seat until teacher dismisses you at the bell. You will not be allowed to wait by the door. Everyone must help clean up their areas. Only beverages with tops allowed. Keep eating to a minimal unless enough to share.

v  When in doubt, please ASK. Everyone will be respected at all times by the teacher. She is a professional and will treat everyone fairly. Every heart, every mind, every day!



Student Signature: ______DATE: ______

Print Name: ______CLASS PERIOD: ______