Media release 18 April 2016

New Awards categories puts focus on training and innovation

This year’s Jersey Construction Awards will see the introduction of three new categories,including recognition of excellence in training and innovation. The launch event will take place 20 April at the Hotel de France commencing at 7.30am.

The Awards will be officially opened for submissions with Senator Lyndon Farnham, The Economic Development Minister, speaking to an audience of JeCC members and interested public. Graeme Smith, Chairman of the Judging Panel,will introduce and detail the new categories. Mark Brandon, 2015 winner of the Star of the Future category, will speak on the benefits of entering the awards process and how the success of winning an award in 2015 has benefitted his business.

The new categories reflectfresh optimism in the industry with a recognition of significant innovation and the continuing importance of training and professional development to producing the construction stars of the future. Those stars will be celebrated again this year following the success of the categoryintroduced in 2015.

In addition to the new categories, further developmentsincludethe introduction of three levels for Project of the Year to encompass the full scope of projects that are being undertaken within the industry. In particular there will be an acknowledgement for smaller businesses that may not have been involved in larger projects but, through the quality of their work, have helped shape the built landscape of our Island.

Given the number of firms that can be involved in the larger projects there will also be recognition of the full project team and not just one particular company. For each of these three category levels the entrants will now be required to include complete details of their Health and Safety procedures as this award will be extracted from the project submissions.

The Economic Development Minister, Senator Lyndon Farnham, said “Innovation is an area of our economy that we are particularly focusing on. As business people you understand its importance, and it’s important in government too. We ran an Innovation Review last year, led by expert and Fiscal Policy Panel member TeraAllas, and I am looking forward to implementing its recommendations.

“Investing in Education and skills is another of our priorities. We need highly skilled people in key sectors like construction, and I am pleased that the importance of training and professional development are being recognised in today’s awards. I hope we can work together to provide rewarding employment for islanders while also reducing the need to import skilled staff.”

Commenting on the 2016 Construction Awards, Graeme Smith said: ‘There are some things that we simply do very well in Jersey. Construction is consistently one of them and that needs celebrating. We are especially pleased to see the introduction of new categories this year that acknowledge the value of innovation and, critically, training and development. If any sector is to thrive it is by moving forward, always trying to be the best it can, and these Awards are the right forum to mark that’.

Martin Holmes, Chairman of the Jersey Constriction Council said: ‘Construction is a strong pillar of Jersey’s economy. As we emerge from the significant challenges of recession it will be training and the continuous development of our members’ skills that will see us well prepared to meet the growing demands of initiatives such as affordable homes. The Construction Awards are testament to an industry with energy, working closely with Government to face these new challenges head on’.

For further information please contact: Christopher Journeaux or 07797736595

Notes to Editors:

Awards categories 2016

Gold Sponsors

BenestSyvret Project of the Year Over £3m Award

Comprop Business of the Year Award

Jersey Electricity Sustainability Award

Silver Sponsors

Channel Islands Lines Project of the Year between £1m-£3m Award

Economic Development Department Best Training & Development Award

HighlandsCollege Star of the Future Award

Insurance Corporation Industry Achiever Award

Ogier Best Use of Innovation Award

Ronez Project of the Year up to £1m Award

Rossborough - Health & Safety Award

JeCCLifetime Achiever Award

Link to website for Awards page and e-version of the Toolkit