New America School
Network Board Meeting
Tuesday May 17, 2016
801 N 44th St. Phoenix, AZ 85008
Board Directors Present: Polly Baca, CO, Matthew DeAngelis, CO, Gina Nocera, CO, Larry Mason, NV, Rick Bela, Alb, NM, Jose Leyba, AZ, Frank Riggs, At-Large, Susie Kimble, Las Cruces, NM
Alternate Directors Present: Juan Vigil, Alb. NM, John Munoz, Las Cruces NM
Regrets: Paula Gomez-Farrell, CO, Mary Hanewall, CO, Tomas Mejia, CO, Alberto Siqueiros, AZ
Staff Present: Craig Cook, David Rein, Dominic DiFelice, Amanda Patrie
School Principals Present: LaTricia Mathis (principal-Albuquerque), Margarita Porter (principal-Las Cruces), Annie Trujillo (principal-Lowry), Mike Epke (principal-Denver) and Jon Berninzoni (principal- Lakewood), Yvonne Watterson(principal-Phoenix)
Guests: Mike Morley, Greta Mayans
1. Polly Baca called the meeting to order at 12:59 PM.
2. LaTricia Mathis read the mission statement.
3. The chair suggested the agenda be adjusted to accommodate the guests present. Move item X after item IV. Moved by Juan Vigil and seconded by John Munoz that the agenda be approved as amended. Votes: Unanimous.
4. Moved by John Munoz and seconded by Gina Nocera that the minutes of October 13, 2015 be approved. Votes: Unanimous.
5. Jose was given an opportunity to discuss the reasons as to why NASP wishes to sever ties with the network. NASP desires to go to an early college model in response to community wishes and to ensure that the school will meet the standards as dictated by the state authorizing board as applied to traditional schools. Jose reviewed some of the questions posed by the state board during the approval meeting in December 2015. NASP believes it cannot fully embrace the NAS model of a day/night program, credit recovery etc. A number of questions from board members and the superintendent were addressed.
6. Moved by Frank Riggs and seconded by Rick Bela that the board move into executive session to discuss the legal, financial and reputational consequences of severing ties with the network. Votes: Unanimous.
7. Moved by Larry Mason and seconded by Frank Riggs that the board adopt option 1, A-E (see attached) as presented by the network’s counsel Patty Matthews. Votes: Jose Leyba-abstained, Polly Baca, Matthew DeAngelis, Gina Nocera, Larry Mason, Rick Bela, Frank Riggs, and Susie Kimble voted aye.
Motion passed. Frank Riggs agreed to act as liaison between NASP and the Network Board.
8. The Board moved back into regular session.
9. Jose Leyba and NASP staff left the meeting.
10. The Superintendent outlined a number of recommendations that Ted Ryan, former board member with NASP, encouraged the network put in place before moving forward with other replication schools.
Ø That the three national agreements be the first things approved and signed by the local GC
Ø Require that a national board member (or two) be a member of the member schools, where permitted by law
Ø That the Network not incur expenses related to a facility development until all agreements are signed
Ø That the network should take a more active role in marketing in the first two years of operation.
Ø Hire a contractor to take on this marketing role
Ø Add a marketing component to the Network’s PSA
Ø Look to a nationally recognized agency to manage the recruitment efforts-budget would come from the local school
Ø Develop talent from within the Network member schools who could move into different markets.
As a follow-up to this discussion Patty Matthews and others had a number recommendations for the board.
· Pre-development agreements by founders/members/entity
· Predevelopment agreements examined on a case by case basis ensure that maximum protection for the Network and its investments be included
· Donor formalize grant terms to ensure funds used for the purpose intended
· Formation of corporations; include in “purpose” commitment to the NAS model
· Ensure bylaws are committed to the model-include mission statement
· To the extent permitted by state law, consider recourse provisions in license agreement, grants etc.
· Look at other EMOs for similar documents
· Look at escape clauses within existing agreements and tighten them
· Ensure network has control of local GC until ready to release
· Ensure financial oversight by CBO
· Ensure clarity of supervision between Superintendent and local principal
Moved by Susie Kimble and seconded by Rick Bela that Patty Matthews be charged to develop pre-development agreements. Votes: Unanimous.
11. Fundraising:
Ø Juan Vigil: Juan, Rick, Polly, John, Craig and others have been working with the Kellogg Foundation to secure funding for replication in NM. Meetings have been held with the President-Elect of the Kellogg’s board and other staff to explain what we do and who we serve. We need to demonstrate how our schools connect with other community organizations. We are looking for a three year partnership with a goal of starting three new schools in NM. Possible sites include Santa Theresa, Espanola, and the Farmington area. We have hired a grant writer to complete the pre-application process. The grant could be as much as $3.5M over the three year period. Kudos to board members and staff involved in initiating and moving forward on this partnership. Special thanks to Juan for being the point person during all of these discussions.
Ø Craig Cook: spoke of Opportunity180 in Nevada. However, further conversations seem to indicate our schools are not a good fit for the organization to support us.
Ø David Rein: spoke of the Nevada CSP grant. The application for a RFP has not been posted. It is our intent to apply and if successful then to apply for a charter in La Vegas.
12. Craig reported on three financial reports before the Board. The audit, the financials budget vs. actuals to March 2016, and the proposed FY 2016-2017 budget. Questions from the board were addressed.
13. School updates:
Ø Jon(Lakewood):
i. $400M bond to be issued in November-equalization for charter schools. Could mean $3.5 for the school. The building would be bought by Jeffco and the school would not have to pay lease costs. CFO of Jeffco a strong supporter.
ii. 5 year charter renewal approved
iii. 35-40 graduates
Ø Annie(Lowry):
i. 85 graduates
ii. Establishing stronger relationships with CSI staff. Visit by executive director went very well.
iii. Approaching renewal of charter.
iv. School has population of 450 with 20-30% refugees
Ø Mike(Thornton)
i. Discussed some challenges with CSI the past year
ii. Presentation to CSI board went well
iii. Starting a partnership with a local community music organization
iv. Working on optional measures to present to authorizer
Ø LaTricia(Albuquerque)
i. HB33 funding. $260K/a for 6 years
ii. Looking at expanding on vacant land adjacent to school
iii. Voter registration drive for students netted 36 new registered voters
iv. 62 graduates
Ø Margarita(Las Cruces)
i. Truancy director grant renewed
ii. Truancy rate dropped from 69% to 49%
iii. Going into renewal
iv. A student went to Cuba as winner of essay contest
v. 74 grads(oldest 54)
vi. Ms. Fisk awarded teacher of the year
14. Public Input: None
15. Next meeting scheduled for September 2016. Date and location to be determined.
16. Adjournment at 4:17 PM.