Hello, May I please speak with (name)? Hi (Mr./Mrs./Ms.) This is ______(first name). I’m a student from Urbana University majoring in _____ How are you this evening? Is this a convenient time for you?

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me.

If not home or available: I would appreciate being able to talk with ______. Is there a more convenient time I could call back? Thank you, I’ll call back on ___ (Date) about this same time.

I am on campus with a group of students making calls to our alumni and friends. We are calling for a couple of reasons tonight. The first is to keep our files updated. Is your address still (check on the form)? Do you have an email address that you are willing to share with Urbana University? Thank you.

The second reason I’m calling is on behalf of the Annual Fund and our “A Will to Excel” Capital Campaign. “A Will to Excel” is a five-year, $4.7 million campaign to provide a new student center, build our Annual Fund, football field, student scholarship, and various infrastructure needs.

Recently, our campus has celebrated some milestones. On September 17, 2004 we announced the public phase of our capital campaign -- A Will to Excel -- and celebrated achieving approximately one-half of our campaign goal after just 15 months. The following week, the University received word that The Kresge Foundation had awarded a $400,000 challenge grant to Urbana University. To release the Kresge funds, the University must raise the remaining balance of $2.1 million from new or increased gifts and pledges by October 1, 2005.

We will need your help to achieve this worthy goal and I want to invite you to join us in supporting A Will to Excel with your gift or pledge.

I would really appreciate your financial support.

First ask

We are asking each of our alumni to pledge $500 to be paid over a five year period. That will be just $100 per year or $8.33 per month or .28 per day. That is less than a cup of coffee per day. Can I count on you for a $500 pledge? Thank you!

If yes go to wrap up!

If no go to second ask.

Second ask

I understand. We are really emphasizing participation this year because of the Kresge Foundation. In addition, your participation will play an important role in the University receiving a $400,000 grant from Kresge. Would you consider a pledge $250 over 5 years? Thank you!

If yes go to wrap up!

If no go to third ask.

Third ask

I understand why you may be unsure about committing to a five year pledge. But remember whatever you do tonight will help us in the Kresge challenge. Can we count on a one time gift of $75 and think about a pledge at a future date? Thank you!

If no, go to fourth ask.

If yes go to wrap up!

Fourth ask

What would be comfortable to you!


Let me confirm your gift one more time. You plan to give $____ to Urbana University $_____per for five years. Is this correct?

What credit card would you like to use for your first payment tonight?

(It is slightly less expensive for Urbana University to accept gifts by credit card rather than through the mail.)

If yes to credit card get this information form the donor:

Full name as it is on the card______

Card #______

Expiration date______

No to the Credit Card

I understand. I will send a pledge form and a return envelope for your gift of $_____.

We will send you a conformation form of your pledge you made tonight in the next few days.

Let us know if you have any personal updates or information for class notes you’d like included in a future Update Magazine.


Thank you for your time and support of Urbana University