DECEMBER 6, 2016

6:00 PM

Frank called the meeting to order. All board members were present. Leslie read the minutes from last month’s meeting. Ed made a motion to approve November’s minutes as printed, Neil 2nd Carried.



Chad is requesting a special exception to construct mini warehouses on his property. The property is located on Highway 25, south of County Road D. It is currently zoned as General Commercial. He is looking to build 3 buildings on the north side of his property and potentially build 7 more on the South side of his property. He is asking for the boards support. Frank commented that the lighting needs to be low lighting and he should have a water retention pond. Chad said he will do whatever is asked buy the County and the Township. He would have to obtain a state building permit.

The board has no objections.

Neil made a motion to not object Chad Cooks special exception request, Ed 2nd Carried


Fast Track CSM $100.00 fee paid

He is selling Lot 1 to his nephew Jonathon.

Frank commented that the easement should have been 66 feet. They felt they did not need it at this time.

Ed made a motion to approve Neubauer’s CSM located in the NW ¼ of the SW ¼, SEC 5, T27N, R13W, Town of Menomonie, Dunn County, Neil 2nd Carried.


  • Serviced equipment
  • Mowed
  • Plowing
  • Hauled salt/sand
  • One ton needs new rear tires. Cody will do some price checking. Frank asked him to check Cenex and Fleet Farm – we have an estimate from Church Hill.


The board went and looked at the top of the hill where the water is running down onto Miller’s property. They advised him to contact the Land Conservation and see if they have any suggestions. Ed thought a retention pondcould be placed by the cul-de-sac and maybe the township would pay 5-10 % of the cost. This will be addressed in the spring. Other solutions would to fill the wash so dirt would not wash into the Miller property. It was suggested that Miller and his neighbor on the top of the hill try to work out a solution. The water was never a problem before the neighbor to the East re-did her lawn. The Cull –de –sac was in place many years before Miller built his residence in which was near a water run.


The board inspected the storage yard and found they had 40 + cars. They are complying but will need to get the car count down below 30 by April. The board will inspect during the Spring road check.


Dunn County Solid Waste Director Morgan Gerk was notified that the Township was not in favor of waving the fees for 2016 & 2017. The County is having a meeting with ESW tonight.

The board felt further information is needed and would like to review ESW’s revenues, expenses, and total tonnage.

The board agreed that the Township and the County need to have a meeting to discuss what to do.



Single plan will be paid 100% for 2017

The monthly premium went from $1,645.12 (2016) to $1,620.16 (2017) Cody’s wife’s insurance is on this plan and Cody will pay her premium.


2016 wages are $19.45 per hour. Frank proposed a 2% increase which is 39¢ $19.84 per hour for 2017.

Life Insurance is $106.31 per month for both Cody and Jeff.

Ed made a motion to approve the 2017 Employee Contract—2% wage increase 39¢ per hour, pay 100% single plan Insurance and life insurance, Neil 2nd Carried.


Richard Neubauers CSM

No meeting is scheduled unless something comes up.


The Town of Dunn typed the agreement for the jointly owned Vermeer BC1000 XL Brush Chipper, Frank signed the agreement and Leslie will scan and email it to Sally – Town of Dunn Clerk for Don Heit(Chairman’s) signature.

Ed made a motion to approve the Town of Menomonie and Town of Dunn’s agreement for the Vermeer BC1000 XL Brush Chipper for Insurance, expenses and rental ($35.00 per hour), Neil 2nd Carried.



She received a Public Record request from Harvey Wasserman requesting 64 items pertaining to the November 8th Election. This request was sent out to every clerk in the State of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Election Commission advised Leslie to respond acknowledging the request which she did. The State will not comment on how to proceed until the State’s recount is completed. He is requesting all document be saved to a CD. The town board felt we should give him the information on paper. We must determine the cost and Harvey should pay before anything is done. The cost could easily be a $1,000.00 or more. We would have to sit down and go over each request and put a cost on it.


The State sent a notice for Jim Foreschle’s tax chargeback. The payments from the State, County and Schools will be paid back to the township February 15,2017.


He received a complaint that Election signs are still up. Frank stated we do not enforce it. They can call the Sheriff’s Dept.

The towns website does not work on an iPhone or iPad.


Taylor Kraft asked if the road behind Bill Stoll’s could be graveled. He said the way it is now is very hard on farm equipment. Frank stated it is double seal road and has had many patches on it. We will review it in the spring. Not a good idea to go back to gravel.

He questioned if the township should consider looking for a different assessor. Kevin is very hard to get a hold of and he does not respond to residents and the town board. Frank felt he does a great job as the town’s assessor. His contact with constituents at the BOR is excellent. He will contact Kevin and ask him to respond quicker or notify the town board if he will be gone...ect.


He asked if Jessie Flemming has paid for her bill owed from an accident back in October. Nancy said no. She will send her a 2nd notice.


The board looked over the charges made by Jeff and Cody.

Neil made a motion to approve voucher #17560-17595 & prewritten 1636-1639, Ed 2nd Carried.

Adjourn:Neil made a motion to adjourn at 7:30 pm, Frank 2nd Carried.

Next meeting will be held January 12, 2017 at 6:00 pm

Leslie Hulbert, Clerk