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- Never contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions
- Does not listen when others talk, both in groups and in class. Student interrupts when others speak
- Almost always displays disruptive behavior during class
- Almost never mentally and physically prepared for class.
- Skills are inadequate with minimal improvement
- Inability to demonstrate knowledge or understanding of activity
- Inconsistent performance
- Not prepared for class
- Neglects to participate in activities (off task)
- Often interferes with the learning of others
- Uncooperative
- Disregard for others
- Argues, whines, complains
- Unsportsmanlike conduct
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- Rarely contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions
- Student does not listen to others and occasionally disrupts in a class and group setting.
- Student is rarely mentally and physically prepared for class.
- Meeting challenges performing basic skills
- Satisfactory performance and effectiveness
- Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of skills
- Partially Prepared for class
- Inconsistent participation
- Goes through the motions with little effort
- Can be distracted or distract others
- Cooperative At Times
- Works with others within structured activities
- Shows some enthusiasm
- Sportsmanlike only under supervision
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- Contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions occasionally
- Usually listens when others speak and is rarely a disruption
- Student is usually mentally and physically prepared for class.
- Shows definite skill improvement
- Demonstrates basic skills and strategies
- Consistent performance and effectiveness
- Fully Prepared for all activities
- Willingly participate in all activities with consistent effort
- Usually works hard with occasional “lapses”
- Very cooperative
- Works well with others
- Often enthusiastic and positive
- Sportsmanlike in most activities
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- Offers ideas and is proactive by asking relevant questions.
- Listens when others speak and is almost never a disruption to the class.
- Almost always mentally and physically prepared for class.
- Level of mastery is achieved in skill and movement development
- Shows an exceptional understanding of skills/strategies
- Performs P.E. concepts at an outstanding level
- Engaged from the onset and fully prepared for all activities.
- 100% effort all the time
- Consistently stays on task even when away from supervision
- Always cooperative
- Genuine concern for others
- Always enthusiastic and positive
- Exemplifies sportsmanship in all activities