“Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.”
—Dr. Mae Jemison, first African-American female astronaut


Thusday, February 15 , 2018

Bell 1

Kairos Retreat

Class of 2019 Portraits

Bowling v Father Judge (A) 4PM-5PM

Junior College Information Night (cafeteria) 6:30PM

Activities and Events


Fitness workout:

Due to the Roman basketball playoff gameon Fridayafternoon, there will be no fitness workout this week.

All are welcome to work outnext Thursdayafter 8th in Room 61 with the tennis team.


Graduation Portraits for the Class of 2019 will be taken beginning next week.Aschedule will be posted outside the offices of Student Affairsand Academic Affairs as well as in the library and cafeteria. It is your responsibility to consult this schedule and be ready to have your portrait taken on the day that you are scheduled. Please ensure that yourhair is neatly groomed and that you are cleanly shavenfor your graduation portrait.


OnFriday, February 16th at 3:45PM, Roman Basketball will be taking on La Salle High School in the Philadelphia Catholic League Quarter-Finals. The game will be at the Community College of Philadelphia, which is only an 8 minute walk. We believe, with the help of the greatest student section in the country, anything is possible. Let’s get to the Palestra together! Thank you for all of your support, we need your help! Have a great day!


Student Council will be selling candy grams during all lunch periods onThursday 2/15 and Friday 2/16. These candy grams can be sent to any student at Hallahan or Little Flower High School. The cost per candy gram is $1, and they will be deliveredon Tuesdayof next week. If you have any questions please ask any member of Student Council, Ms. Onorato or Mr. Coyle.


Chess Club meets in library after school today.


The Freshman/Sophomore Date Dance is scheduled for Friday, February 23rdat 7PM. Permission forms/Information Sheets are available in the Student Affairs Office. Once permission forms are completed they must be approved by the Student Affairs Office prior to tickets ($35 per couple) being purchased in the Financial Affairs Office. Tickets will only be sold before and after school. ALL TICKETS NEED TO BE PURCHASED BYTuesday, February 20, 2018.



Are you a senior with strong grades? Do you live in South Philly? Do you participate in community service? You may qualify for the South Philadelphia Business Association Scholarship. See guidance for details.

Seniors who want their semester grades sent to schools, sign up in the Guidance Office ASAP.


The JV team will be playing in the championship gametomorrow2-15 at8:30pmat ICELINE Rink 1 in West Chester v WC Rustin. Good luck, you guys!


International Cultures Night isTuesday February 20th at 6:45! Join us for a night of food and fun! Please see Ms. Canavan ASAP if you would like to attend!


There will be a meeting for any junior who wishes to be on the junior prom committee onTuesday, February 20in room 44 immediately after school. Please see Mrs. Smith if you have any questions.


The NHS meeting that was scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday 2/13) has been rescheduled for Tuesday2/20.


The annualSpeakUp! event this year will be heldat RomanonTuesday, March 6th, 2018 at 6:00PM. This is an excellent opportunity to engage in conversation about various topics that affect you today. Please preregister today at search for Roman's event. There will be some community service hours offered. JOIN US and let YOUR Voice beheard! If you have any questions, please see Mr. McAndrew.


Attention freshmen, sophomores and juniors:

Friday February 23rdis the last day to order a personalized yearbook. AfterFebruary 23rd, there will be a limited number of yearbooks available to order, but once those run out, we cannot order more. If you want to guarantee that you will receive a yearbook at the end of the year, make sure to place your order byFriday February 23rd. There is a link to the purchase website on the homepage of Roman's website. If you have any questions, ask Mr. Buck.


Mr. Beaver’s 6th 8thperiod to the library

Mr. Pensabene’s 1st 2ndperiod to the café, all others to the class

Mr. McAndrew’s 1st 2ndto the café, 4th, 7th 8thto the library

Mr. DiMartino’s 2ndto the café

Mr. DiGiovanni’s 2ndto ROOM 18, all others to the class


Friday, February 16, 2018

Bell 1

Kairos Retreat

Class of 2019 Portraits

All Catholic Orchestra Rehearsal (Bonner Prendergast)

Basketball Quarterfinals Roman v LaSalle at CCP 3:45PM-5:35PM

Mock Trial City Tournament (Round 3) Criminal Justice Center 5PM