Supplementary material for

A comparison of Pt(II) and Pt(IV) chloride precursors for strong electrostatic adsorption synthesis of Pt/alumina and Pt/carbon catalysts

Jadid E. Samada, Jayson Keelsa and John R. Regalbutoa,*

aUniversity of South Carolina, Chemical Engineering, 301 Main Street, Columbia, SC 29208, USA

*Corresponding author

Phone: 803-777-5501

Fax: 803-777-8265


1. pH shift (pHfinal versus pHi) plots

Fairly unchanged pH shift plots were observed for all the differently aged PTC solutions before (pHi) and after (pHfinal) contact with support (Figure S1 and S2). In addition to the alumina and carbon support used in the main text this study has been extended over two other aluminas: (1) VGL-25, BET surface area = 277 m2/g and PZC = 8.5 obtained from UOP and (2) DISPAL 23N4-80, BET surface area 180m2/g, PZC =7.9, obtained from Sasol and one other carbon black support : Darco G60, BET surface area = 627m2/g, purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The Dispal alumina was pre-calcined at 550°C for 3h to transform from boehmite to gamma alumina phase.

Figure S1. pH shift (pHfinal versus pHi) plot of (from left to right) SBa 200, VGL-25 and Calcined Dispal 23N4-80 alumina with differently aged PTC solutions.

Figure S2. pH shift (pHfinal versus pHi) plot of (from left to right) Vulcan-XC 72 and Darco G60 carbon with differently aged PTC solutions.

2.  PTC uptakes over additional alumina and carbon supports

PTC uptake surveys over alumina and carbon supports (SBa 200 and Vulcan XC-72) have been included in the main text. The survey plots with the additionally studied supports have been included here in Figure S3 and S4. All the supports exhibit moderate increase in uptake in the basified area with pre-adsorption aging.

Figure S3. PTC uptake over (a) VGL-25 and (b) calcined Dispal 23N4-80 g-alumina at different pre-adsorption aging times

Figure S4. PTC uptake over Darco G60 carbon at different pre-adsorption aging times