Nevada Housing Division
2018 ESG Annual Program Performance Evaluation (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019)
- Describe any efforts that occurred this past program year to obtain other long-term funding to support ESG programs. Include funding sources such as Community Development BlockGrant, Community Services Block Grant, State Low-Income Housing Trust funds, foundation grants, etc. that were obtain to ensure the long-term success of the ESG program.
- Describe any collaboration efforts that occurred this past program year to obtain other mainstream resources for program participants to ensure long-term housing stability.
- Describe the agency’s participation in local Workforce Investment Boards and/or Community Coalitions. Describe topics covered and resulting outcomes that will help to address and end homelessness.
- Describe specific action steps the community has taken to develop and implement a community-wide discharge plan.
- ESG sub-recipients must attend at least 75% of CoC meetings held annually and regularly participate in any sub-committees created by Leadership. Describe how agency staff participated in this process.
- ESG recipients must participate in at least 4 local community coalition meetings per year. Provide summary annually of meetings attended and any partnerships formed.
- ESG recipients must engage community members for participation in either a local community or CoC’s coordinated or centralized intake and assessment system. Describe the community’s local coordinated intake and referral system, and how the agency participates in the process.
- ESG recipients must develop a community wide discharge plan which includes at least two (2) partner agencies.
- Client data shall be entered into HMIS with less than 5% of the data reported inaccurately, and 95% of program participants will be entered into HMIS within 1 week of assistance.
Exhibit 13(c)–ESG Annual Report (04/15)