Software Plan
Networking for Antique Truck Owners
Requested by:
Dr. Timoth Lederman
Department of Computer Science
Siena College
Delivered By:
Infinite Solutions
Prepared By:
Robert DeSarbo
Timothy Egan
Alexander Evanciew
Alexander Johnson
Kelly Monroe
David Nopper
September 24, 2009
Table of Contents
System Definition
1.1 Problem Definition…………………………………………………………………………………...3
1.2System Justification…………………………………………………………………………………..3
1.3Goals for the System…………………………………………………………………………………3
1.4System Constraints…………………………………………………………………………….……..3
1.5Functions to be Provided………………………………………………………………….………4
1.6User Characteristics………………………………………………………………………….……...4
1.7Developing/Operating/Maintenance Environments……………………………….…4
1.8Solution Strategy……………………………………………………………………………………...5
1.9 Priorities of System Feature……………………………………………………………………..5
1.10System Acceptance Criteria………………………………………………………………………6
1.11 Sources of Information……………………………………………………………………….……6
Project Plan
2.1 Life Cycle Model………………………………………………………………………………………...7
2.2 Organizational Structure……………………………………………………………………………8
2.3 Preliminary Staffing and Resource Requirements………………………………………9
2.4Preliminary Development Schedule…………………………………………………………10
2.5Project Monitoring and Control Mechanisms……………………………………………11
2.6Tools and Technology for Utilization………………………………………………………11
2.7Programming Languages…………………………………………………………………..……11
2.8Testing Requirements………………………………………………………………………..…...11
2.9Supporting Documents Required………………………………………………………..…..12
2.10Manner of Demonstration and Delivery……………………………………………..……12
2.11Sources of Information……………………………………………………………………..…….12
Appendix A: Resumes…………………………………………………………………………………..….14
Appendix B: Glossary………………………………………………………………………………………20
System Definition
1.1Problem Definition(Top)
Client Dr. Timoth Lederman desires an improved implementation of his social mapping webpage. In the current form, the mashup is a product of the website, “Map Builder.” Although the current form yields a result, the time required of client Dr. Timoth Lederman to enter member information from the website is burdensome. Members of the website have no ability to add, edit, or delete their information in the mashup. In addition, there is no way of generating user information in report form. The resulting mashup must be user generated and driven.
1.2System Justification(Top)
Networking for Antique Truck Owners, N.A.T.O., which shall be the new mashup, will act as a resource for the members of the website. Upon registration for the website, members will be prompted by a currently undecided method to submit information to N.A.T.O. The dynamic nature of N.A.T.O. will allow information to be added, edited, or deleted by the user quickly. Improved mapping and information storage abilities will allow members to browse other members and develop a more valuable online social network.
1.3Goals for the System(Top)
The overall goal of N.A.T.O. is twofold; to provide members of the website the ability to connect with other members when traveling. Knowing which members are local to a travel route allows for opportunities to replace parts, perform repairs, and display the trucks. Second, to give user’s more control in editing their personal information. Users will have the ability to update, edit, or delete their own information.
1.4 System Constraints(Top)
The main constraint on the development of N.A.T.O. is that it must be web based. It is essential that N.A.T.O. can be accessed in any web browser. A provided database will utilize MySQL. Additional constraints may be discovered through future client meetings.
1.5 Functions to be provided(Top)
The functions of N.A.T.O. include but are not limited to:
- Members will be able to add, edit, and delete their own personal information.
- Member’s geographical location will be available.
- Members can generate report by browsing other members through varying criteria.
- Members will be able to find locations of those on their travel route.
1.6 User Characteristics (Top)
The primary users of this software will be the members of the website. Users will want the system to be user friendly so they can use the maps and tools of the software to find locations of the other members easily. There will be a user or users with administrative powers with the ability to check and remove user information.
1.7 Development/Operating/Maintenance Environments(Top)
N.A.T.O.’s design will be implemented in the Software Engineering Lab located in Roger Bacon room 348 and on an Oracle web server. There are two computers available, the first being a Dell Optiplex 760 equipped with an Intel Core Duo 2.93 GHz processor and 4 GB of ram. Second, an Apple I-Mac built with an Intel Core Duo 2 GHz processor and 1 GB of ram. The Dell is running Windows Vista Service Pack 2.The I-Mac is running OS X version 10.4.11. The product we will be creating will be tested on Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.
1.8 Solution Strategy(Top)
In order to most effectively meet the needs of Dr. Lederman, the solution that N.A.T.O. is structured around is the Classic Waterfall Model, which is a Linear Sequential Model. The solution is composed of the following steps:
Software Plan:
In the initial phase, a formal problem definition and solution to solving the problem will be the direct result of initial meetings with the client.
Analysis of Requirements:
In phase two, meetings are held with the client to understand and recognize all essential components of the project.
Preliminary Design:
In phase three, information gathered in the previous phase, Analysis of Requirements, is changed into a programming design outline.
Detailed Design:
In the next sequential phase, the previously generated outline is used as the guide for implementation and is verified by requirement checks.
Acceptance Test:
At the final phase, the project is delivered to the client.
1.9 Priorities of System Feature(Top)
The main priority of N.A.T.O is the ability for users to add, edit, and delete their personal information. This is the core of the project. The next function of N.A.T.O. is the ability to view other users along a specified travel route. The ability for users to browse or search on specific criteria is the next prioritized function. Finally, as of now, the last function is for the ability to generate the geographical location.
1.10 System Acceptance Criteria (Top)
N.A.T.O. can be considered complete when the following, but not limited to the following, have been achieved:
1)Users can add, edit, or delete their personal information
2)Users can design travel routes and learn of other users’ proximities
3)Users can browse or search other members based on varying criteria, and print the resulting report
4)Users geographical position is generated and added to their personal information
5)Users will be able to access N.A.T.O from any web browser
1.11 Sources of Information(Top)
Information documented in the System Definition was made available through Infinite Solutions client meetings with client, Dr. Timoth Lederman. Additional information was provided in Professor Dr. Timoth Lederman’s Software Engineering class, the course syllabus, course calendar, and related course internet resources. Information was also provided by previous Software Engineering students Software Plans.
Project Plan
2.1 Life-cycle Model: Waterfall Model (Linear Sequential)(Top)
Software Plan:
Examination of the problem for the purpose of the establishment of a clear and concise definition of the problem and the goals required for an acceptable solution.
Requirements Specification:
Development of a more detailed problem understanding, and address specific client needs and constraints for both hardware and software toact as guidelines for the final product.
Preliminary Design:
Creation of an abstract project architecture, choosing the specific hardware and software for incorporation, as well as the necessary algorithms and data to meet client requirements.
Detailed Design:
Implementation of the preliminary design with verification testing and necessary refinement at every step for the purpose of creating a near-finished product that can be completely tested.
Acceptance Test:
Software presentation to the client for formal testing and analysis to confirm that the project meets all acceptance criteria (see section 1.10). The finished product will be displayed and demonstrated to show that it meets all of the clients specified needs and constraints.
2.2 Organizational Structure(Top)
Name E-mail Phone Number
DeSarbo, (518) 312-3504
Evanciew, Alex (315) 525-7597
Egan, (518) 728-3122
Johnson, (607) 437-1230
Monroe, (845) 702-5956
Nopper, (518) 322-1722
Team Resumes are available in Appendix 3.2
Infinite Solutions is organized as follows:
Evanciew, Alex - Team Leader:
Ensures the project is running smoothly through: the scheduling of client meetings, organizing team meetings, turning in documents, and assigning and monitoring team responsibilities.
DeSarbo, Robert – Webmaster:
Is charged with creating, adjusting, and maintaining the team's website.
Egan, Timothy - Webmaster:
Is charged with creating, adjusting, and maintaining the team's website.
Johnson, Alex - System Administrator:
Responsible for making sure the computers and the installed software at the workstations are up to date and working correctly.
Nopper, David - Database Administrator:
Creates and maintains the databases used for N.A.T.O., as well as the project documentation.
Monroe, Kelly - Information Specialist:
Ensures the collection and organization of the teams documents in regards to all project work.
Decisions are made on a team vote. In the event of a tie or no preferred solution, the team leader will make the final decision.
2.3 Preliminary Staffing and Resource Requirements(Top)
N.A.T.O. will be completed by a six person team (see section 2.2 for personnel). Resources available to the team include the use of a Windows and Macintosh computer, a server to host our documents and web page, the use of Oracle version 11g, as well as various software packages to develop and test our project (for a complete list of available hardware and software see sections1.7 and 2.6, respectively). The hardware and software required by the project will be made clear through future client meetings and the requirements specification step of the process.
2.4 Preliminary Development Schedule(Top)
The timeline for the project is made for the Fall 2009. All client meetings, team meetings, document deliverables, and presentations are accounted for.
2.5 Project Monitoring and Control Systems(Top)
To ensure that the development of N.A.T.O. is progressing as planned, Infinite Solutions will conduct strict monitoring procedures. The foremost is that all Infinite Solutions members will at some point meet with the client during the scheduled two weekly meetings. Infinite Solutions team members will also meeting twice weekly to analyze the results of the client meetings, as well as to complete the advancing steps of N.A.T.O. Client feedback after the presentation dates, delivery dates, and client meetings is the most essential item in the proper development of N.A.T.O.
2.6 Tools and Technology for Utilization(Top)
Workstation computers are loaded with Microsoft Office 2007, version 11.5.3, and Adobe Creative Suite 2004, version 7.0.1. Throughout the development of N.A.T.O, more programs may be needed and the client will be informed if such a situation arises. Techniques learned from attending Siena College, primarily those from software engineering and programming courses, will be used to create a high quality product.
2.7 Programming Languages(Top)
Members of Infinite Solutions have expertise in multiple programming languages including HTML, XHTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript SQL, Java, and C++. Languages to be used will be determined during the preliminary design at a later date.
2.8 Testing Requirements(Top)
Testing for N.A.T.O. will be done frequently and thoroughly throughout each step of development in order to ensure quality and robust software. This testing will be administered by Infinite Solutions continuously throughout development, as well as during official testing sessions in which the results will be recorded, documented and forwarded to the client. The client will be highly encouraged to participate in the testing during official testing sessions and when the project reaches certain stages to confirm that the project requirements, needs and constraints are being met.
2.9Supporting Documents Required(Top)
The team will provide the following documents to the client on the following specified dates:
- The Project Definition/Project Plan – September 24, 2009
- The Software Requirement Specification – October 28, 2009
- The Preliminary Design – December 8, 2009
Additional documentation on the Detailed Design will be given to the client in Spring 2010.
2.10Manner of Demonstration and Delivery(Top)
Infinite Solutionspresent on multiple occasions during the project development process to describe the accomplishments and progress made up to that point. This will ensure that the Infinite Solutions is meeting the client’s goals and requirements. These presentations will consist of, but not limited to, handouts, speeches, demonstrations and PowerPoint slides. The dates of the presentation and delivery of the documents are as follows:
- The Project Definition/Project Plan Document- September 24, 2009
- The Project Definition/Project Plan Presentation- September 25, 2009
- The Software Requirements Specification Document – October 28, 2009
- The Software Requirements Specification Presentation – October 30,2009
- The Preliminary Design Document – December 8, 2009
- The Preliminary Design Presentation – December 9, 2009
2.11 Sources of Information(Top)
Information documented in the Project Plan was made available through Infinite Solutions client meetings with client, Dr. Timoth Lederman. Additional information was provided in Professor Dr. Timoth Lederman’s Software Engineering class, the course syllabus, course calendar, and related course internet resources. Information was also provided by previous Software Engineering students Software Plans.
Appendix A:
Team Resumes(Top)
Robert F. DeSarbo
Permanent Address School Address
1379 Pleasant St. SPOB 3410
Schenectady, NY 12303 515 Loudon Road
Cell: (518) 312-3504 Loudonville, NY 12211
OBJECTIVE: To obtain an intern position in the information technology field.
Siena College, Loudonville, NY
B.S. Computer Science; minor Business, May 2010
Software Engineering I, Data base Management, Data Structures, Communications and Networks, Analysis of Algorithms, Web Design Assembly Language and Computer Architecture, Object-Oriented Design and Programming, Financial & Managerial Accounting, Marketing
• Proficient with Java, PHP, MySQL, XHTML, HTML, Visual Basic
• Familiar with Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Fireworks, BlueJ
• Microsoft Project, Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Web Master, Siena College, Loudonville, NY,Fall 2009 – Present
• Design, development and maintenance of team website for project.
• Design and development of software that locates other members of GMC antique truck
• Client presentations
Dietary, Dutch Manor Nursing And Rehabilitation Center, Schenectady, NY, Summer2005 – Present
• Promoted to supervisor of night shift as night cook after a couple years
Class of 1982 Scholarship, Siena College, Fall 2008- Present
Franciscan Scholarship, Siena College, Fall 2006- Present
Intramural Soccer, Football, Basketball, Siena College,Fall 2006- Present
Key Club, Schenectady, Fall 2002- 2006
• Volunteer, St. Luke’s Festa, Schenectady, NY, Fall 2007-Present
• Volunteer, Concern for the Hungry, Schenectady, NY, Fall 2000-2007
• Volunteer, Our Lady Of Mt. Carmel Festa, Schenectady, NY, Summer 2006
• Volunteer, Light The Night Walk, Albany, NY, Summer 2006
• Volunteer, March of Dimes, Schenectady, NY, Summer 2003-2005
Timothy Egan
56 History Hills Ct.
Latham, New York
Cell Phone: (518) 728-3122
Siena College, Loudonville, NY, B.S. in Computer Science, minor in Multimedia, May 2010
Computer-Related Experience
Helpdesk Consultant, Siena College ITS, Loudonville, NY August 2009-Present
- Delivered high-value support services and customer service pertaining to computers used by students and faculty.
Computer Science Assistant, Siena College, Loudonville, NY, September 2008-May 2009
- Assist teachers with any work-related tasks they may need completed.
- Maintained the open-lab for students
- Assisted the Alumni Relations department maintain and access the alumni database.
- Worked with the Oracle Database to maintain records of all Siena Alumni.
- Filed and helped send out mass mailings.
Sales & Customer Service Experience
Cashier, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Latham, NY, October 2008- July 2009
- Provided customer service, maintained cash register
- Provided a friendly experience for all shoppers
- Worked for grounds crew painting various buildings around campus.
Software/Computer Languages:MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Macromedia Fireworks, Flash, Dreamweaver, Java, C++, SQL, HTML, PHP, CSS
Other Interests & Service Projects
Habitat for Humanity 2006
Siena Dog Pound 2007-2009
Student IMPACT (high school outreach program in computer science) 2008-2009
Alexander J. Evanciew
Cell: (315) 525-7597
Present Address:Permanent Address:
Siena College, SPOB 40266604 Bishopp Road
515 Loudon RoadRome, NY, 13440
Loudonville, NY 12211(315) 337-3209
Siena College, Loudonville, NY
B.S. in Computer Science, Minor in Business, Classics, May 2010
Overall GPA: 3.53; Major GPA: 3.49
Dean’s List 2006-2007, Fall 2008; Presidential Scholar 2006 – Current
Relevant Coursework:
Introduction to CS (Visual Basic), Introduction to Programming (Java), Data Structures (Java), Assembly Language and Computer Architecture(C++), Object Oriented Design and Programming (Java), Database Management (SQL), Analysis of Algorithms, Web Design (HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL), Software Engineering, Calculus I & II, Discrete Mathematics I & II
Team Leader, Software Engineering, Computer Science Department, Siena College, Fall 2009
• Coordinated meetings with software development team members and the client
• Delegated assignments and compiled business documents for the team
McGuire Society, Office of Admissions, Siena College, Fall 2009
• Deliver speeches to prospective students and their families at admissions’ events
• Conduct interviews with prospective students for admission to the college
Student Rep, Advisory Committee for Technology Services, Siena College, Spring 2009 -Current
• Worked with Faculty members to develop new website for the college
• Reviewed time sensitive information and professional business plans
Orientation Leader, Office of Campus Programs, Siena College, Summer 2008, Fall 2009
• Aided freshmen class in transition from high school to college
• Worked with other leaders to plan and prepare for activities and events
Computer Science Tutor, Computer Science Department, Siena College, Spring 2007 - Current
• Review work of peers that relates to computer science, most specifically Java
• Offer explanation of conceptual ideas and provide error checking
Summer Conference Assistant, Office of Campus Programs, Siena College, Summer 2009
Information Desk Staff, Siena College, Spring 2009 – Current
Extracurricular Activities:
Student Rep., Board of Trustees Facilities Committee, Siena College, Fall 2009 – Current
President, Padua Hall, MacClosky Square, Cushing Village, Siena College, Fall 2008 – Current
Representative, Student Senate, Siena College, Fall 2008 – Spring 2009
Freshmen Retreat Leader, Office of the College Chaplain, Siena College, Fall 2007, Fall 2008
Member/President, Men’s Club Volleyball, Siena College, Fall 2006 – Current, President Fall 2009
Awards & Honors
Member, Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Spring 2009 - Current
Alexander R. Johnson
(607) 437-1230
Present Address:Permanent Address:
Siena College SPOB 3381 242 Bert White Road
515 Loudon RoadEdmeston, NY 13335
Loudonville, NY 12211
To obtain a job in the field of computer science that allows me to creatively program.
Siena College, Loudonville, NY
• Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Minor in Business, May 2010
• GPA: 3.03 / 4.0
Related Courses:
Software EngineeringData Structures
Assembly Language and Object-Oriented Design and Programming
Computer Architecture Computer Graphics
Web Design Calculus I & II
Discrete Structures I & II
Related Projects:
System Administrator, Infinite Solutions, Siena College, Loudonville, NY
• Maintained operating, development, and maintenance environments for software development
• Managed user accounts and privileges
• Worked with team to create a quality product for our client’s use
Computer Science Tutor, Siena College, January 2007 – Present
• Assisted students in upper and lower level computer science courses
• Specific courses: Introduction to Computer Science, Introduction to Programming, Management
Information Systems, Object-Oriented Programming
Golf Course Attendant, Otesaga’s Leatherstocking Golf Course, June 2004 – August 2008
• Organized daily tee times
• Welcomed patrons to facility and ensured all aspects of their visit ran smoothly
Computer Skills:
• Programs: Microsoft Office 2003 & 2007: Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Access, Adobe
Dreamweaver, Microsoft Visual Studio, BlueJ
• Languages: Java, C, C++, OpenGL, PHP, XHTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Visual Basic
Kelly Monroe
75 Hoag Corners Rd, Wingdale NY 12594
Home (845) 832-9485 Cell (845) 702-5956
Flexible and dedicated individual seeks challenging position which offers opportunity for growth and requires competence and commitment.
Siena College, Loudonville NY 2006 – May 2010
• B.S. in Computer Science
• Minor: Multimedia and Mathematics
• GPA: 3.24
• Courses: Data Structures, Study of Algorithms, Object Oriented, Assembly Language, Database, Graphics,
Web Design, Multimedia, Calculus I, Calculus II, Discrete I and II.
•Knowledge in Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, Java,
Assembly Language, C++, Visual Basic, HTML, RedDot, GIS, GPS Pathfinder and PHP.
Experienced in customer service.
Information Specialist, Software Engineering Course, Siena College September 2009 – May 2010
• Was a member of a software engineering group that dealt with a real client with a real problem.
• Created specifications for an actual program that will be implemented.
Paid Student Intern, Dutchess County Planning and Development Department June 2009-August 2009
Poughkeepsie, NY
• Assisted in map making, using GIS, which will be posted on the County website.
• Updated and edited a web page using RedDot.
• Used a GPS device to survey unanalyzed trails and turned the raw data into usable GIS files.
• Created shape files for GIS by using GPS Pathfinder to translate the RAW data.
Paid Student Assistant Department of Transportation, Albany NY May 2008 – January 2009
• Assisted in enhancing the current bridge and pavement forecasting models that were developed by the
• Used Database and GIS products to analyze transportation data to produce reports, charts, tables, etc.
Paid Teacher Assistant, Computer Science Department, Siena College, Albany NY 2007 - 2008
• Assisted in the preparation and organization of the IMPACT program.
• Record data and constructed web pages.
Circulation Desk Worker, Library, Siena College, Albany NY 2006 – present
• Organized and shelved books, while assisted students with questions on books and library website.
Bookkeeper/ Cashier, Freshtown, Dover Plains NY 2005 – 2008
• Accounted for incoming money and cashier reports.
• Created templates and cashier sheets for office use and assisted in training and observing new staff.
Vice President of the ACM-W 2009 - 2010
David Nopper