Network Integration Transmission Service

Network Integration Transmission Service

Network Integration Transmission Service

Off-System Designated Network Resource Request Form

Network Customer
Company Name
Representative Name
Business Address
Off-System Designated Resource Information (as required by Duke Carolinas OATT Section 29.2 (v) )
Resource Name
Periods of restricted operations throughout the year or Period of Designation
Maintenance Schedules throughout the year or Period of Designation
Minimum loading level of unit
Normal operating level of unit
System reliability/contractual must-run unit designations
Approximate variable generating cost for redispatch computations ($/MWh)
Transmission Arrangements and Resource Designation
(Items with * are not needed if DUK OASIS Number is provided)
DUK OASIS Number for DNR / Leave blank if not yet a customer of DUK
Control Area where Customer takes ownership / If the purchase is from the Generating Control Area, it will be the same as the Source Control Area.
Other Systems (from the Control Area where Customer takes ownership to Duke): Firm OASIS #/Control Area / (e.g., 123456/SOCO)
Amount of Capacity being Designated (MW)*
Period of Designation - Start & Stop Dates * / MM/DD/YYYY / MM/DD/YYYY
Source Control Area
Delivery Point (Sink on DUK system)*
Customer attests that it owns the resource(s), has committed to purchase generation pursuant to an executed contract, or has committed to purchase generation where execution of a contract is contingent upon the availability of transmission service under Part III of the Tariff. Customer also attests that the Network Resource(s) does not include any resources, or any portions thereof, that are committed for sale to non-designated third party load or otherwise cannot be called upon to meet our Network Load on a non-interruptible basis.
Name Printed

Steps for Completing:

1) Fill in all the information as required;

  1. Periods of Restricted Activity… – if none for period of the request, then list as “none” or “n/a”
  2. Maintenance Schedules… – if none for period of the request, then list as “none” or “n/a”
  3. System Reliability/Contractual Must-Run… – if none for period of the request, then list as “none” or “n/a”
  4. Approximate Variable Generation Cost… - Variable cost for replacement of the requested DNR if the service is lost. This may be known redispatch cost in $/MWh or spot market LMP, etc. If the redispatch will come from the spot market, an entry of “Spot Market” along with a reference to the Market (e.g. MISO, PJM, etc) will be accepted.
  5. Control Area where Customer takes ownership. The Control Area where Customer takes control of the energy. If the purchase is from the Generating Control Area, it will be the same as the Source Control Area.
  6. Other Systems… - Customer is to provide OASIS reservations for all systems that will be used in the delivery, starting at the “Control Area where Customer takes ownership” and continuing through all other Control Areas to the Duke border. Reservations must be Firm. Customer must show reserved capacity on each system that corresponds to the “Amount of Capacity Being Designated” for the “Period of Designation”.

2) Email completed form to or fax to 651-632-8709

  1. Email is preferred
  2. If using email, no signature is needed as long as the email includes name and email address of the sender.

3) Call the Independent Entity at 651-632-8708 to verify receipt.

Revised 04/04/08