NESA Board of Trustees Evaluation Instrument

Part I. Rate the degree to which the Board performs each element of the seven indicators of an effective Board of Trustees:


3To a great degree



Indicator / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / I don't know / Comments
1. The Board effectively performs its roles and fulfills its responsibilities of both governance and leadership.
a. The Board governs in a manner that balances taking care of immediate and routine matters with strategic thinking and decision making.
b. Board members are aware of and the Board abides by the NAIS Principles of Good Practice ( for Boards of Trustees and for Individual Board members.
c. The Board focuses on strategic policy issues, leaving the operational matters to the Head.
d. The Board regularly reviews its policies, ensuring they are current and aligned with the school's mission.
e. The Board supports the work of the Head, neither "micromanaging" or "rubber stamping".
f. Board officers, especially the chair/president, fulfill their roles as leaders of the Board.
2. The Board consistently meets its fiduciary obligations.
a. The Board effectively manages risks that may impact the school through good strategic decisions.
b. The Board interprets and acts on the annual financial audit in the best interest of the school.
c. Board members understand, have signed, and abide by the Conflict of Interest Policy.
d. The Board deals effectively with legal issues, making decisions that prevent problems and, when necessary, quickly resolving them.
e. The Board understands and has reviewed the school’s crisis response preparedness.
f. Relations with the community are healthy.
g. Board members adhere to the Board’s statement of ethics, especially re: confidentiality.
h. The Board receives adequate reports, and exercises appropriate oversight to insure that it fulfills its responsibilities as stewards of the school.
3. The Board builds and sustains its own membership.
a. The current Board structure (size; how constituted; how selected) meets the needs of the school.
b. Board members are identified, recruited, selected, and inducted (with effective
orientation) in light of the current needs of the school and with conscious reference to the school's mission, vision, and values.
c. The Board appraisal process is effective in enhancing the performance of the Board.
d. The Board participates in high quality effective professional development that enhances its ability to work together effectively and efficiently.
e. Board members abide by policies and agreed upon norms of behavior; if a board member deviates from those expectations, the situation is resolved effectively and respectfully.
4. The Board builds and sustains the school's leadership.
a. The Board supports the Head through demonstrating respect for his/her role, backing his/her professional development, and publicly stating its support of him/her.
b. The Board evaluates the Head's performance annually based on his/her job description and annual board-approved goals.
c. The Chair and Board maintain a close supportive relationship with the Head; the strength of that relationship is evident..
d. The Board has clear and comprehensive "Guidelines for a Head Search" prepared. [Note: if a Head Search was undertaken, a separate appraisal of the process has been undertaken and documented]
5. The Board conducts its business in an effective, efficient manner, consistent with the school's mission, vision, and values.
a. Board meetings are productive and collaborative, as evident in meeting artifacts (agendas, reports, minutes, etc.) and a positive "atmosphere" at meetings.
b. The Board utilizes committees and task forces effectively and efficiently to support the work of the Board.
c. Guidelines for between-meeting Board member behavior are clear and adhered to.
d. Decision making by the Board is done carefully, thoroughly, collaboratively, in a timely manner, consistent with the NAIS Principles of Good Practice for Boards and Individual Trustees, and in alignment with the school's mission, vision, and values.
e. The Board has a written Code of Ethics consistent with the school's mission, vision, and values; it is understood and adhered to by all members.
f. The norms of Board operations established by mutual agreement at the beginning of the year are followed consistently.
6. The Board establishes and sustains a strategic direction for the school.
a. The Board has explicitly affirmed the school's foundation documents (e.g. mission, vision, values) and consistently demonstrates a commitment to them in its discussion and decision making.
b. The Board has and utilizes a relevant mid- to long-term strategic plan in its discussions and decision making.
c. The Board has and utilizes a relevant mid- to long-term financial plan in its discussions and decision making.
d. The Board has and utilizes a relevant mid- to long-term facilities plan in its discussions and decision making.
e. The Board consistently practices strategic thinking, thereby leading to better governance.
f. The Board periodically employs the generative mode of governance effectively and usefully.
g. The Board and administration employ change management strategies that facilitate successful implementation of changes is school structure and operations.
7. The Board monitors progress and success in regards to fulfilling the school's mission, vision, values, educational objectives, and strategic intent.
a. The Board measures its own performance against the NAIS Principles of Good Practice and identified goals (see Part II).
b. The Board insures that the school's selectedperformance areas are aligned with the mission, vision, and values.
c. The Board utilizes relevantperformance indicators, measured over time, to inform its decision making.
d. The Board recognizes, communicates, and celebrates school success.

Part II. Fill-in the first column with specific Board Goals for the year and then rate the degree to which the Board achieved those goals.


3To a great degree


1 Inadequately

Board Goal for the Year / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Comments