NeprisPresentation: TeamCommunicationandDifficultConversations
Presenter: ElyseHaines, MarketingManageratTrueSenseMarketing
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KeyQuestions/ Outline
How can a student team complete a project in a few weeks to a few months go through the stages of team development more quickly and reach peak performance?
The stages of team development (from class PPT) are:
1.Intheformingstage (months 1 and 2), teammembersfocusongainingacceptanceandavoidingconflict. Insomeways, thisstageisahoneymoonperiodinwhichteammembersgettoknowoneanother.
2.Inthestormingstage (months 2 and 3), teammembersopenupwiththeircompetingideasabouthowtheteamshouldapproachwork. Thisstageistypicallytheleastproductive, sinceteammembersareattemptingtomakesenseofuncertainroles, goals, andaccountabilities.
3.Inthenormingstage (months 4 and 5), theteamarrivesataworkplan, includingtheroles, goals, andaccountabilities.
4.Intheperformingstage (months 6 and 7), teamsoperateefficientlytowardaccomplishingtheirgoals. Theyhaveevolvedtoalevelwheretheycantransformdisagreementandconflictintoconsensusforfutureaction.
Tips to develop faster:
- Norming should happen immediately after forming
- Optimal group size is 5-8 people
- 2D diversity
- Inherent diversity: “census” diversity
- Acquired diversity: “experience” diversity
- Acquired diversity is more important for group success
- Don’t expect to pick your team
In what ways can teams form a common sense of purpose?
- A group should never be created unless there is a common goal, which naturally lends to a common sense of purpose
- The purpose doesn’t have to be deep or philosophical
- The purpose should be specific
- Keepsyouontime
- Keepsthediscussionontrack
- Focuses on the bigger or more timely issues
- Providesatemplatefortaskdistributionandfollowup
- Buildrealrelationships through rapport
- Workonthesametechnology systems
- Prioritize meetings
- In-person visits are very helpful
- Agreeonanoutline, thendividethebulletpointsfor expansion
- Haveonepersondothefinalversioninaconsistentvoiceandstyleofwriting
- Buildadeadlineschedulebackwardsfromyourultimateduedate
Componentsofadifficultconversation (from class PPT):
- Startwell/declareyourintent.
- Listentotheirstory.
- Tellyourstory.
- Createasharedstory.
- Additional step from presenter: determine anactionabletake-awayforoneorbothparties.
Tips for difficult conversations:
- Donotevertalkaboutsomeonebehindtheirbackbeforeyousayittotheirface.
- Bedirect, butbehumble.
- Don’tbeafraidtoapologize.